Tuesday, December 24, 2013

True Meaning of Christmas

Hearing some of the commercials are driving me nuts.Annoyed

I’m not talking about those commercials that tells you to buy buy buy buy for the person you love love love. But the ones that concludes that Christmas is not about buying presents, that the true meaning of Christmas is to ‘spend time with your family’ or ‘to give and to share your love with others’ (usually those are the charity commercial and asks you to donate $$).

Yeah, the true meaning of Christmas is definitely about buying and sales that’s right. But it’s not about those pseudo meanings either. Yes, those sounds so legit with a good message and all that but it’s still not the ‘true’ meaning.

Correct me if I’m wrong here and maybe I’m mistaken but I thought that Christmas is about the birth of Christ.

They are wrong and they sounds like they _know_ that’s the true meaning and to tell the audience a matter-of-factly the wrong concept.

I wonder how many ppl who does not know the story of Christ would actually be misled by these commercials and how many ppl how kinda know the story of Christ but a believer nor very religious would slowly get assimilated into this ‘It’s season greetings, not merry Christmas’ culture.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Last Day

Last official working day for me for the year!In love

I’m sure I need to do some work at home over the break tho. And I don’t actually want to take time off. Want to save up the vacation days but 無奈 daycare is closed for two week. Someone’s gotta be home for the little guy so I’m doing the first half and 詹占's taking the 2nd half, with some overlapping family time in the middle.

Have been super busy at work lately. There’s always crunch time from time to time. That’s the way it is and I don’t complain. Kinda like having work lining up for me to do. Better busy than playing with my fingers over the week and then don’t know how to charge my time at the end of the week.

Also a bit of an earthquake at work. Ever since a few of the managers of our team have left, there has been no replacement and another junior/intermediate also left and there’s also no replacement. And now, our team leader is leaving as well!! When we got the news last week, everyone 'O’ 哂咀. It feels like watching the team slowly withers away.

There’s also the worry that my direct supervisor will leave somehow cos he’s quite close to the team lead. If he goes, then 我就無得 do cos no one’s going to get projects for me no more. But luckily, he kinda reassured me that he’s not leaving (not yet anyway), altho I’m not so sure how true that is.

I honestly have no plan to leave any time soon. Not that I have any loyalty to this mega, impersonal company but I just don’t think my time here is up yet. So I hope that my super is not leaving any time soon and if he does, I hope that he’ll take me with him (cos I really enjoy working with him. It was he who brought me in this company in the first place.).

And again, there’s no replacement, at least not yet. They have divided our group into three little group, each reporting to some other manager for now. The problem of this _publicly traded_ company (as they always stressed) is that they are not willing to pay big bucks. They want someone senior. They want someone good. They want someone who can fit into this company. But if they are not willing to pay, why on earth would these wonderfully qualified persons want to come over? Pay a little bit less freaking dividend to the shareholder and take a tiny dip of in share value and use those $$ to hire someone good man. Isn’t that better for the long run???Disappointed smile

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

I’m the Boss!


小J: No talk!


小J: No talk! I am eating.


(btw, 小Jjust started to speak in full sentence sometimes about a week ago.)

Thursday, November 21, 2013



er… 其實唔係好想同佢出去囉,第一,我想慳錢;第二,更重要的是,出到去,佢就成日喺咁拎住部手機按按按,有時無 message 要覆佢可以喺度打機。妖,去死啦,咁你自己一條友出去食咪得囉,有手機陪你咪得囉,叫我出去做乜?

其實唔止係佢,其他的朋友有D都係咁,以前的就是會係咁猛 flip D無聊 magazine, 而家的就是玩手機,再唔係就係望住個電視發呆。好討厭。Annoyed

亦都好討厭差唔多每間食肆而家都裝上唔止一個既電視,想搵個睇唔到電視既角落 is almost impossible. 明明無電視係唔會死架喎,但一有呢,D人對眼同個靈魂就好似不受控制咁被攝咗入去。

當然,電視有佢既好處,當你同一個你唔係好想同佢講嘢又或者冇乜嘢講既人出去,咁咪打正牌唔駛講嘢,唔使搵話題,又唔怕 dead air 囉。

咁係咪啫係話我就係嗰個人家唔想同佢講嘢既人?!Confused smile

Then again, 妖!咁你唔好搵我出去啦。Annoyed

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


再想想自己裂了骨都可以起身繼續踩單返工,放工又可以踩多廿K返屋企,雖然痛係咁哎呀,但都覺得自己好強。Sarcastic smile




Tuesday, November 19, 2013




是報應嗎?! XD

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Time to update my health situation a bit.

作死!Disappointed smile

星期一終於去咗睇醫生,佢叫我去照 x-ray, which was kinda expected but what I really wanted is a MRI cos I don’t think my bone has any problem. I was more worried about my 筋 than my bones.

But doc probably knows best so I went to get my x-ray done. My doc is a bit of a joker with a sense of humor that shouldn’t be present in a doctor cos sometimes I don’t know if I believe him or not. Last time I visit him about my head he told me that his wife was 8-month pregnant and he only found out the week before. And then he told me that he was just joking when I said how on earth could he not notice sooner.

Anyway, so yesterday when I went to the doc, I actually hope that he wasn’t around so that I would get seen by a resident instead cos I know he’s going to mock me falling off the bike again. Unfortunately, he was there but actually, he’s a very good doctor so besides getting laughed at, I wasn’t actually that upset that he’s there.

When I got the x-ray back, he told me to go in and said to me

“You’ve broken your bone.”
"Noooo. I didn’t".”
"Yes, you did.”
"Nooo, I don’t believe you.”  (I was really convinced that my bones were fine.)
"You don’t believe me. I will show you. Let’s look at the x-ray together.”

That’s how much I don’t know when the doc is joking and when he’s actually telling the truth.Confused smile

Sure enough, I have a fracture in my radius. And it looks like a bigger one than the one I’ve done a few years back.Confused smile Luckily there’s no displacement. No need for a cast. Only a sling for now. Have been referred to the fracture clinic to follow up. Doubt that they will say/do much other than telling me not to use that arm, rest more and takes about 6-8 weeks to recover. Nothing that I don’t know already.

Well… at least the doc doesn’t seem to think that there’s anything wrong with my ligament or tendons. So, a little cracked on the bone sounds like a good news to me. Actually, the doc didn’t even check those. So I asked and he just kinda brushed it away so I didn’t pursue any further but to assume that the doc knows better.

Appointment is tmr. Good luck to me.Fingers crossed


Don’t wanna fight for it anymore, especially when you are fighting on your own. Well… I don’t think that I’m actually alone in the fight but I certainly feel that way.

Giving up part of it already a while ago. Already put in less effort in certain area. Less effort –> less expectation –> less disappointment. That’s my logic anyway.

I also naively hoped that someone else would pick up the hole that’s left behind when I put in less effort. But no, nothing happened. Nobody filled the gap. Maybe nobody has noticed the hole or maybe they noticed but don’t care enough to do anything about it. Maybe I’m the only one who think that the hole is of any significance. Maybe the hole is not as important as I thought. In any case, if nobody else cares about the hole, why should I? It justifies my decision of not spending any more of my time and effort to fill up this hole.

Haven’t been this depressed for a long time. Maybe the problem has existed for a while but life has been so caught up by various other obligations that needs to be fulfilled that prevents me from thinking about it. A relatively minor thing triggered my thought yesterday and I have been thinking about this since.

Maybe that’s why so many ppl fill their schedules up so much that they don’t have time to think about things like that. But isn’t that self-deception? Isn’t it just a way of running away?


我想我會 stick it out  吧,at least for now, 明天會更好吧。

Monday, November 11, 2013





自己都覺得有D恐怖...Disappointed smileWell… 睇相無咁恐怖,真實的是,成隻手踭加附近前臂同手臂360度都係瘀既顏色。

恐怖既原因係因為受傷既過程無撞到手踭,所以唔係撞到咁瘀,而係內傷,I think I must have torn some blood vessels inside in the process, probably hyper-extending my joint as suggested by 詹占,瘀血積聚咗係入面,變咗瘀血。

I am worried that I might have injured some ligament or tendon or something like that… reminds me of my knee… I hope 唔係又搞到斷筋咁大鑊。嗰時斷筋個膝頭都無咁瘀法...

Well… actually my elbow’s range of motion has restored a bit and I can move my wrist a bit more as well now that the swelling has somewhat subsided. But then, if the elbow’s mechanism is similar to the knee, then 就算斷了筋隻手都會郁到,唔去照吓野唔會知道。Well… another way to know is if I so certain things in the future, say, putting weight on the joint at a certain angle, then the joint will be unstable.


Friday, November 8, 2013




尋晚放工,考慮咗好耐,還是決定踩車返歸,是慢動作踩嗰隻,右手都係做吓樣咁放喺個 handlebar 上,轉吓 gear 都OK,brake 就完全唔得。

每一次遇到 bump (which happens A LOT in TO’s road condition), 每 dun 一下,就痛一下,我就喺車上叫一下哎喲,好彩我踩的是HOV lane, 所以唔多車,尚算安全。

發現唔踩 valley 直踩馬路番去短咗5km! 但都 dun 咗21km 先返到屋企。

瞓咗一覺,算係好咗少少,起碼手腕某程度上可以郁吓。但今朝都係唯有搭火車巴士返工。很討厭Baring teeth smile,搭 transit 仲耐過踩車,白痴的 transit system!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Crash Again!?

What the heck. 又炒車。



但由於出事地點在叫天不應,叫地不聞的 valley 內(ya…. cycling in the valley to avoid the road after my last incident but still … 出事), 加上不太嚴重,休息數分鐘後繼續上路,don’t think that it was as bad as that time I cracked my bone but I definitely couldn’t put much weight on the arm and I can’t exert force to squeeze the brake. Can’t rotate my forearm… 我諗係扭傷.

Didn’t go to doc this time… well… at least not yet.

I had trouble taking clothes off for shower when I arrived at the office. I managed to do it but it was tough and with lots of moaning and groaning. Going to washroom I need to allow myself extra time. Can’t leave it till last minute.

Working wasn’t too bad. I can type on the keyboard without too much problem as long as my hand stays relatively stationary (ie. not to make too many typing mistakes that I need to hit the backspace too often).

I hope that it’s just a spring of something in my elbow and wrist. 詹占 worries that I might have dislocated something or broken something again but I don’t think so. Everything seems to be in place, just swollen up a bit.

I actually felt a bit better after arriving work and had a shower but as the day went by, my arm became stuff and maybe bcos the swelling settled in, I can hardly move my arm without causing pain.

I have been much more careful when cycling this week but still… sigh… not to mention that I was very closed to being hit by a car on Tuesday. Totally that guy’s fault. It’s not like he didn’t know my existence. He raced to turn into the small road before me (we were travelling in opposite directions) while I have the right-of-way (I was turning right). In fact, I was turning already when he turned left into the road. So ok that’s fine, he made it. But then he totally cut me off by turning right into the driveway right after his left turn with me right on his tail! If I hadn’t braked I would have got hit already… As 小笨's PT said, cycling in TO is dangerous cos drivers are oblivious about cyclists.

Maybe God’s telling me to stop cycling.

Periodic Table

話說有一晚,已經瞓咗上床,都差唔多瞓著,有人無啦啦問: atom D electrons 第一層有兩粒,第二層有八粒,第三層有幾多粒?

嘩,一時間真係俾佢考起!十世冇掂過 chemistry 啦,點鬼記得?!


跟住神奇的事就發生了,我哋無啦啦一起數 periodic table 入面頭二十個 elements, 由於歷史久遠,大家都唔係好記得,數咗好耐先數完,仲要係好唔肯定。數完既時候就大家都安心瞓覺。

人家數綿羊瞓,我家數 elements, 係咪好 educational?好 sophisticated?好 nerdy 呢?Be right back

Tuesday, November 5, 2013



So happy! Open-mouthed smile

話說我做黎做去醫生教我的 epley 都無幫助,於是我就照醫生之前說的上 u2b 找其他的 epley maneuver 做做,我做的那個既過程很難受,因為超暈,做咗兩次我就暈到想嘔。

但付出的代價是值得的,因為第二日就好神奇的好番咗,我初初都唔係好覺,喺公司度勁 fing 頭 test 吓,其他人一定以為我做到痴咗,咁我勁 fing 都無事,我就走咗去 sick room 度試一試瞓底,都無事,我開心死Open-mouthed smile,勁想喺公司跑步!

當晚即刻迫詹占幫我 fix 番架車,第二朝我就 back on the bike 喇!勁爽,雖然超爆攰,因為搬咗 office 之後既路程遠咗,加上超凍,有點哮喘的感覺,但超開心喲!Rolling on the floor laughing終於都可以自由咁郁動。

但好景不常,兩日之後無啦啦又暈番,好彩嗰人本來就諗住攞假唔返工,咁係屋企就嗱嗱林又做下 d exercise, 之後又好似好番,到而家都無事。

今日又踩車喇,超 out of shape. 無奈。Sad smile

我諗我係好番哂架喇,都無再復發,可以嗰日攰得滯啫。Fingers crossed

要好好把握踩車機會喇,呢排D氣溫越黎越凍,the riding season is going to end soon.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Office Move

In a bid to save more money to make the stock price looks better (hate stock market Steaming mad), the two Markham offices has merged together last week.

There has been talks about the move for a long time, that it was going to happen but it kept getting delayed.

Finally happened. Our cubicles are now much smaller but I’m not complaining about that cos most of the manager don’t even have an office anymore.

I miss my window tho. Altho the good thing abt it is that the sun won’t shine right into my eyes in the afternoon anymore (more on this later).

Since they needed to move our old cubicles to the new place, everyone got moved into the vacant offices during the transition, which lasted for about a month. It was nice to have our own rooms but I hated the temperature in my room. It’s freezing cold in the morning and if it’s a sunny day, then boiling hot in the afternoon (西斜呀...).Confused smile So hot that sometimes I need to change into my cycling shorts. And the sun shine right into my eyes starting at around 3pm and it starts earlier and earlier as fall and winter approach.

But as I said, our new cubicles are much smaller than our old ones so the fact that they put us all in spacious office rooms in the transition period is like giving us heaven and then slamming us back to hell.

The new place is all open concept like a cubicle farm. Some of my colleagues refer to them as the chicken coop. It’s actually not that bad, except the fact the all the managers are seated at the back of each row and hence can see everyone’s computer with one quick peek and that makes my life a lot harder. I rely on office hours to do quite a bit of my church work and taking this away I’m afraid that my sleep time will further diminish. Crying face

And storage space is highly limited but luckily, I hardly store any hard copies. I store most of my stuff digitally cos I lose paper all the time. But for some other ppl, they had to throw a lot of their ‘precious’  away.

Lots of bad things about the new office. For instance, there’s no more social events cos there’s no space to hold everybody. Printing is also a pain in the butt cos we have to submit or request (for large plots) online now and to have someone print them and bring them back to our desk. We used to be able to just send the document to print and go get them ourselves. We are still able to print regular size stuff but only B&W printer on my floor. Color printer is on the other floor; Going to washroom has to leave the ‘secured’ area so that we have to carry our passes with us just to go to washroom; Hot water is dispensed at one certain volume only so if you cup/mug is not a multiple of the volume, then you can’t get your cup/mug filled without overflowing; no more flavoured tea and hot chocolate available; no more underground parking – have to walk through the cold in the winter to get into the building; can hear all the phone calls that different managers were on all the time – very loud and distracting sometimes; sitting right in front of my supervisor so he’ll know if I arrive work late or leave  early; longer commute by transit etc etc.

But I also start to appreciate some of the stuff that the new office building has to offer: the close proximity with my supervisor (right behind me) means that if I need to talk to him, I know exactly when he’s at his desk and all I need to do is just to turn my head around; the shower facility is part of a gym operated by the building management(certain ppl get access to the shower and I’m one of them) is much nicer then the old place. Even provides towel service and as far as I can tell, there’s really nothing that stops me from using the gym itself since I have access to the shower and the shower connects to the gym. I guess the only thing that will stop me is my business and my laziness; Two microwaves on my floor – no need to go to the other floor like I used to and there’s hardly ever a lineup; lots of choices for food if I need to eat out; slightly closer to daycare and hence less stress on getting there on time.

Well… there’s nothing I can do. Upper management decided to move office, me small potato can only go with the flow and try to make the best of things.Thinking smile

Monday, October 28, 2013

Junk Emails

Receive a lot of those every week to my work email account. I mean, not A LOT, not enough to be annoying.

And the main source of these junk mail is my very company itself. What the heck, talking about utility and efficiency all the time while sending all these junk mails to everyone every week.

You may ask, what kind of junk mail could a company possibly send to its employees?Disappointed smile

  • XXX World Weekly
  • Corporate Communications
  • America News
  • Environment News (of the environmental business line that I am part of)
  • Regional News
  • The One (which thank goodness, seems to have stopped recently)
  • Technical Practice Network upcoming webinars
  • Any announcement from the various upper management whom I don’t even know they exist both before and after the email
  • New hire announcement (of the whole GTA area, including at least 3-4 other offices that I have absolutely no contact/relation to)

XXX stands for the name of the company.

Another ridiculous one recently is something called Chatter. The company automatically signed us up on this stupid thing, which is basically some sort of chatting system across the company to ‘encourage’ collaborating and communication and information sharing across the company. Stupid! Don’t we already have an online forum on the company’s intranet to do just that??? The even stupider thing is that the auto-signup also signed us up for a daily and weekly digest so all of a sudden, there’s yet another junk email to my mailbox everyday. Luckily, there’s an unsubscribe option to which once I realized that it existed, I opted-out with lightning speed.

Honestly, it’s so retarded. It is as if the IT department does not communicate with each other and independently developed all these duplicated programs and policies and 梗硬 imposed them on us.

Most of those corporate news honestly has nothing to do with me and even my team. It usually talks abt all these projected that the company won in the various office which is so far away from my location that it doesn’t remotely affect me, especially because I don’t buy my company’s stock.

And all of the above doesn’t even include the various fundraising events that’s going on in my office. There’s this United Way fundraising every year and we got bombarded by the organizer of this fundraising event and related personnel on all kinds of things they are doing to fundraise – pizza sale, chocolate sale, candy guess contest, 50-50 draw etc etc etc. Almost every freaking day.Annoyed

Together with all those internal publication, which you should see, they are seriously 圖文並茂,I wonder how many people are involved in all these and how much time they’ve spent doing all these in total.

TALK TO ME ABOUT UTILITY. Go away and stop bothering me! Steaming mad

Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Death of Mark Darcy

They killed him in the 3rd book of the Bridget Jones series.

I can’t believe it.Disappointed smile

Well… first, I didn’t know that there was gonna be a 3rd book.

Second, I didn’t want Darcy to die.Crying face

He’s the whole reason I liked the movie and actually read the first book.

I am sad and upset and I am sure there’re a lot of us feeling the same out there.

I understand why the author had to do that cos there isn’t much to write about if Bridget and Darcy are just happily ever after. In a way, it is “necessary” to kill him to shake things up a bit.

But… it’s Darcy… The perfect guy… who would love Bridget “just the way you are”. And now he’s dead…

I think I need to watch the movie again to mourn for the loss.

In another sense tho, I guess he’ll remain the perfect guy forever now that he’s dead.

Friday, October 18, 2013

腦震盪 Update

Getting 小笨's msg reminded me that I’ve forgotten to give an update of my health.


Doc said that I’ve got BPPV – Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. I looked it up later, it is a condition that can be triggered by post head injury.

Looking it up in wiki, I got most of the classic symptoms. And doc also told me that there shouldn’t be anything seriously wrong inside my skull like internal bleeding or anything cos he said even if it’s a very very small drip, it would be in a lot of trouble now that it was the 10th day. He also tested me on other very simple things to make sure that my brain has no problem.

OK la, no bad news. And the doc instructed me on something called Epley maneuver that is supposed to help to dislodge the ‘rock’ in my inner ear (if you want to know what I mean, check out the wiki site). Unfortunately, this is not a magic maneuver because when I asked the doc when I would be ‘fixed’, his answer, tho not surprising, was that ‘This is a very good question.’ and there is no definite answer to it. Basically, I’m fixed whenever the ‘rock’ decides to get loose.

Oh well… there’s also no guide on how many times and how often I am to do those maneuver. I don’t like this cos I’m a number person. I like to have guidelines to follow. I’d like to know the number of times to do those maneuvers and I’d like the doc to be able to tell me that after 5 days of doing these maneuvers 4 times a day, 20 reps every time, the rock will be dislodged.

Not the case tho. Sigh… I want to get back on my bike before winter strikes… I can feel my belly, butt and thighs are getting bigger and floppier each and everyday that I sit idling in my office. Sad smile


A news I read about the other day. Don’t know how long the link would be active but here it is:

Basically, it talks about how the supermarket packages fruits and vegetables for sale as packages, as opposed to letting them loose and ppl just pick whichever amount they want to buy.

Seriously, not just HK, same problem in 多人多。我個人覺得唐人超市既情況比較嚴重,雖然我其實唔係成日去唐人超市買餸,但去親大X華都會見到蔬果包膠,當然無個 article 講話逐條蕉搣開黎包咁誇張,但包膠既情況都普遍到我見到都唔覺得有乜特別既地步。

但俾個 new 提一提,又真係好唔環保,真係 produces a lot of waste 架喎。

The store manager’s defence is that the wrap/packaging protects the food from getting handled too much by the customers and hence less wastage of food. I guess it’s a sorta valid reason but I am not sure if this alone is a good enough justification for generating all these garbage.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

“I can’t afford to lose you”

有人對我說這句話,是我在行 trail 的時候有少許失足,差點點跌落小斜坡的情況下說的。

如果係某人講,會很甜心囉,尤其是近期在 '看' Hunger Games, (if you haven’t seen the movie and don’t know what it’s abt, it’s basically a game of killing every competitor and be the last one standing to survive. And the lead male and female characters are in love, well… not so much the girl but the guy was. Anyway, they were trying to keep each other alive),滿腦子都是 "我不能失去你","我沒有你活不下去" 的法。所以一聽到一句這樣的說話,我心裡想的就是情人在生死關頭既苦又甜的對話,可是...


老細 Confused smile

我哋星期二很罕有地一起出 site visit, I didn’t expect that we had to walk around the site and along the creek and such, 由於我仲係暈吓暈吓,行行吓少少踏空,失少少平衡, my boss, walking right behind, 就說說笑的說了這句窩心的說話,but he’s the wrong person to say that to me la. Imagine if it’s 子華,呵呵呵,真係會開心到三日三夜都瞓唔著!In love

雖然係老細講出,但都是一件好事,at least I know that I am not in any immediate danger of getting fired。See? So many ppl love me!! 呵呵呵呵!真的是人見人愛,車見車載!Be right back wahahahahaha…

Friday, October 11, 2013

Audio Book

Finally borrowed my first audio book ever from the library.

Not that I wanted to be lazy, but there is no ‘normal’ version of the ebook available. I was surprised cos it’s the Hunger Games that I’m ‘reading’. I thought that they would have the ‘normal’ version for such a popular book.

I have actually wanted to read it since it became popular because of the movie. I haven’t seen the movie myself but I wanted to read the book. I have been waiting for the ‘normal’ version of the ebook to come out but after more than a few month or even almost a year (?), there’s no signs that it will ever happen so I gave in.

I have been driving to work recently due to my concussion. And I will continue to drive most of the time as winter approaches. I have been listening to this standup radio station recently but I do actually feel like it’s ‘dumbening’ me by listening to that station too much cos quite a lot of the times, they are talking about getting high or getting drunk and some other times, it’s just some angry act that I don’t find funny at all. I also find that there is too much swearing sometimes. Of course there’re funny bits as well but I feel like I shouldn’t listen to it too much.

The news station annoys me sometimes cos it repeats its news multiple times during my commute and they also spend a lot of time talking about the financial market and the sports news which I don’t care at all. The music station is also too much sexy and swearing and I’m too old for that kind of music anyway. Most of the time I can’t appreciate it.

詹占 has been on this audio book thing for almost a year already and he has been telling me to try it. I resisted for a long time cos I feel like it’s cheating cos I’m not actually reading it. Also, I personally think that there’s something extra to read a book yourself cos you have imagine things your ways, you interpret things your own ways, whereas in an audio book, tho not as bad as watching a movie, the ‘reader’/'narrator' does interpret the dialog somewhat by doing voices so I personally think that it takes away a tiny bit away from the imagination room.

But than, I gave in this times cos there is not an alternative (I’m afraid of bedbugs from the library books now since 小笨 told me about it and that I actually saw that on the news the other day). I guess another alternative is to actually go buy the book but unless it’s a very good book, I don’t buy books anymore. There’s simply no space in our house these days and I rarely re-read books anyway. Plus to ‘read’ a book during commute isn’t a bad idea. Feels like a better use of my time than to listen to stupid comics swearing away.

So far, my experience with the audio book is pretty good. The pace is right for my listening. I was a bit weary about the reader reads too fast cos I wouldn’t say that my listening is very good. I like to turn on subtitles when I watch TV/movies whenever possible. Maybe bcos it’s actually a teen book so most of the vocab is not too difficult. And the book itself is pretty good as well. Quite exciting so far. Well… I haven’t even actually gotten to the actual “game’ part yet. Almost there. But it’s already quite exciting.

I also found myself liking quite a few of the teens books. Twilight series, the Abhersen Trilogy (this is really good. If you like fantasy, you should read this.) Maybe that’s how far my English level is. Embarrassed smile

Anyway, I now agree with what so many ppl has told me before, that audio books are great for commuting, especially if you are driving. If I’m taking a bus, I may still opt for an actual ‘readable’ book but for some, it’s not possible cos they get dizzy reading on the bus/train. Audio book is recommended. Smile


What’s your answer?

Picture 1 is panda. Picture 2 is red panda. Picture 3 is raccoon. 但橫睇掂睇,都覺得 red panda 似 raccoon 多過似 panda.Disappointed smile

What do you think??

Thursday, October 10, 2013


That’s the name of a short film that 子華 made and was shown during his last show 洗燥。Actually, I think this is one of the few things of the show that actually 同洗燥貼題.

I’m having this post because he’s going to post this film on fb (I think it’s fb) so that ppl who didn’t go to his show can see it as well. It’s gonna be on Oct 15!

I love the fact that 劉青雲 and 黎耀祥 were 客串 in the film, especially黎耀祥 cos I didn’t know that they are friends. Kinda surprised to see him shows up in the film.

The thing I don’t like about the film is how the lady who’s supposed to be the fiancee ran away when he’s in trouble and how she comes back when he became the ‘hero’ (and it’s such a short term thing too this hero. If it’s real life, ppl will have forgotten about him within a week). 這樣能共富貴,不能共患難的女人,值得你去娶嗎??

But anyway, the film is going to be made available soon. Don’t miss it!! Open-mouthed smile

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Bad Combo

The fact that I 腦震盪 so that I can’t cycle/exercise these days is really not helping with my fatness issue.

So for now, the only strategy is to eat less, which is impossible for me to do since I like eating too much.

Bad situation to be in.


Tuesday, October 8, 2013






第一次是那些年返暑期工俾車撞,其實是我錯,當然揸車嗰個都有少少錯,但主要都係我唔啱。嗰次撞到成個人碌左上人哋架車既車頭蓋再碌番落地,成個成龍咁,不過可能因為咁碌吓碌吓,缷咗D力,加上架車係轉彎,行得好慢,所以唔係好傷,不過有途人call 警察,so at the end, 個警察車埋我返工,亦都係我人生第一次坐警車,hopefully 會係唯一一次。


今次發生得好快,因為行車既速度比上兩次炒時快,係鈎到路邊突咗出黎既網,我都唔知自己係點落地,只知道好暈好痛,同埋知道自己跌咗喺條頗多車既屎加補馬路度,唔快D走開真係會俾車撞瓜,所以唔理暈同痛,好努力好拼命咁喺半睇唔到嘢既狀態下爬上 sidewalk,而家諗番轉頭覺得好有傷兵逃命既感覺,真旳是 mind over body,因為一上到 sidewalk 就不行了,天旋地轉,下意識的除下頭盔就躺下,摸到個頭起咗個大瘤,後來就好似半個 baseball 喺個頭度突咗出黎咁大。

不過當時都無乜諗,仲諗住訓喺度一下,好少少既時候快D去執番架單車上 sidewalk (單車仍在路中心,因為我當時真的只能拖著自己的身軀上 sidewalk),跟住再好D既時候就可以 continue my journey (I was on my way to church and I was almost there).

點知好似訓咗一陣(我諗幾分鐘)都仲冇乜好轉,好彩跟住有3個 good Samaritans 出現,有人識得急救,雖然佢無乜做D乜,但就做D簡單嘢keep me conscious and keep me engaged, 有人call 白車。其實我唔係真係諗住要上白車,不過個頭個瘤真係幾勁,而我又真係唔係好郁得,有救護人員 check 吓安全D。後尾仲有一個 Samaritan 出現,有趣的是,none of them saw what happened. They all thought that it was weird that nobody was helping. And another interesting thing is that they were all non-Chinese! haha…

Anyway, 白車黎咗,Dgood Samaritans 就走咗,救護人員check 吓我,覺得我都OK,他們OK的意思是我未死得,未有立時性既生命急險,不過因為我撞到頭要去醫院 check 吓,佢話要去醫院既時候我真係唔係好想去,因為我最憎急症室,由於我未死得,咁即係代表要去嗰度坐幾粒鐘。不過我個頭個瘤真的有點點大,所以我都唯有同意,佢哋抶我起身既時候,我仲係暈到如果佢哋無抶住我,我已經跌番落哋,所以我更加覺得我應該去檢查一吓好D,上咗白車,開車無耐,突然有一嘢天旋地轉,直情係視線範圍D嘢扭曲,warp咗,同埋我覺得自己係跌低,但其實係因為個頭入面D嘢轉令我覺得自己跌緊,真係從來都未試過咁既感覺,嗰一嘢真係以為自己跌而 brace 住身邊既嘢,跟住嗰個天旋地轉好快就停咗,但就換黎一點點冷汗。

之後,都無乜嘢,坐烈火戰車去急症室,然後就是如我所料的等等等,不過我唔敢週身郁囉,因為我仲係暈暈哋,我驚郁動太大又天旋地轉,所以又係齋坐。等左大概兩個鐘(算快囉今次!)不過睇同唔睇都無乜分別,醫生見我又無嘔又無vision impairment, 過程之中又無完全失去知覺,佢見我行得坐得,講野又有文有路,唔建議照CT因為幅射頗多,so 就係叫我屋企人接我返屋企,俾咗張紙話有乜要留意,如果有任何列出的徵兆要立刻返醫院。即係話我等咗兩個幾鐘就係為咗嗰張 list…


喺醫院坐既時候,自我檢查一下身上既其他傷勢,無大礙,手踭擦損少許,背脊擦損少許,大脾少少瘀,無乜其他問題,最心痛是我的 gortex 防水外套喺背脊度穿咗個唔細既洞,仲點防水??好貴架嘛,心痛死。

今日已經係第4日喇,我雖然好咗好多,但都仲係暈暈哋,個頭一郁得快D就頭暈暈。There had been 2-3 more episode of 天旋地轉. One of the times was when I tried to lie down to sleep that night, the whole room was spinning. I again felt like I was falling off the bed that I had to grab hold of the bed to ‘prevent’ myself from falling down. 我真係以為自己跌落床,不由自主地叫咗一聲哎呀。Besides the fact that the spinning attack wasn’t as severe these two days, I am also a bit more aware of it and know what to expect so when the spinning happens, I’m not as surprised.

The doc didn’t explicitly said that I had a concussion. 但 I think I’m not far from it. At least a very minor case of concussion. I looked it up online. The symptoms can last for 2-3 weeks. Does it mean that I need to spin for another 2 weeks??? I hope not.

Anyway, the bright side is 今次事件證明我暫時都未有骨質疏鬆。

And thank you to all you Samaritans!!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013



I didn’t do it on purpose. 近兩個星期喺公司都比較清閒,因為老細個老細放咗大假,咁不幸地,我老細個老豆中風,佢成日出入醫院,無時間返公司,咁就無人理我,我要做既嘢而經做哂,又無其他嘢做,正一無皇管,打大招牌偷懶。

所以呢兩個星期喺公司都好努力咁做教會嘢,catch up 返唔少。

老細個老豆上星五仲香埋,老細呢兩日話明唔返,要去打點後事,於是我今日就借D而咁話就話 work from home, 但d work 就大部分係 housework, 唔係 work work 囉。

但快樂埋今日就無架喇,老細今日 funeral, 明天一切打回原形不突止,肯定仲要出多幾錢肉緊去 catch up 返D嘢,聽日我就知死。Confused smile

不過見到老細都好辛苦,頻頻撲撲,but at least now it’s over now. My boss is a good man. Hope he and family can recover soon.


肥。Crying face


尋日一磅,大鑊!是近8至10年既新高!死得...Crying faceCrying faceCrying face


點算好?I don't know smile