Wednesday, September 11, 2013


無同唔,雖然兩者都係有 negative 既意思,有時都可以 interchangeable, 但好多時其實都唔得。

小J就唔係好明白幾時用邊個,我都唔怪得佢,基本上,我覺得佢知道呢兩個字大概都 mean negative 我已經好老懷安慰。

無要 Disappointed smile

佢講個無字又講得唔正,好似 '毛' 字第一聲咁讀出。大佬,真係唔係好知佢講乜。

But at the same time, it seems to suggest that 小J的推理能力還可以啦:

唔 = negative
no   =     negative
無 = negative
Therefore, 唔=no=無

鼓掌!Rolling on the floor laughing

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Bye Bye Summer!

九月話咁快就到,the precious summer is behind us once again.

The ride to work this morning was already a chilly one. Had to wear the new arm sleeves and pants. Almost felt like I should have wore my head band as well cos I had a bit of a headache from the cold wind.

And days are getting shorter as well. Waking up at 6:30 this morning (ya, 小J slept in this morning) and the sun hasn’t completely risen yet (and hence added to the chilliness). Sun also starts to set at around 7:30 these days and is completely dark by 8:30, 9pm. >_<

Bye bye summer, c u next year!