尋晚放工,考慮咗好耐,還是決定踩車返歸,是慢動作踩嗰隻,右手都係做吓樣咁放喺個 handlebar 上,轉吓 gear 都OK,brake 就完全唔得。
每一次遇到 bump (which happens A LOT in TO’s road condition), 每 dun 一下,就痛一下,我就喺車上叫一下哎喲,好彩我踩的是HOV lane, 所以唔多車,尚算安全。
發現唔踩 valley 直踩馬路番去短咗5km! 但都 dun 咗21km 先返到屋企。
瞓咗一覺,算係好咗少少,起碼手腕某程度上可以郁吓。但今朝都係唯有搭火車巴士返工。很討厭,搭 transit 仲耐過踩車,白痴的 transit system!
black ice, maybe?
That's what PT always warns me about that in the morning when it's freezing cold in the night ...
Looks like a bone or something bulging out.. might want to do a check if it doesn't heal in a few days.. but not like they can do anything about it... when it's sprained muscles or twisted ankle..
年紀大骨頭脆...knee pads... elbow pads might be helpful hahaha.
But yeah uptown is definitely not bike friendly... if only the mayor will stop smoking crack and grant us bike lanes...
shouldn't be black ice. not that cold that morning.
I didn't actually hit my knee and elbow. I landed on my palm. Maybe wrist guard! haha...
U know about our crackhead mayor, too, eh? My goodness. What a moron.
He was on bbc news la... famous globally....
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