Thursday, December 31, 2009

Album Update

2009-10-31: Halloween

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to everyone!

I've learned to understand enjoy Christmas more and more over the past few years. In the past, Christmas is nothing but holiday but now there's church and family and all the other stuff.

To me (in working class now), Christmas has substitute summer holiday (in the long gone old school days) cos it's the longest holiday (bcos my office closes between Christmas and New Year). Although I don't get any pay for the break but it's still nice to be off and knowing that other ppl are also off so that no one's going to call me on my cell and ask me about work stuff (which happened in my past two vacations. orz...).

The youth group that I am involved in at church had a nice little puppet show last night. It turned out quite well and the congregation liked it lots. I don't think that any of them read my blog but I still would like thank you for all the boys and girls who worked hard on the preparation and rehersals and may you all grow and mature in God's love. Amen.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Album Update

2009-10-10: Color of Autumn

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Album Update

2009-11-13 嘩眾取寵

Saturday, December 12, 2009

My dear Matlab

I feel like I am doing research in the past two weeks. Basically trying to write a program to do data fit based on a certain hypothesis.

Doing numerical analysis reminds me of the days of Matlab. Matlab is definitely the way to go in these kinds of things. I’m doing it on c# which is not as convenient as Matlab. You can plot things on the fly with Matlab which is nice for both debugging and visualization. Luckily, my company has this 3rd party charting software which makes it possible to plot my data but it’s not on the fly like Matlab does. It can probably do it on a window app basis and can hence be done on the fly but we have been using it strictly for web purposes and I don’t have the luxury to invest any time in investigating how to use it in window app.

But without a doubt, Matlab is still way more superior in numerical analysis with a lot of great built in functions and easy matrix manipulations. I never really appreciated Matlab until now. I always wonder y all the researchers are using Matlab while there’re so many other better supported software out there. Well… now I know y. Basically, it took me a few days to do something that 詹占 could do in Matlab in less than half an hour.

And again, I’m glad that we have some sort of charting ability. Otherwise, I either have to spend time finding some free app that I can integrate into my thing or export all the data in excel and chart in excel. So I guess it could be worse.

Oh… I miss Matlab. (totally forget how to write code in Matlab though...)

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Finally! Finally finished reading Psalms. Psalms is probably one of the Bible books that I dislike the most. I found it very difficult to read.

Why did I read it then? 事原係there was this Bible reading campaign in my church last year to encourage us to finish reading the Bible all the way thru in 1 yr. 起初我都跟得上, 什至一度比 recommend reading 仲要快, 漸漸地我就開始落後,但仍努力地希望能趕上,但好境不常, once I hit Psalms, 完全係停滯不前, well… 係有前既,不過係超慢囉.

But I didn’t give up. Even though it has been another yr after the campaign (and obviously, I failed in that campaign), I am still hanging on. 以比蝸牛更慢的速度去讀, and finally I am finished!!! Well… one of the reasons that it took me so long was bcos I went to read Acts instead for a little while (and actually finished it). Hrm… another reason was that I was big lazy bum law… didn’t read everyday…

I know that I don’t like Psalms even before the campaign. Well… my impression about it has improved somewhat but still, can’t say that I like it. So repetitive. Yea… I know I know… it’s supposed to be songs and stuff and in that case, it’s really not so repetitive compared to some of the Hip Hops and Raps these days. And I do found a few of them less repulsive but again… I wouldn’t say that I like to read Psalms…

In any case, 我既努力都算無白費,終於都睇哂. And I had just started Proverbs. Hopefully, it’s an easier read. Another book that I don’t really look forward to is Isaiah. I have this feeling that it’s a very boring book. I’ll see. It will be a while before I hit that book anyway.

Once again, yay for finishing Psalms!! I wonder if I’ll ever have the urge to read the whole Psalms again in my life. :P

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


好不幸,前兩個禮拜唔知點樣整親腰,係痛到頭嗰兩日朝早"din" 吓 "din"吓,就黎連床都落唔到嗰隻.

更不幸的是,喺整親腰之後既一日,星期一返完 ESL 之後,出教會門口,明明係平地,明明行得好地地,無啦啦嚴重地扭咗右腳腳踭一下,lai 嘢.


覺得自己好似個老人家,週身骨痛... >_<

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

New Computer

It’s mine and it’s not. It’s just a new work computer so I don’t own it myself but I have it all by myself. Finally got a proper desktop.

And now I have two BIG monitor as opposed to one laptop monitor (still quite) big and one regular monitor. I guess it’s not that much of a size upgrade that pleased me but the fact that now the two monitors are identical in size and can be arranged to be the same height. It makes it much easier for me to move from one monitor to another.

And I love my new keyboard and mouse. They are actually the really simple wired keyboard and wired mouse but it’s just so nice. The old one, although a wireless, supposed to be a slick one, but it was bought as a refurbished product and there were still some defects on it….. yea… so much about refurbishing it… and yeah, thanks to the old company who tries to save money by buying refurbish product. The spacebar was missing a mechanical part so it was rather hard to use and it’s the spacebar so you use it all the time which makes it ultra annoying. And there’re a few keys that occasionally gave me trouble. You press it once. It either doesn’t do anything or it gives you multiple responses. But it doesn’t happen all the time, just once in a while and then after a while, it miraculously fixes itself.

And wireless… I am not a big fan, especially bcos I only use the computer on the desk. Why do I need wireless anyway? I always have to ask the supply department for batteries which is annoying. And the batteries make the mouse so much heavier. I simply don’t like it. So now, I’m very happy with my new simple wired keyboard and mouse. Yes, the simple keyboard doesn’t have those shortcuts that are quite useful from time to time like the button to bring up the calculator. But if you ask me, I would rather have a working spacebar than the calculator.

Another thing about the new computer is that it’s fast la. I thought that the old one was a pretty gd one already but compare to this one, man, that one was slowwww. I mean, it probably wasn’t a bad machine. It just needs a format and I wasn't going to spend my leisure time doing that at my own expense. And with nothing to compare to, I didn't realized that my computer has gotten that slow.

Now everything is nice and fast. Keyboard is quiet. Mouse is light and easy to control. No more battery hunts. Does work get any better than this? Oh I love my job.

Sunday, November 15, 2009



實在太太太太太太開心喇,因為今次終於都冇 "金句+應用" 呢個方程式,又冇講 "唔該你哋儲埋d掌聲先一齊拍" 呢句。單單係因為冇咗呢兩樣野,我已經覺得值回票價。

呢個 show 同之前既比有好有唔好,說實話,我其實覺得今次子華個 show 既笑位係真係少咗,而狂搞笑既笑位亦都少咗,但我真係好 appreciate 佢既笑點,而且 as always, 配合到個 show name (未令受到既朋友,買隻DVD再睇多次去明白一下啦)。

我鐘意既係佢利用幾多歷史同文化既野去諷刺一d時事同現時既人,我未去睇之前,聽到朋友個家姐喺香港睇完之後話,"睇佢個 show 不如睇絕代商驕", 我以為個 show 會好不滯;又聽到好多人話今次林海瘋正過子華,我都有少少擔心。

但睇完子華之後,我諗,會唔會係e家呢個時代既人無乜文化,聽唔明呢d歷史冋文化所以 get 唔到個 point. 我一向都覺得林海瘋係廢話多過笑話既人,可能佢講既係會好笑,但只係d好膚淺既笑話。我唔係想話我自己好有文化,其實我真係一d都唔算得有文化,但就係連我都覺得林海瘋無聊,你話真係幾咁無聊吖?

唔好意思,但我真係覺得而家好多人真係好唔掂,尤其是新既一代,唔知係多人多呢度d新移民同竹昇係咁丫,又或者係我既 sample size 太細啦,我實在遇到太多 "懶醒" 既年青人,佢哋關心既野只係手機,ipod, 打機,錢,女,仔,等等,實在令人討厭。係場館度更加見到好多拖住女友,懶型懶朝戚既男仔,佢哋入去,無非都係想笑埋d無聊野啫。


餐蛋麵嗰度真係好有同感,我真係識得有人喺fb度就一日到黑 post d 咁既相上去,又唔係好 artistic 咁影得靚喎,唔知佢想點。

有讚當然有彈,我覺得今次轉 topic 既連接位無以前做得咁好,基本上,根本就係冇做到轉接,佢淨係靠飲水嗰吓去做轉接,雖然都過得去啦,因為對住我哋呢一代全部患有 attention deficit 同短期記憶衰退既現代人黎講,你去飲一飲水,我哋歡呼一下,然後我哋都唔記得哂你之前講緊既係乜啦,根本就唔需要做轉接。但無咗一個欣賞佢嗰種天依無縫,轉咗 topic 都唔覺既功力既機會,我覺得好似少緊d野。

服裝及造型方面,我個人比較喜歡今次,上次的白髮真是有點難受,今次上半場嗰套衫幾好睇吖,唔知佢係唔係扮 pirate?? Johnny Depp + 黃子華,無得頂既合體!哈哈!下半場嗰套就一般啦。其實,我比較 prefer 唔著奇怪衫,唔整奇怪 look 既子華,那本來就是棟篤笑的本質嘛。一個人,一支咪,已經足夠。I like you, just as you are. (BJ Diary :P)

我又覺得好似唱歌唱得多咗,間唔中唱吓一兩首,又唱到有陳醫生浮誇咁勁既假音都幾過癮,但真係好似唱得多咗d,尤其是阿姐嗰首,好長。最後既 rap 都係一般,大概子華想人知佢什麼類型既歌可以唱吧。

完 show 後,當然又去等一等佢,等咗好耐,等到就黎結冰佢先出黎,嘩,真係瘦得好緊要呀,真係會令人相信佢患惡疾喎!同埋勁憔悴喎。咁我即刻請佢簽名啦,可能我太細聲同埋佢勁多食蕉呀保母呀咁既人圍住佢佢聽我唔到,吓咗一次,我又要再講多一次,我勁心急啦,嗰d人喺咁擁佢上車,佢吓多我幾次佢就走喇。Anyway, 好彩都簽咗。

佢簽既時候我當然係爭取機會講野啦,但喺好緊張加上混亂(因為d人係咁擁佢上車)既情況下,我講左一句表達唔到我意思既野,我想再解釋既時候,唔知佢又聽我唔到定係聽我唔明,佢好敷𧗠咁應我,好傷心!嗚嗚... >_<

我對手勁多野攞丫嘛,又攞筆,又攞月曆,又攞 DVD, 子華無啦啦伸手出黎同我握手,我咁多嘢囉,本來都無諗住握手既,但佢伸到黎,咁我唯有好勉強咁同佢握啦(其實係好 lur 飯應!哈!),佢仲一路握一路講 thank you。之後我即刻又攞相機出黎問影相啦,點知佢身邊既一個大嬸就係咁話,"唔影喇,好攰呀,唔影喇。"一個阻頭阻勢既大嬸,子華都未講乜,你就出場從中作梗,氣憤!

我都明白,明星唔想得失d粉絲,呢d嘢唔講出口,唯有搵身邊d保母呀,食蕉呀,大嬸呀咁代佢講黎打發d粉絲,但我都不由得不將我既憤怒投向大嬸(其實呢位大嬸究竟係何方神聖?好似唔夠老做佢阿媽,肯定唔係佢女友,又唔係食蕉,究竟係乜水?實在百思不得其解),不過算啦,我唔係嗰d面皮厚過犀牛皮既粉絲,我係唔會死纏爛打咁樣臭既。咁我唯有同子華講 "Take care!",佢又同我講番 thank you,可能係多謝我咁順攤無咁煩。其實,佢個樣真係憔悴得嚇人,同台上係兩回事,唔知真係咁攰定係另一打發粉絲既手段,我都唔知我 prefer 佢係真係成個病樣咁可憐定係佢咁可惡扮嘢黎打發我,我唔希望佢真係有惡疾,但我又唔想佢係卑鄙之人。um... 好難選擇...

唔知佢同我握手係咪明知我無得影相而俾我既安慰奬呢?可能佢認得我呢個 "多人多嗰個無朋友,次次都得佢一條友等我既粉絲" ,唔係認得我個樣,只係記得多人多有個咁既某李咁白痴。雖然可能認為我係一個某李,但如果佢真係記得喺多人多有這麼的一個某李,我都會好開心。

同時我又覺得佢身邊既某一個食蕉好屎煩,你係食蕉之嘛,好似以為自己係 CIA 咁,eat banana la, 又唔係大隻,梳到個頭懶哂型咁款,又以為自己真係好有 authority, 超難頂。 eat banana is ur job title, so go eat some more. wakakakakaka...


Monday, November 9, 2009

Random Post


現在不用想會有什麼發生,因為什麼都不會發生,哈哈,這樣更好,更能 enjoy 暗暗的感覺.

Another topic. 有些人呀,為什麼好像一天到黑沒事幹似的?常常在公司吹水,令我既妒忌又討厭.

More about work. 公司其中一個經理(不是我部門的),我一直也怕怕的,他是個比較老的男仕,初初搬了公司的時候,早上見到他,我跟他說早,他也常常黑面神似的不理睬人,雖然我是很怕的所以叫得很細聲,但他應該是聽到的,但就是很黑面,所以我很怕見到他.

但近幾個星期,他都很友善,常常跟我微笑,又跟我說早,今個星期還跟我聊幾句,很意外,又很開心,原來老伯伯(其實不是很老)是個蠻好的人,當然,I don’t think I want to be his 手下,因為他的樣子其實蠻兇的,好像是做錯事就會被駡個狗血淋頭的樣子(是不是真的就不知道喇,我沒跟過他,全都是我自己幻想的啦),尤其是我這個撞板多過食飯的人,還是不跟他比較好.

另一個我條 line 後生一點的經理(應該是三十來歲吧),我也是很怕他,是個很目獨的人,不常見他笑,笑的時候樣子也好像很勉強似的,不知是他真的是笑得很勉強還是他本來就是這麼樣丙.


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Album Update

2009-10-24: Girls Day Out

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Album Update

2009-09-07 Sushi

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Home Improvement Pictures

2009 Jul-Aug DIY Home Improvement

Well.. this really just shows some of the home improvement that we have done. Kitchen floor was the major one.

I know that these pictures are long overdue already but I haven't been able to find the camera card reader since we moved. I still haven't found it but I found the cable to connect the camera directly to the computer. heh.

First we had to rip up the tiles. We thought that we were just taking out the tiles but we opened a can of worms. Underneath the tiles, there's this cement layer on a wire mesh that glued the tiles on the floor. And so we have to rip that up. But the wire mesh is nailed on the floor with like a gazillion nails and we had to rip those all up. And then there was the vinyl flooring and we had to rip that up also. It turned out to be a lot more work that we expected.

And then there's the front porch:

And the kitchen cupboards:
Before&After: (I know it doesn't look too bad in the before picture but it was pretty gross and stinky in real life...)

More pictures of the reno process can be found on my picasa album. There're a few more pictures for the house in general. I am unable to locate them. It's probably on the other computer. I will post them when I find them...

Album Update

2009-09-07 Cycling

Wa... finally got a bit of time today to upload some rather dated pictures... Just over a month ago, I was still wearing sleeveless and now, I can't go out without a jacket. Winter is approching fast.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009





成日都同自己講話今晚要早D瞓,但真係好難做到,返到屋企已經好夜,食完飯又唔想即刻瞓,hae 吓hae 吓咁又 hae 到十一點先瞓,I know, 11pm is not that late but I get up at 6am ma... 即係唔駛八個鐘囉...


Girls Day Out

Had a girls day out on the weekend. I haven't had such a relaxing weekend to just walk around for a very long time. Oh well... not completely relaxing cos I did attend a last minute workshop in the morning before the start of girls day out. But it was nice to hang around with 糖 n 愛麗斯. Haven't done that for a long time.


帶左妹妹返糖家,喺糖屋企 hae, 仲見到阿婆添,好耐好耐無見過阿婆喇,阿婆見到我就話我做乜咁耐唔見人,仲話如果喺街撞到我都就黎唔認得。對唔住呀阿婆,我都唔想架。阿婆即刻攞D花生糖同芝麻糖俾我食,正呀!我好耐無食過花生糖喇,D糖係阿婆親手做架,想買都買唔到,好好味。:)

hae 咗一陣,飛豬黎到車我地,去咗食日本任食,無奈我地得四個人,唔係食得好多野,不過都OK啦,今次我淨係食咗兩杯緣茶雪糕,好節制。

食完就踏上龜途喇,其實有少少耳油未盡,但其實都應該返屋企。返到屋企就起勢咁執屋,因為第二日有人到訪,係一個 force 自己執屋好好既 incentive.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Busy Life

Chatted with 小笨 last week and realized that I have been eating all my three meals in the office almost the whole of last week.

Long commute means that I rush out of the door way too early to eat breakfast so I eat breakfast upon arrival at the office. Lunch is at the office of course. And dinner... sigh... I have been having stuff to do after work almost everyday these days and these things are all either in 屎家or NY that it makes absolutely no sense to go home and then head out again so I stayed late in the office. So I ate dinner in the office.

It happend 3 days last week (monday was holiday. thanks goodness). I was able to go home to have dinner on Friday which was nice. And Sat breakfast and lunch (really just a snack) was also at home. And then I went into the office to work and hence not home for dinner cos I have to go to fellowship at night. And then Sunday was such a busy day, breakfast at home, sunday service, youth fellowship, meeting #1 over lunch, meeting #2, rush to grocery store to buy food for the week, rush home and rush to home depot to buy wood and stuff, go back home to have dinner. Trying to work from home but stupid remote desktop wasn't working and wasted time troubleshooting it. And then time for bed....

This week hasn't been any better yet. All meals are at work (besides this morning cos I slept in a bit. I have to stay late at work anyway). I don't have much scheduled for tmr and friday (well... actually there's something on Thur but I'm not going). So hopefully, the rest of the week will be slightly more relaxing.

Another thing about this hectic schedule is that it prevents me from cycling to work cos I don't want to hv to cycle home at night, especially when it's cold outside. But it's a big shame cos yesterday was actually a very nice day to cycle. Double digit temperature but I know that my thing last night wouldn't end until midnight (and it did as I expected) and cycling midnight isn't my thing. I prefer getting a little extra sleep. So I have been driving everyday this week so far. Hopefully, I can cycle the rest of the week. Weather forecast isn't exactly in favor for cyclists though sigh... I will see...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

New Field??

One of the good things about this company is that there’s something called “Lunch n Learn". They usually invite ppl within or outside of the company to talk about something during lunch time. Sometimes, lunch is provided and sometimes you are to bring your own lunch. It’s not mandatory so you can pick and choose the ones that interest you.

I have never been to a lunch provided one since it’s always full of people and it’s just pizza anyway. And so far, the ones that have lunch provided are not interesting enough for me to spend an hour sitting there just for the pizza. Sometimes, the talk/presentation is really stupid, in my opinion. There’s this one time that they invited the benefit provider to talk about the benefit package. I have opted-out of the benefit so it really doesn’t interest me. Even if I have the package, y do I need to listen to the presentation anyway? All the terms and info should be on the policy booklet anyway. It got be to something a lot better than pizza for me to go.

I’ve been to two of these sessions so far. And both of them have been gd. The last one I’ve been to is about the tricks and tips of AutoCad. Ppl in this company use A LOT of AutoCad. I mean, A LOT. And they are all kinda experts on it. I only used AutoCad occasionally and compared to them, I really don’t know how to use AutoCad. This trick and tips seminar is about the even more advance features that I don’t use. Was actually a little lost at a certain point. Not really relevant to me but it’s still nice to know a few things.

Today, once again, the speaker was one of our own. This time, this person was talking about this new business line that the company has just introduced. It’s environmental management. I found it very interesting. There are a few aspects to this business line and they are very attractive to me.

I have grown to be more and more environmental-oriented in recent year, even before this whole “green” hype (talking about this hype, I have some complain but that would be another entry) started. That was one of the reason that I was interested in the company I am (well was and still am… the company has merged as I’ve mentioned before) working in. Well… besides the fact that I was quite desperate for a new job at that time in order to avoid the potential of being laid off in the old company and get deported back to HK.

Anyway, the current company called itself an “environmental” company (at that time) but it wasn’t. At least not in the sense that I define what “environmental” is. There’s almost nothing to do with the environment, other than the fact that sometimes the sewage (be it storm or sanitary) discharges to the creek. We did a lot of work to help land developers to get approval to build new subdivision and stuff. If anything, it’s more of helping human to destroy the environment than being environmental. Of course, there’s other aspect of my work that is not really that negative but they mostly don’t have anything to do with the environment either, other than the fact that we are dealing with water, which is one kind of natural resources.

Anyway, my point is, after this presentation, I am so excited about this new business line that I stayed behind and talked to the presenter about the possibility to work for them. Honestly, I was mildly interested in the environmental option in EngSci when I first enrolled in (as opposed to NO interests in most of the options). But then the year I was admitted to UT, that option was scrapped. I wasn’t too upset at that time cos as I said, I was just mildly interested. But now looking back, it’s really a shame that I wasn’t even given the chance to consider this option.

Right now, I even have this urge to go back to school to switch field, when I’m still relatively young. The presenter told me that there’re diploma and night school that I can take if I’m really going to pursue it. And that I can get a master degree in environmental if I wanted instead of another bachelor. Kinda make sense.

Really, this is the first time since I graduated that I have the desire to go back to school. I always thought that I’m so done with school that if I’m even going to go back, it’s more for hobby/fun, like taking language courses or something like film editing, nothing technical. And I always thought that it’s quite silly for a lot of my frds to take this exam that exam to get this certificate that certificate. I understand that it’s more like the culture that makes it a “need” to do it. If everyone in the industry is doing it and you are not, you are going to be kicked out eventually. So I guess it’s the culture that’s silly, not the people. 係社會的錯. I really don’t think that having those certificate means that you are gd at your work.

Given the fact that I hated university so much and I am still thinking about going abck to school, this is serious. Of course, it’s not going to be a full time thing. 我要食飯,我要供樓, I really don’t have the luxury to go back to school full time anymore.

But the question is, am I really that interested? I am not 100% sure. I know that it drives me nuts when I see ppl wasting energy, or do things/make decision that have no regards to the environment. But actually working in the field, I don’t know. Luckily, after talking to the presenter, she said that since we are in the same company now, we can probably coordinate something to have my hands to try on something. That’s cool. I can get a taste of it before I dive into it. But at the same time, I need to act quick cos I’m not exactly young anymore, I can’t take too much risk. Life is having a lot more burden and responsibility now that I’m old.

God, give me guidance.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Commute News

Have been quite consistently going to work by public transit + cycling about 3-4 days a week. Have to drive sometimes bcos I have other things to do after work or I have to travel between the old and the new office. I'm glad that I didn't buy any transit passes yet cos then it would be complete waste of money.

Also, on my cycling days, I have been very consistently cycling all the way home and that save me another token right there. Pretty please about that. Together with the time and frustration that are saves from cycling, it's totally worth it.

Unfortunately, with winter fast approaching and that it's raining quite often, I have to start thinking about what I should do during winter. Last week, I tried to do transit all the way both ways (it was a yucky rainy day) and oh my goodness, took me over 2 hours each way.

There're quite a few ways to do the transit. I was trying to be cheap and lazy last time. Cheap in the sense that I found this TTC bus that would go up all the way to where my office is. Even though I have to pay another token as I travelled into York Region but token is cheaper than YRT ticket. So that's the cheap part. The lazy part is that the bus has a stop pretty much right in front of the office. Minimal walking involved, especially on a rainy day. I hate it when my shoes and socks get wet.

But in order to be cheap and lazy, I have to pay heavily on time. As I said, 2+ hours per way, a total of 4+ hours. I have to say, it exceeds of my limit. I can't really justify spending so much time commuting everyday. TTC has failed me.

And it's not like I could sleep on the train/bus to compensate for my lack of sleep due to commuting. In order to do that route, I have to either walk->subway->subway->subway->bus or walk->subway->bus->bus. Regardless which one I do, the slowest bottleneck is the last bus leg, it has to wee through all the local traffic and loop all over the place and eventually brings me to my office. I can only see it getting worse when it starts to snow. Anyway, this many change of transit pretty much prevent me to have any kind of quality sleeping.

There's another way to do the transit thing. It's the opposite of cheap and lazy. Basically, I have to go all the way up to Finch and then go Viva and then walk half a city block to go to my office. Great. Not that keen on walking in the winter, especially not half a city block. I'm not exaggerating when I say half a city block. The stupid office is actually right in the middle between Hwy 7 and 16. Retarded. I suppose I can take the north-south bus along the street from Hwy 7 but with the YRT quality service, unless u time it right, you might as well just walk.

I supposed it's easier to time the north-south bus on the way home cos I can get out of the office at a relatively predictable time but it's the walk up north that's the killer cos it's uphill walking.

If it's anything more than or even close to 2 hours per way, it's pretty much out of the question. It only takes me less 1.5hours to do the cycle->bus->cycle route. And it acutally only took me 1hr25min cycling all the way home today, even with the wind blowly against me. Anyhow, I'm going to try that route tmr (raining again tmr) and see what happens.

I might end up saying, "Screw this. I am going to drive everyday."

Sunday, October 4, 2009


There're lots of housework that I don't mind doing. Not that I like them but I don't mind doing it if it needs to be done. But one of the things that I really don't like doing is ironing. 奈何e家返工要著 business causal, 咁就要熨衫熨褲,in my opinion, it's a total waste of time. 每次洗完都會熨,好煩。

喺轉 office 之前,對上一次需要熨衫既時候,我都係側側膊,叫詹占幫我熨;e家個個星期都熨,就唔可以當人家係工人咁洗,加上我欠缺練習,熨得超慢,真係覺得我自已喺度浪費光陰,all of a sudden, those steam things in infomercial (that I always laughed at) that can iron clothes while having them hanging from the hangers seems very very appealing to me. I can think of a few gd reasons to purchase them. 1. it's fast. 2. it saves you space cos u no longer needs an ironing board. 3. it won't wreck ur clothes cos chances of burning ur clothes with it is pretty low. Those machines just seems so good to me now.


其實我都唔介意著皺衫,平時d t-shirt 皺過90歲阿伯d皮我都係咁著出街架啦,我阿媽都成日話我d衫咁皺都著出街影衰佢,我唔覺得有乜問題。唉,但返工唔可以係咁,雖然我唔駛見客,但我諗老細都唔想有客上黎公司既時候見到我影衰老細既。加上公司全部人都係咁著,如果我成個流浪漢咁都唔係幾好,我個人好低調,唔想咁突出。

懷念舊 office 自由自在的日子。

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Prayer of Saint Francis

讀協記既應該都好熟呢首 hymn, 呢首係其中唱得最多既一首。一直都覺得呢首 hymn 既 melody 好好聽,但就其實一直都唔知佢講乜,唱咗咁多年一直都係唸口枉。
兩個星期前既一個 sunday service, 再唱返呢首詩歌,發現d歌詞原來寫得好靚。再加上嗰日既 sermon 同呢首歌好呼應,聽完 sermon 再唱呢首歌真係好正。
Make me a channel of your peace,
Where there is hatred let me bring your love,
Where there is injury your pardon Lord,
And where there's doubt true faith in you.
Make me a channel of your peace,
Where there's despair in life, let me bring hope,
Where there is darkness, only light,
And where there's sadness, ever joy.
O Master grant that I may never seek,
So much to be consoled as to console,
To be understood as to understand,
To be loved as to love with all my soul.
Make me a channel of your peace,
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
In giving to all men that we receive
And in dying that we are born to eternal life.
其實好多時唱詩既時候,都冇乜留意歌詞,其中一個原因係因為好多時我連首歌都唔識唱,我淨係顧住唱準個音(尤其是我呢D五音不太全既人)都已經用去咗我大部份既 processing power, 邊有時間去留意歌詞?但間唔中當你有機會睇睇d歌詞既時候,就會發現原來好多既詩歌d詞真係好靚好正。當你明白一首歌既內容之後,再歌落去都會有味道,有 feel 得多。

In Old Office Again

Love to go back to the old office. No blocking of websites. Not many ppl around. Bosses are not around most of the time. Pretty free.

The only problem is that it's almost impossible if I actually wants to do some computer work here since my own computer is in the new office and a lot of the softwares that I need to use is not on this computer. Rather annoying indeed cos I do need to do some work.

It's nice to be in the old office though. Nice and relax. And I don't have to dress up for it. A lot more comfortable wearing t-shirt and sweat pants than dress shirt and dress pants.

And there's this incident in the new office that made me all paranoid now. I found mice shit on my desk the other day. Gross. And I have to clean it up.... ew... I think it's bcos I ate crackers on my desk and I left crumbs everywhere. Sigh... I guess I won't keep any food in the new office. It's a gd thing in a sense that it means I eats less snack so I won't get as fat. But at the same time, I do like having snacks around so that I can eat when I'm bored or when I'm tired. I don't have much choices now. I don't wanna clean up any more mice shit... >.<

I was actually very surprised that there're mice in the new office. If anything, I would think that it's the old office that would have mice. The old office is dirtier with lots of dirty equipment from the field and that the cleaning lady only come once a week instead of everyday in the new office. Really don't understand how the old office has no mouse.

So now, everyday I go to work, the first thing I do upon arrival is to check if there's any more mice shit on my desk. Luckily, there hasn't been any more two days after I clean up my desk and remove all the food items from my desk. But still... I wouldn't reuse my cup and bowl and fork and spoon without washing them. I have this feeling that even though there's no more food on/in my desk, the mice are still coming to poke around and leave all kinds of disease on my dishes and cutlery. >_<

Tuesday, September 22, 2009



聽聞今次既 format 同之前幾次都咁上下,有少少失望。我呢幾年其實都等緊佢一次既破格,well...其實我既要求唔係好高架咋,就係佢唔好再用某一句格言然後就話呢句格言可以應用 喺呢度呢度同呢度,佢第一次咁做既時候係好新鮮好搞笑,第二次都仲可以,但再係咁落去就唔係好得喇,覺得有少少自己翻炒自己既感覺。同埋叫d觀眾儲埋一齊先拍手舉都係,可唔可以唔好再講?翻炒俾我既感覺就係佢交唔足貨,我會有少少覺得被搵笨咁。


d人對今次呢個show 既評價好壞參半,我會盡量唔去存有太大期望,反正期望越小, enjoyment 越大,但我仍然好期待十一月既來臨!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Half Dead

Work is hell these days. My cheap ass company only have 1 license of a certain software (apparently the license fee is expensive for us to have more than one). It has been like this for a while. Most of the time it's ok bcos usually only one person needs to use it at a time.

But it had happened before that me and this other dude needed to use it in the same period of time for different projects. My boss came up with this fabulous idea of having one of us working another shift. Since the other dude has 3 kids at home, I volunteered at that time. And once you 開咗先例, every time it happens I became the automatic choice to work off hours. My boss would say things like, "Well... It just means that Olivia have to work shift." THANKS FOR ASKING FOR MY PREFERENCE!

Most of the time it's ok, cos the my projects are usually quite small and that I don't need the software for too too long. I don't really have to do the shift work, just came in a little earlier and sneak some time to use it while that guy is eating lunch or something. And really, most of the time, we can share among ourselves, each person gets a few hours everyday and it's usually sufficient.

But this time, this guy (in reality, it's only me and that guy who uses and who knows how to use the software in the company) has this big project that is totally killing him already. (well... once again, thanks to my boss who disregarded the fact that it's virtually impossible to do it in such a short period of time and the objection of that guy and agreed the deadline that the client requested, just to satisfy the client) Anyway, this guy is doing a lot of overtime already. And he has to finish before the deadline which is this friday.

And me, I just got this small project that I need to use the software. But really, there's another old software available to do the work but bcos the company hasn't paid for the maintanance plan, after I installed the software, I was unable to use it. Contacting the technical support and they told me that the company has to pay $450/3 hours support fee first. Being as cheap as the company has always been, we decided not to pay the money and decided that I should share the software with this other guy instead.

Fine. And of course, I am automatically elected to do the shift work. But one thing that my boss never really take into account is that I _DO_ have a life outside of work and that I can't just all of a sudden reverse my life schedule just to accomodate my work. For instances, the church's ESL classes new semester has just started, my regular ultimate game, + occassionally church meetings at night etc. I can't just drop everything else and work for him. So for the past week, I have been getting up at 4am to go to work for a few times. Chi ma gun. And it's not like I can get off work early either. This is something else that my boss never takes into account for. I have other work to do also.

It's not like I can do these things during off hours. For example, this pain-in-the-ass client have been contacting me this whole week and I have to reponse to his request pretty much right the way. So during those hours that I don't get to use that software, I work on other stuff. And of course, more than one old work came back to me at this appropriate time as if I have nothing else to do.

Another thing that upsets me was that on Tue, I didn't go in early cos I could not go to bed early the night b4 bcos of ESL class. So, I planned to stay late so that I would work after the guy went home. And then at around 7pm, he came back to the office after having dinner at home and asked me to hand over the license. WTF man... I know that u have the super tight deadline and that your client is much bigger than my client. But y do u always have priority before me? Also, you know that I'm working around ur schedule. Can't you have the courtesy to let me know that you were coming back to work so that I can adjust my work plan accordingly? Nice communication skills, man!

Speaking of scheduling, I remember another incident. So I went in early on Monday. When I got to the office, I found that the stupid license is not there. He brought it home over the weekend! I mean, I appreciate the fact that he worked so hard but he had clearly told me b4 that he never takes the license home bcos he didn't want to lose it and having to be responsible for this expensive license. I was like, "FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK". What was I going to do there? Sleep in the office? And then, despite the fact that it's 4:45am, I call him (luckily I found his phone number) on the server and told him that I was going to come pick up the license. Another lucky thing was that he lives super close to work (you can tell from the fact that he could go home and eat dinner and then come back to the office). But still, waste of time and gas.

Oh, forgot to explain how come I have to compete the license with him so much. Not surprisingly it's my smart boss. So he agreed on the client requested deadline for the other guys project. Ok fine. You want to make the client happy, be that way. But then he decided to schedule a meeting with my project client on the SAME freaking day. I mean, if you know that we have only once license and you know that the other project has already scheduled a meeting on that day. Why the hell did you schedule the meeting of my project on the same day??? What kind of project management is that? 好明顯係想我死者。

Well... I finally finished my work this morning, at least enough for the meeting tmr. I'm sure I will have more to do after he comes back from meeting, probably after agreeing on some other deadly deadline. And the "other" work that I have been doing was also close to finish. So I left work early today (I have been in the office since 5:45am this morning so I think leaving at 3:30pm is quite justifiable).

Also, the new office's policy makes it virtually impossible to get the 1.5 overtime pay so I won't even attempt it. It's not worth it. Even though I really need money these days, I would still rather take some time off instead. So, I'm going to stay home on Monday. Have an extra long weekend.

So what's the end results of this intensive work schedule for me since last Thursday? It means that my immune system is super weak right now since I haven't had enough sleep almost everyday. Probably averaging 6 hours per night or less. It's not helping me, especially in the allergy season. And I cut the corner of my mouth flossing the other day and now it's all infected. 腫咗一舊咁,好樣衰啦。Not that I look gd normally, but I really don't need this rotting mouth to add to my ugliness.

Also, going to work early means that I have been driving most of the week. I hate myself for it. But I have to say, traffic is so gd at 4:30 in the morning. Anyway, when I work weird hours like this, I have a very bad habbit (have been like this since UT era). I eat a lot of junk food, drink pop and coffee and keep eating and eating to stay awake. It work but this + the lack of cycling, I feel like I gain like 10pounds. Together with sitting in the office over 12 hours a day, I can totally feel that my ass is trying to double its size. Given the fact that my ass has never been a small one, the thought of it doubling it's size is a scary one. I really should start going back to the gym (haven't been to the gym for almost the whole summer, what a waste of membership fee). Maybe I''ll go on Monday during the day. I gotta stop the growth of my ass!!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009



Well... 其實係好多野做,又要洗碗,又要洗衫,又要為聽日既 refreshment 準備,又要準備星期一開始既 ESL 班既 material,屋企仲係有好多好多嘢未執.

I did a quarter of those and now I'm watching my 2nd movie of the day while typing this instead of continuing the work/errands that are on my plate. I know that I'm going to regret it but I really don't feel that productive right now.

Maybe I'll finally upload some of the long promised pictures of the house if I still don't feel like working after this.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Latest Results

Of the war between me and the bus.

Since the new office is closer to home, I'm tempted to cycle all the way home whenever I'm cycling. Only ~25km compared to 31. This also completely ruled out the possibility of saving money with Metropass.

The new office is pretty much located on Woodbine. So instead of going down Don Mills, I tried VicPark the other day. In terms of comparing to the speed of the bus, I think I can pretty much win every time if I go on VicPark cos it was completely jammed up near 401.

Also, since Don Mills is not a straight road, it's actually shorter go to with VicPark although it seems a bit out of the way. And VicPark is a lot flatter then Don Mills. The overall average slope is probably similar but Don Mills has a lot more ups and downs. I don't really like cycling uphill, although downhill is a lot of fun. But usually 有咁耐風流,有咁耐折墮, the more downhill u get, the more uphill is waiting for you.

On the other hand, Don Mills has this diamond lane thing that only buses, bicycles and cars with more than 2 persons can use. With the amount of ppl carpooling in Toronto, this lane is a lot less busy than the rest of the lanes. I feel a lot safer to cycle on Don Mills. Also, last time I said that the road on Don Mills is quite crap with holes and stuff but compared to VicPark, the road condition along Don Mills is actually not so bad. VicPark is not bad north of Sheppard but south of it, it is a disaster.

So I've decided to stick with Don Mills for now.

Back to the racing part, excluding the 1st race, I raced on VicPark once and Don Mills twice so far. VicPark is a definite win (without the diamond lane, the bus got stuck with the rest of the traffic). Surprisingly, I also won the races along Don Mills. First, I pass the bus stop where I would get on the bus and within minutes, a bus caught up with me. But I managed to stay with it before it has to go into the Sheppard station. And after that, it did not catch up with me.

And yesterday, the bus came out just before I reached the bus stop. I caught up with it near Finch and passed it before Sheppard and again, it didn't catch up. I was lucky both times though cos I managed to pass a light while the bus got stuck. And both days has slight wind from the north. 天助我也.

In any case, these all lead me to believe that it's faster to cycle than taking the bus. Honestly, I don't cycle too fast. Another cyclist passed me with ease yesterday. I think my average speed without counting the stop time at lights is around 24,25km/hr. That means that the average speed of the bus is less than 26km/hr with all the stops and all that. Seems ridiculously slow considering the fact that the speed limit on the road is 60km/hr.

Anyhow, let me continue to make more tree trunk legs more tree trunk-like.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

New Office

Moved to new office all of a sudden. I said all of a sudden bcos it was really unexpected. I was told before that I was going to stay in the old office with the field techs until everyone migrates over, which probably won’t be until 2010. But then, I got a call from my supervisor on Sunday afternoon telling me that I’m to go to the new office starting Monday. =_= Well… thanks for letting me know so well in advance!

With such a _long_ notice, I have to dig through all my clothes in the boxes and in luggage to find my “business” clothes and shoes since there’s a dress code in the new office. So grown up now. No more t-shirt and short and jeans and sneakers Monday to Friday. Actually, I still wear them if I’m cycling. I store my dressy clothes in the office and change when I get there. Yes, it means that I’m not washing my clothes everyday. And yes, I am a dirty pig. But seriously, I don’t want to have to drag my clothes back and forth everyday and they are bounded to be all wrinkly inside my pannier. The office is so cold that I hardly sweat so the chance of them getting dirty is really minimal, unless I dump food on myself during lunch time which actually happens quite often. Anyway, I do plan to bring my clothes home and wash them from time to time, just not everyday.

Another big thing about this office is that the IT department blocks all kinds of websites. Really suck man. No msn. No facebook. No hotmail. Can’t even check webmail. What am I supposed to do? Work????

Now I understand y ppl have blackberries. Never really understand y before with computer being accessible all the time and the blackberry keyboard so hard to use. Y would anyone want to check email on their tiny monitor instead of their computer? Now I know… cos they _can’t_ check their email on computer… Just this reason alone, I’m tempted to get either a blackberry or a smart phone with a data plan so that I can have my personal email available all the time. I am not _that_ obsessed with my email but I sometimes do rely on email for timely communications. Eg church stuff, gathering info (especially with the UT ppl cos we have hardly ever been able to settle on a time and venue beforehand) etc. But of course, with me being so broke, I don’t think that I can afford a data plan… I guess I just have to live with the inconvenience for now. SMS is another choice but man, trying to type on my cell phone is a real pain in the ass, although I have to say, I’m getting better at it now that I have more practices. But still, type a message that normally takes about 1min on the computer can easier takes me 5 min on the phone.

This place is actually closer to home. But it’s harder to get to by transit. So it’s ok in the summer when I can cycle but when winter comes, sigh… I don’t know.

Since I don’t have access to blogspot at work, and I have no time to write at home (So busy that I didn’t even have time to watch You’re Hired), bcos I have to go to bed so early in order to get up early enough for the commute, I type this whole thing at work and then pasted it back when I get home. Who can stop me the king of slacking???? Wahahahhahahahahaa… Actually typing this at work is great cos it looks like I’m typing document by looking at my monitor far away (as long as I’m not typing Chinese). Who can tell that I’m slacking off??? Muhahahahahaha…

Thursday, August 20, 2009




尋日早咗小小放工,突然心血來潮決定試一試一次過踩車返屋企.反正 rush hour 坐 TTC bus 一定有排坐,反正天氣咁好,睇下要踩幾耐都好.

由 Richmond Hill 既北面一直踩踩踩到多人多既 midtown, 我都覺得自己幾犀利 :],我架車既 meter told me that I cycled for about 31km. 當然,唔係一口氣咁踩啦,好多時都要停紅綠燈.

講番同巴士既戰果先,我就去到我既巴士站既時候,啱啱有架巴士轉出黎,咁我就認住佢既車牌,冇耐我就被佢拋離,再加上我俾個燈位隔一隔,而架巴士又過得切個燈位之後,我已經見唔到佢既蹤影,但係唔緊要,我都無放棄到,好努力咁踩,因為我知道,佢去到 Sheppard 要入 subway 站,通常都有成起碼五分鐘先出返黎.就係我追上去既好時機.

就到 Sheppard 既時候,我離遠見到有架巴士出黎,我諗住,唉,佢咁快就出返黎,一定好快又將我拋離,但過咗 Sheppard 無幾耐,又有一架巴士追上我,係呢架喇!車牌577,原來之前見到嗰架係再前一班車,good. 但好境不常,我又係喺一個燈位度佢過到我過唔到,跟住又係無左影.

但之後一直到尾都無再俾巴士追到,即係話,我唔係輸得太多啦 (Don Mills 巴士 rush hour 都幾密),再加上,其實如果我想搭巴士既話,係趕唔切搭577, 因為我到未到站佢己經到左,所以某程度上我係嬴咗架啦,wahahahahahaha....

當然,好難講既,我咁啱追巴士尾就可以咁 argue 話自己嬴者,如果下一班巴士近d既話,我好快就會俾佢追到啦.但用客觀既時間去計,尋日用左大約1小時30分左右就返到,平時踩車加巴士要大約1小時45分,咁真係快咗架喎.


Don Mills 條路真係好爛,我每次都驚會爆軚.

踩足全程,呢樣野唔會日日做,但真係唔錯喎,又可以當訓練,又可以慳一程車費,又 avoid 咗我坐喺架巴士入面佢站站停令我勁忟既情況,一係一舉三得.
咁如果我間唔中都係咁做既話,metropass 真係買唔過,留番天氭轉涼我踩唔到咁長程既時候先買.


Monday, August 17, 2009

You're Hired

Thanks to Pa, who gave me a link where I can watch the streamed tv series online.

I haven't watched any HK tv series for so many years now. 今次當然係為子華破戒啦.

其實我都幾鐘意李綺紅架,由佢一出道開始就已經幾 like 佢,後尾佢去左參加三項鐵人,就更加的佩服佢,所以今次呢套劇有佢份,可以算係一個 bonus.

蛇屍慢就不嬲都咁靚架啦,雖然我本身唔係特別鐘意佢,但都 ok 啦,但就係唔明點解香港拍劇怕電影,d女仔就成日都好似街市d師奶咁.我知,佢個角色係一個八婆丫嘛,但八婆都有好多種,點解香港拍親既永遠都係歇斯底里,成日都喺條街度大吵大鬧,成個顛婆咁?



今次既劇種ok有趣,係講做生意,但唔係平時嗰d名利明爭暗鬥,(我呢排咁啱對 consumerism 好多投訴,但下次有機會先講),雖然最後都應該走唔出子華同屍慢寃家變情人呢d咁 standard 既毛線電視劇既框框,但我係唔會要求太高,而家有得睇我已經好開心. :]

Friday, August 14, 2009

Government Job

返工搭車無聊就睇免費的 metro 嘛,看到呀,88%的人口 are interested in job in the public sector, 死得啦,難怪我咁耐都係渺無音信。

一早都知 public sector 既 job 競爭大,但都估唔到大得咁緊要,咁樣落去,我真係會成世都轉唔到工... sigh... :(

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Traffic Report

Have been commuting for almost a week now. Tried several things.

Mon going to work: Subway -> YRT
Mon going home: YRT -> TTC bus
Tue going to work: TTC Bus -> YRT
Tue going home: Viva -> Subway
Wed going to work: TTC Bus -> Bike
Wed going home: Bike -> TTC Bus
Thur going to work: Car
Thur going home: N/A (not going home right after work)

By far, the longest route (time -wise) is definitely Mon going home. Mostly bcos of stupid YRT. If you miss one, you have to wait for a long time and are quite screwed. That's another reason to cycle the YRT part instead of TTC part so that I don't have to watch the clock and be anxious about getting off work at a certain time. But at the same time, the TTC part of the bus ride is a lot slower due to the numerous stops and the amount of ppl using the service. Sigh.

Other than driving, most of the commuting method takes about just under 2 hours. That means almost 4 hours per day. That is quite a lot. Needless to say, I fish on the bus/subway all the time. Less so when my bike is on the bus (those bike rack things in front of TTC) bcos I am always worried that my bike is going to fall off, especially with the super bumpy and potty road.

On the other hand, it took me <30min to drive to work this morning. Now I understand y ppl drives all the time. Definitely a big time-saver. Yes, you can't sleep when u are driving but I can sleep an extra hour before getting up and still get to work earlier. But then, the drive home is probably going to take a lot longer since the DVP near York Mill is always always jammed for no reason. Well... i'm not going to try that today cos I'm not going home after work (that's y I drove in the first place).

I think I'll stick with my TTC + Bike method for the most part. I'll see how long I can last before I have a breakdown and start driving all the time.

Another thing to note is that I realized that Metropass is actually more expensive than YRT pass. Weird, considering the fact that TTC single fare is lower than YRT single fare. Makes no sense to me at all.

Metropass: $109
TTC single fare: $2.75
TTC 10 Tokens: $22.5

So, if I get 10 tokens at a time all the time, then one single fare would be $2.25. To be able to break even with Metropass, I would need to take TTC $109/$2.25 = 48.444444 times a month, which is over 24 days a month. Assuming that there's no public holiday that month and with 4 months a week and I'm not taking any day off. I only have about 20 work days. Even with 5 weeks a month, I'll have 25 work days which means that I can _barely_ break even. So, if I don't take ttc other than work, it's hardly worthwhile to buy the pass.

Of course, with the pass, you can jump off the bus and buy a coffee and then hop back on the next bus. More flexible. And you can take ttc on the weekends, too. But still, the incentive to get a pass isn't that high.

But then I found out that JJ can get Metropass from his workplace for $96. Must be one of those batch buying discount thing. Then I only need just over 21 work days to break even. + the tax credit. That's enough motivation for me. Of course, my workplace does not have such offer since NO ONE in my office takes transit (the earth poisoning bastards!). You also have the option to get Metropass at $100 if you subscribe for a year. But then, I don't want to commit myself to one whole year of metropass in case I change jobs and I don't need to take transit no more (yea... as if it's going to happen...I've been talking about job changes for over a year now...). In any case, I really don't want to be bounded for a year, not with stupid TTC.

I think I'll take the $96 metropass. One gd reason to get the pass is that once I have it, I feel like I need to use it as much as possible to make it worthwhile. That in turn means that the chance of my breaking down and drive all the time is minimized.

But seriously, who would buy the $109 metropass???

I know, I'm 計埋d婆 la 數,but with the need to pay mortgage, (which is more than double of what I used to pay for rent), I have to be more careful with my money...

Monday, August 10, 2009

星期六搬屋,星期日執野呀,paint 厨櫃呀,好攰.

今朝返工,作死佢,成兩個鐘先返到公司,仲要已經係搭 subway 轉巴士,巴士仲要好好彩咁唔駛等車,一去到就有車,一上車架車就開,都要成兩個鐘.聽日要早一個鐘起身先得.

星期六真係多謝所有黎幫手既朋友,they made the whole move a lot easier than our last move (which was a nightmare). 特別鳴謝既係由啤梨同水下老遠咁黎幫手既海倫媽媽同細路.

雖然星期日大部份時間都留左喺屋企,但都 squeeze 咗少少時間去 taste of Danforth. 當食 lunch, 因為反正屋企都未煮到野食住,gyro on a pita + custard tart, yum... 好耐未食過 lu. 住呢度既其中一個好處,taste of danforth 呀,jazz fest 呀呢d其實年年都差唔多,去過幾次就唔會再特登去,但住得咁近就好方便咁去行吓,very good. haha...

d野多到有排執,相信呢一兩個月內都有好多 "Do u know where my xxx is? Do u know where the box where I put my xxx is?" moments...

Friday, August 7, 2009



上兩個星期,有錢佬四十歲大壽,在他家開扒地,wa... 真的很豪耶,請了 live band, 請了一大堆的 guests,(連詹占同佢唔係好熟都有得去就知佢請左幾多人),請左一大班人 cook and serve dinner, dinner 係 south african theme 既 buffet. 佢個 backyard 大過我新屋個 lot, 個泳池大過好多 condo 既泳池,間屋完全係一個 modern mansion.雖然係喺襪氏唔係喺多人多,但都超豪的.

The dinner was fancier than some of the weddings that I've been to, with an open bar and all that. Well... I think it's probably fancier than my own wedding. Crazy.

I didn't get to tour around the house too much. Mostly just stayed in the 扒地 area, which was the basement. They even had a pinball and an arcade machine there. Also, there's this totally sound proofed theatre room with those big ass lean back chairs where u can flip up ur legs and put ur big ass coke in the cup holder. There were two rows of those chairs. Any one of those chair could easily cost over $1000. And the screen of the "theatre" was just like one of the ones u see in the theatre, but smaller in size. But it's not those projector screen that some "rich" ppl have in their basement entertainment room. This one is a real screen, with a high quality projector. After been to this place, all the other "rich" ppl's entertainment rooms becomes so insignificant.

佢個厨房唔駛講啦,又係大過我間屋囉.仲有一間房淨係用黎放三角琴.All the sound systems in every single room and the backyard are all wired up to a central controlling system.

Oh oh! 仲有 basement 個厠所,oh my goodness, 超大不突只,個 shower 有6個掣,有幾個 shower head 喺 ceiling, 有幾個喺牆,四方八面咁噴向你.個屎塔隔離嗰幅牆,part of it was this glass aquarium thing. But instead of having fish in it, it shoots streams of bubbles upwards and changes color. 有乜用呢,係冇用架,係用黎裝飾,用黎洒電咁囉,你話係咪有錢冇 dan 洗丫?

雖然我不敢苟同佢哋呢d有錢人洒電既作風,但無可否認既係當我去厠所,一入到去見到個厠所靚到 dup 一聲既時候,心入面真係叫左一聲 "Holy shit". 真係富貴到呢,very impressive.

I am glad that I got invited, 大開眼界.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Moving Soon

Moving in two days. Have been going to the new place almost every night after work to fix this and fix that and clean this and clean that. Have also been packing and moving stuff over bit by bit so that me and my helpers won't die on moving day.

I don't know how come I seem to own so much stuff now. Have been packing for a while and still seem to have a lot more at home. Seems like a never-ending task.

Once we moved to the new place, hopefully, there'll be no more threats of flooding. In our current walk-out basement. The patio door is a little sunken. And the drains there are always blocked by leaves n crap. A few weeks ago, when we had the big storm at night. Even though the storm didn't last too long, JJ and I were out in our PJs with buckets and recycling bins to bail water away like a maniac, trying to keep the water level below our door. It was like a little waterfall from the upstairs balcony to our sunken patio. It was kinda fun but we were freezing to death.

We bought a rain barrel and a compote box. A very environmental friendly household!! :] wahahhahahaa...

We are hoping that in a few years, when we managed to conjure up enough money, we will install some solar panels to our house to further reduce the amount of energy consumption. Oh and skylights, too. I love the idea of skylight but I don't know if the extra opening's going to increase the energy consumption in terms of heating lost from the house. Have to investigate further. Also thought of installing the geo-thermal heating system but that would be SUPER expensive and with the size of our backyard, I'm not quite sure if it's even feasible.

So, starting next week, I will have to do super long commute. Sigh. That's the price that I hv to pay for living in that area. Since I am so against driving, I'm trying to figure out a way to get up to R.H. without killing myself. Have thought of riding my bike one way per day and the other way I'll take the transit. But that means that I have to be able to lock my bike in a secure place over night. This is not a problem until I move office cos right now, I put my bike in the equipment area of the office (don't even have to lock it). But once I moved office, I am not even sure there'll be bike rack. Sigh.

Another option is to take transit part way and then cycle the rest. I have to switch from TTC to YRT anyway. If I cycle half of the way, then I also save the cost of part of the trip. This is actually more economically sounding cos then I only need to purchase one metropass/YRT pass instead of paying two different kind of fees. Wow, I just realized that as I'm typing. Gd point. Maybe this is the way I should go for. The question is whether I should cycle in Toronto or in RH. Probably should be RH cos 1. Metropass is cheaper, 2. roads are wider up north and hence a little safer. Then the next question is how I'm going to take my bike with me to the start of my cycling route? I doubt that I can take it on the subway during rushhour. I know that TTC have these buses with bike rack in the front now but I'm not sure if every bus on those routes have them. If not, then I might have to wait for a couple of buses before I can get on. Another thing is, if I take the bus up to the start line, buses are usually very slow with way too many stops. It's going to take me forever to commute to work. sigh...

I guess I'll just take the transit for a few days to investigate the bike rack situation on buses and to get a gd sense of how long is the bus ride before I'll attempt my hybrid commute.

In the winter though, I will have to do both section in transit. Going to be a pain in the ass.

Weather forcast is predicting 15-20mm of rain on moving day. I so wish that they are once again wrong about it..........shit...................

Friday, July 31, 2009


今個 long weekend, 正值詹占的樂隊去 Maxville 比賽,,咁我就當然 tag along, 舊年 Maxville 既 weekend, 我仲打緊石膏耶,咁快就一年咯~

本來是計劃整個 weekend 都逃離多人多的,星期六&一可以去首都逛逛,但由於我們經已破產,再加上新的家還有很多的 improvement 要做,所以決定今日放工去,聽日黃昏返.與其說是旅行,其實是我去幫手做私雞,一來一回唔塞車都 at least 十個鐘,我既青春就係咁樣一去不復返,哀哉,哀哉!XD

不過,咁啱 church 今個星期日有 meeting, 因為如果今個 weekend 開唔到會,黎緊既星期五既 outreach 活動真係唔知點搞,所以星期六晚返多人多就真係 fit 哂,神既 timing真係...
But at the same time, it means that I'm going to be soooooo tired again this weekend.

雖然要做私雞,不過有得出去走走也很開心呀,開心到呢,現在是完全沒有心情工作啦,就是在等下班.今朝趕頭趕命的把中午deadline的做好(為什麼又趕頭趕命的?又是多得我既好老細啦,一兩個月前已經知道要做 report, 但佢可以尋日先寫完 conclusion 然後下晝先話我知我要做幾個 extra appendices,係一個令我好想兜把兜把comp死佢既 moment), 今日打算兩點就鬆人,所以而家就唔想開d新野黎做.勁 hae.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Identity Theft

Looking at the credit card bill two days ago and found that there's this suspicious item. 100元正 in a Esso in Lancaster, which is almost to Montreal. 多番查證後確定不是自己的 purchase, 就叫詹占(是我們的 credit card) 打電話去 credit card 度報案.

The lady on the phone, I don't know if she's simply stupid or bad customer service, she told us to call the Esso on our own and tell them to give us a refund. We were like, WTF! Who the hell would give you a refund by calling them and said that you didn't make the purchase?? And she told us to find out the phone number on our own when we were not even that sure if the item description means the Esso in Lancaster cos the description was a short form. It was just a guess, although we are quite sure the guess was right. The lady didn't give us any info at all. She even said that the card was swiped there so it's really not a fraud. Are you stupid or something? Of course the card, or the magnetic strip of the card was somehow swiped in order to make the purchase. How else was the purchase made otherwise? Our card does not have that paypass chip. The fact that the magnetic strip got swiped at the location does not mean that it's not fraud. The strip could have been faked. Moron!

She basically said that the credit card company can't help us n we should pursue to have a refund from the gas station instead. What kind of customer service was that? I thought that credit card have this fraud protection so that we would not have to pay for anything that we didn't purchase. If this card is really that insecure and that there's no protection, I don't think that I want to continue with it anymore.

Anyway fine, we call the Esso and the person was actually quite nice. Instead of treating us like a wacko who just wanted to 騙錢 he actually gave us some info. He said that if we have the exact time of purchase, he could pull out the video tape to see if we can find the person. But if we don't have the exact time (which we don't have of course), he can't help us and that we have to call the credit card company. Not surprised, we don't really expect him to give us the refund so 順灘 anyway.

Called the credit card again the next day and this time, we successfully got transferred to the dispute department. This department was also a little stuipd, they don't seem to quite understand our point n told us that maybe we made the purchase but the amount was not correct. So, it is a dispute, not a fraud. But we checked our records and there's no way we would have got gas that day (we got gas 3 days before and 2 days after. We don't usually need to get gas in less than 3 days). Since they thought that it was a dispute, they tried to tell us to tell the gas station to correct the purchasing amount. This basically sent us in a circle. The gas station is NOT going to give us any refunds, especially we don't have any receipt to prove the amount we spent since we DID NOT spend any money there.

After explaining the situation a few times, they finally understands and sent us to the security department. Our card is cancelled and we are waiting for a new card to arrive.

Instead of getting all scared of this identity theft, I'm more pissed off then anything at that lady that we called when we first found out about the theft. Really really really want to file a complain about her.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Home Improvement

Have been working in the house almost every evening after work since last week. Very tiring, seriously. After 8 hours of work and still have to fix the house until like 9pm and then go home and sleep and get up in the morning to go to work again the next day. Good exercise but exhausting.

So far, I got the front porch all cleaned up with a lot and a lot of scrubbing. Next thing to do for it is to paint a protective layer to it so that it won't get so dirty and to protect the wood to make it last longer. However, it has been raining all week and painting can only be done when the wood is totally dry. Argh! What a bummer. Probably have to clean again before I can paint it when the weather gets nicer.

JJ has cleaned up the backyard a lot. The backyard has NOT be taken care of at all in years. The weeds are as high as my waist. It's probably too late this year to try to rescue it but we will try to partially remediate it so that we can start to grow something next year.

Another thing was to improve the kitchen floor. The kitchen is very dated and hasn't been having much upgrades. Considering that it is a rather old house, this means that the cupboards are very ugly and dirty and we just got a plumber to fix the drainage last week cos the sink was leaking. The kitchen floor is ok but some of the tiles on the floor are loose and cracked. The original plan was to replace those few tiles for now cos it was actually not too bad. Doesn't look good but it's functional so we thought that we would just leave it. But of course, we couldn't find a matching tile and apparently, whoever did the tiles before used wall tiles on the floor and that's y there were so many cracked ones.

And we happened to find some laminated floor on sale so we decided that we would rip up the floor and put in the new floor ourselves. And the mission started. Once we actually start ripping up the floor, we realized that whoever did the floor put a wire mash underneath the tiles and 'glue' the tiles to the mash with something like quick sand or something. This means that we have to rip up this quick sand thing and the wire up also. The wire was really sharp and we were all cut up. And then we found that whoever did the tile floor was lazy and only put the new stuff on top of an old flooring. So there's another layer of linoleum flooring which we had to rip up. AND THEN we found that there YET ANOTHER layer underneath the linoleum. This time it was vinyl tiles. And the vinyl tiles has nails all over them. So basically, we have to rip up the tiles, the wire with the quick sand thing, linoleum, nails and vinyl tiles. Took us a lot of hard work and sweat and time and muscles to do it ourselves.

We've learned that flooring is very hard on your back cos you pretty much hv to bent over all the time. Normally, ppl would pay someone else to do this back-breaking work but since we are very broke right now and we still haven't got a window guy to fix our windows yet, we had to do it ourselves.

The ripping finally finished yesterday and we started to put down the new laminated floor. Thanks to JJ's frd who has quite an extensive workshop in his garage and lent us a lot of his tools. Otherwise, we won't be able to finished ripping the floor so soon and will have to buy the tool to cut the planks. We have put 1/3 of the new floor down already and are hoping that we will finish today (1:30pm right now and still haven't started yet cos JJ has to go to work). Although the color of the floor totally doesn't match the stupid ugly orange wall, we are still very very happy about our 1/3 new kitchen floor already. We are quite proud of ourselves!! :D

I definitely learned quite a bit from this little project. For instance, I've never used a crowbar in my life before. And there's also this other tool called bear claw nail puller that is used to remove nails. Very neat indeed. Not the fastest tools to use to pull out easy nail but it's very effective on those ones that are pretty much impossible to pull with a crowbar. And there's the jig saw, scroll saw and all those. Quite fun actually.

But then at the same time, it's so much work that I doubt that I can handle it in 5 years. I'll probably break my back for real if I try to do it again 5 years from now. Hopefully, I'll have enough money by then to have someone else to do the labour.

Maybe I'll post some before and after pictures when I got time to download them onto my computer.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Wedding Pictures

I don't really understand the people who takes like a billion posed wedding pictures, in ten million different outfits. This is especially common in HK.

真係唔係好明,點解d人要影咁多。嗰d係公園呀,郊外呀影嗰d都算嘞,最唔明既係而家好似好興喺街度影,喺銅鑼灣呀,中環呀,d市區既地方影,影到好似好 in 咁,真係唔知喺度做乜。仲要呢,好多時都唔係著禮服影架噃,男既都ok啦,都係 tuxedo, 女既就唔係著晚裝就係著d唔知乜裙影,我覺得係影寫真多過結婚相,基本上,又唔係結婚嗰日影,又唔係著禮服,又有好多擺 pose 唔知佢望緊邊度既單人相,同結婚都唔知有乜關係。你不如話你影寫真集好過啦。

更攞命既係有時候,個男同女都唔係太好樣,寫真集模式既相真係睇到其他人想嘔,影結婚相唔同,我個人認為,結婚相,either 係結婚嗰日既紀錄,or 係影幸福,所以男女個樣就算唔好都唔緊要,望落去仍然會很順眼,但嗰d懶 in 懶潮既相,真係唔係人人都能夠 pull it off.

仲要好興攞住d一男一女既動物公仔影,真係好唔知想點。如果嗰公仔真係喺你哋兩個人之間有一種 special meaning, then fine, 但好多人真係唔知點解好鐘意影d公仔,懶 artistic 咁,真係覺得有d無謂兼無聊。Once again, I don't see how's the related to wedding,吉祥物牙?!

But there're exceptions. One of my gd frds actually got some _really_ nice ones done. Not too many. But very nice and sweet. 影到好幸福既感覺出黎。喺俾人見到會好羨慕嗰隻。加上我個 frd 個樣幾好架喎,所以我睇完佢d相真係凳佢好開心。雖然我出席唔到佢個婚禮,但都會為佢好興奮!haha...

Banner Change

前幾天轉了 banner 啦,不知有沒有人發覺,喜歡我的新 banner 嘛?

很無聊的 post...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

做業住囉 :]


多人多的房地產呀,一點都不覺得有受金融風暴的影響耶,就算是有影響,也真是皮毛得不得了,bidding war 仍然 everywhere, 我們又不喜歡住 suburb (我至討厭就是動不動就開車的習慣,一來不環保,二來令人都懶惰起來),我們喜歡的那區,能夠 afford 到的屋也是豆潤咁細,同埋超爆舊.無辦法啦,鬼叫我窮咩.

屋細其實無所謂,鬼死咁大間屋執都執死你,我識得太多人間屋永遠都有一間房 or 一個廳係唔用既,除左鋪塵之外,都唔知要黎做乜.現在的,是比我的 ideal 小了點點,但 size-wise 還是蠻好的.


唯一可幸的是我們能夠攞到貨款利息可以說是低一點點,但供樓還是會有點吃力,overseas travel (except HK) 暫時想都不用想 >_<,真的很興幸我哋喺買屋前去埋 Machu Picchu.

尋日正式攞到鎖匙囉,放工就去睇睇啦,發現上手留左好多垃圾同雜物,bear 一聲,雜物堆中,我哋搵到兩樣我哋可能會有用既野,其他的都是 junk, 淨係丟垃圾都有排搞.尋日快手巡左一下,然後就搞一下衞生,勁多塵,我負青掃地,sigh... 真係好彩間屋唔係大乍,至鬼憎做家務.一掃,就發現原來好已經好多年冇掃過地,通常都係用吸塵機搞掂.掃地實在太痛苦喇!

聽落去間屋好似好多野要搞咁,但其實係ok架,加上我既要求唔太高,所以真係ok架,如果我哋 somehow 真係 manage 到去 upgrade 佢,呢間屋既 potential 都唔錯架.得閒影d相先 post.

不知不覺其實住四年 basement喇, 終於可以上樓 lu~~~

Friday, July 10, 2009

Edible Arrangements

I don't know if the new company is any gd at the point, but they certainly knows how to boost morale. Right now, the two offices are still separated as they are trying to find a big enough building to accommodate everyone.

Today, our office received this yummy from the new company from edible arrangements.. to basically thank us for being coorporative in the transition. I mean, we didn't really do anything. I guess doing nothing is the best thing cos it means that we didn't riot.

For anyone who does not know what edible arrangement is all about:

I have always wondered what edible arrangements actually sells and today, I finally got a chance to have a sample. YUMMY! :]



尋日朝佢又問我是不是發夢跑步啦,good guess, 我是發夢在跑樓梯耶.

昨晚半夜醒了,詹占又說我發開口夢,說了 "Sign languges, please". 但我真是不知道我發了什麼夢會咁講.

一直以來我間唔中都會瞓瞓吓 fing 手 fing 腳,都唔係第一次打中詹占架喇,真的是苦了詹占.詹占話我有時會好大力咁 fing 手落牆度,令我哋最大惑不解既係,點解我咁都可以唔醒?


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Disappointing Summer

This summer is quite disappointing so far. Has been so cold. I had to wear long sleeves shirt and pants to cycle to work instead of shorts. July already man.

I guess the cool weather means that by the time I got to work, I wouldn't look like I just got dumped on by a bucket of.

Has also been a very wet summer, raining pretty much every week. Well... I'm glad that I haven't planned any camping trip this year.

Our little herb garden is doing quite well though. Have eaten some of the harvest already. Pretty pleased with it. :)

Monday, July 6, 2009



名義上是 merge, 實際上是大粒將我們賣了啦,大粒仍然是我的大粒,但他不再是最大粒,還會有一粒更大的在他之上.

新公司新制度,規模是大了,flexibility 就細了,很多的規條,不可著牛仔t-shirt, 遲到一定要通知 HR, 請假又要向 HR 申請(以前通常是向大粒講聲就可以).唉,不可著牛仔t-shirt,短褲波鞋更加唔駛諗,覺得好煩.

新制度之下,基本上開OT想出OT既 1.5 人工係 impossible,我就唔會再同佢開OT,開左少少OT都會遲到早退咁補返數.

算是有了 benefit, 但只係得保險,都冇工職金,保險又保得少,有 benefit 同冇 benefit 無乜分別.

But it seems like the ppl who are working there are quite happy. Maybe it's a gd company. I don't know. I'll have to see.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Albums Update

2009-05-21: Inca Trail Day 4 + Machu Picchu


Y I'm thinking about this? I'm in the process of suffering through some leftover food that is super spicy. 係辣到痴肺嗰隻。But I don't want to waste it, that's y I'm eating it. 尤其是家吓係超貧窮期,真係食得唔好洒,慳得就要慳。(至於點解咁窮,有機會再話過你知)

Anyway, what I really wanted to say is that 我一直都覺得食得辣既人係因為佢哋勁,但我一路食一路諗,會唔會其實係佢哋辣味既味蕾其實係 handicap,根本就唔係好食得出d辣味,所以先食得咁辣?勁嗰個原來唔係佢哋,而係我既味蕾?


今朝起身超攰,皆因 weekend 實在太多野做,決定唔返工,請病假,返正上個星期發現咗,公司合併之後再無有薪病假,既然係咁,不如乍乍弟放鬼埋佢,咪鬼蝕俾佢。

希望今日搞掂埋 Peru d相。

今晚係今期 ESL 最後一日,跟住九月先再開課,可以放一吓假休息一吓,唔駛個個星期一都趕頭趕命咁。


Monday, June 22, 2009



近排佢出咗部 iTouch, 成日拎出黎玩.尋日見到佢,佢仲話我知新 iPhone就黎出,好正咁話,因為有內置GPS,去旅行好方便.佢話想要返部,第時返中國唔怕迷路.

現在是誰開始變人頭豬腦耶?返中國都要GPS??又不是言語不通,迷了路要問途人也很容易啦,佢話迷路既時候會很旁惶,也有一點點道理,但是去旅行其中的一環就是看地圖嘛,對我來說,自己找路很有探險精神啦,不看地圖的話便少了一點點 adventure 的感覺耶.

不過,人家喜歡怎樣,我也管不了,只是越來越覺得我們現代人,太過依賴科技(I'm guilty myself),太過喜歡新奇小玩意,越來越人頭豬腦了.

Album Update

2009-05-20 Inca Trail Day3
As our tour guide said, it was an unforgetable day.

Thursday, June 18, 2009






又記得有個朋友係好唔願結婚嗰亭人,但佢話可唔可以淨係生仔,唔結婚?結婚,除左代表開始生仔,乜原來仲係為左生仔架咩?(請留意,結婚代表生仔,同結婚為咗生仔,係兩樣唔同既 concept)你唔願意同呢個人結婚,但願意同佢生仔,呢個邏輯係咪有少少問題?

我始終都覺得係,無錯,BB真係好得意,我亦都好鐘意玩但你諗吓佢大到十幾歲嗰時會點?我諗番我自己十幾歲嗰時,我都唔算好曳嗰隻啦,但都難免唔係一條頂心 cham;再諗諗而家d細路,仲死,唔駛十幾歲啦,未到十歲已經 ipod, DS 不離身,更加有好多世風日下的小朋友,諗起都怕怕.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Old and New Friends

Last night 為左小笨同啞麗賤行,出左去食韓國野.嘩!什麼時候小笨變左咁大食?一個人搞掂左成兜石頭飯.佩服.

啞麗好搞笑,正當大部份既人都擔心衰老同變樣衰 (or 變得比以前更樣衰),佢就一心一意咁令自己睇落去成熟d,為左未來既工作而要咁樣犠牲色相,真係 dedicated.

見到畢左業之後,唔係,應該係佢去左 PEY 之後都冇見過既愛蓮同學,其實之前同佢都冇講過十句野,但佢原來好好人咁架喎.真係想講 Nice to meet you 囉.佢知道我個名架喎,真係奇,honestly, 如果我喺街度撞到佢,我真係會叫唔出佢個名.

講番好多從前大同既近況,嘩,真係十個之中有八個 continue education, 我就係其中既第九或第十個囉.突然間覺得自己好比唔上呢d master 呀,PhD呀,又或者係已經讀完第二個 degree 既朋友.我係咪頽咗d呢?

仲有人呀,計劃生仔,I mean, 我哋都一把年齡,有朋友生仔其實都好正常,但令我覺得奇怪既係,"如一切順利的話,我今年年底個懷孕",咁樣既答案真係好得意,第一,乜原來d人真係 plan 得咁 detail;第二,嘩如果你到年底都未有,我係咪應該懷疑你哋 at least 一個人既生理有d問題,所以仲未有得生住呢?;第三,咁積極咁做人,令我幻想你地一日無野做就喺屋企好努力咁做人,哎呀,雖然未到有 mental picture 咁核突,但都難免覺得太多 detail, EW.

另一個人呀,不知所謂,平時例遲都忍佢啦,呢排就更加係飛機大王,雖然唔算得真係放飛機,因為唔係粒聲唔出咁唔出現,但都唔好得幾多.講埋好多好多既藉口,要人家等佢幾個鐘,跟住既結果好大可能都係唔出現,跟本就係搵笨,可能仲衰過放飛機,放飛機 at least 唔會等佢幾個鐘.唔出黎咪唔出黎囉,冇人迫你,點解係要咁扭拎?

第一慢咁呀,咁大個地方,都冇一個 bike rack,連兜埋過隔離個 plaza 都冇,離譜,真係想打電話去 city 度投訴.仲累我洒哂d時間喺度兜位搞到遲左兩分鐘到.

慢咁果然係慢咁,係真正既 suburb. 一d都唔鼓勵居民環保,transit 係 shit 不突只,又唔 encourage ppl ride bicycle, 咁者係想點,人人每人一架車好唔好?連 hwy 7 咁近市中心既地方都冇單車位,慢咁邊邊既新區,就更加唔駛諗.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Albums Update

2009-05-18 Inca Trail Day 1
2009-05-19 Inca Trail Day 2

Start to see some ruins!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Albums Update

2009-05-15-16 Lima + Cusco
2009-05-17 Cusco

Sorry, not pictures for Machu Picchu yet.  I like doing things in chronicle order...

Friday, May 29, 2009

Peru Trip

Back from my trip for a week now. Back in the work force for a week. Have been kept very busy with work and church and last night was the beginning of ultimate season.

Trip was great. Definitely recommand to anyone who are interested. But if u ask me if I would go again, the answer is quite definitely "No". It's something that you would do once in ur lifetime but never again. Frankly, it was quite a bit of suffering to walk up and down those mountains. Legs were so sore after all those walking. But if anyone's interested in doing that, let me know and I can give you a ton of tips to help you make it thru.

I still couldn't believe that I walked 4 days with my huge backpack on my back. There're other tour company out there that they carry ur stuff for you everyday so you only need to carry your little day pack. But I was glad that we went with a company where we carried our stuff sleeping bags and stuff. Besides being a vacation, it was also a personal physical challenge. Now, I can proudly tell people that I've done the Scared Inca trail and I carried my own stuff. (but really, carrying my own stuff does not include tent and food cos the porters of the company carries them. But still, I did carry all my personal stuff and my backpack was quite full.)

I think that the trail itself was difficult enough even at sea level with lots of stairs. It was even harder when the altitude was AT LEAST 3km most of the time (highest point was 4.2km above sea level), the air was so thin that it was hard to get enough oxygen. Walking a few stairs and we were already huffing and panting. Adding the huge pack on our backs, it was very tough, especially bcos I have also decided to haul my camera with extra lens and making sure that I have enough battery power, my pack was at least 8-10lb heavier than what it should be. But it wasn't even a question whether I should bring my camera or not cos I'm going to Machu Picchu man. How can I not bring my camera??

The trek was tough but it was worth it. Met some fun ppl in our group. Got to see the Inca ruins along the way that lazy ppl who took the train directly to Macchu Picchu won't be able to see. It was awesome.

Our tour guy was great. And he's funny, too. I'm glad that he was our guide. :)

Almost all the people in our group is from US. 有時候,真的難免覺得那些美國人真的很低能.其中一個人話全界的城市之中,美國的城市是最好的.真係想嘔.自大狂.
跟住有人又成日開飯既時候 complain d野食,佢話想食 pizza 同漢堡包,係咪低能架?我地食既野都係 d porter 煮既,都不知幾地道,我就覺得好好食.佢呀,食都未食,一見到就話好掛住 pizza,其他有d人就成日話想飲 starbucks, short short 哋架,出去旅遊唔食當地野都有既?揀飲擇食!人哋 porter 煮埋你食都咁多投訴,五行欠打.

我都有掛住 city 既野,就係我張床,四日三晚,係露營,it gets really cold at night up in the mountains. My sleeping bag is a little too short for me. In order to cover myself up, I had to sleep in the form of a 蝦米.But in order to do that, I had to sleep on my side and sleeping on my side wasn't the best way to sleep in a tent cos the ground was too hard. So I didn't sleep too comfortably but still... it wasn't too bad. I didn't complain about it.

Even though our tour company let us carry our own stuff. We do have an option to hire an extra porter to carry things for us, either the whole time or just on the 2nd day (the most physically challenged day where we had to walk 5 hours of stairs to go up to the highest point of the trek). I was honestly quite tempted to get a porter on the 2nd day. Glad I didn't and glad that I survived.

So two of the people in our group hired a porter for the whole trip (while a few hired only on the 2nd day) and we learned at the end of the trip that the porter is a 62 yr old man. And they were laughing at themselves and said that it was really shameful that they paid a 62 yr old man to carry their things (the two of them are about 26, 27 years old). That was so true and so funny.

It was also really funny that we spent more time getting drunk in a village near Machu Picchu than in Machu Picchu. We had to wait for our 6pm train to go back to where we started in the little village. Nobody had enough energy to leave the little restaurant and walk around the little village. Not that much to see there anyway cos it's all souvenir shops. Well... 詹占 and I went out for a quick look cos we were hunting souvenir for 詹占's mom.

Remembering that last day's morning was crazy. In order to see the sun rise at Machu, we had to wake up at 4am to pack our stuff and had breakfast and wait at the gate (the government does not allow anyone to start walking on the trail before 5:30am) in order to be one of the first ones to arrive at Machu. My first time to hike in the dark. And we were all going rather quick despite the fact that we were mostly broken and sore everywhere. And the annoying UK ppl who were walking ultra slowing and blocking everybody. And the virtually vertical stairs near the end while everybody had to get down to "climb" with both legs and hands. (probably can do without hands if u don't have a huge backpack on u so that u don't feel like u are falling backwards but I won't try anyway. It's some serious stairs.)

And then finally reaching Machu. Took a lot of pictures of the same thing. Just to make sure that I do at least get a few gd ones. (I suspect that they all looks the same though! haha... haven't got time to _really_ look at them yet. Quick scan told me that they look ok. Post-sible. Just have to get them organized) Machu Picchu was great. Very 壯觀, especially u look from afar up from the "sun gate". It was awesome. I was so glad that I did hike the trail in order to see Machu Picchu from that distance. Our tour guide said that we totally lucked out on the weather cos it was very clear (got really hot in the afternoon though). He said that the area is normally very very foggy. His group last week didn't get the see Machu Picchu at all from the distance cos the whole thing was just covered by fog. Thanks God for the nice weather!!

And then by the time we actually got there, there were a ton of tourist already. Well... it wasn't too bad cos Machu Picchu is such a big site that you don't really feel _that_ cramped compared to the Ocean Park in HK.

Also did some little tours in Cusco. Pictures will tell the rest of the tale (when I eventually got them all uploaded :P).

Great trek, combination of physical challenge and tourism. Loving it!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Album Update

2009-05-10 Mother's Day (Mostly just pictures of my niece)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Album Update

Back from my trip.  Safe and sound.  Just exhausted from days and days of hiking.  Finally went to one of my dream destination Machu Picchu.  Maybe I'll talk a bit more about the trip in another post.  For now, let me just say that it's a great adventure and although there were a lot suffering but it's all worth it.

Trying to download the pictures onto my computer.  Will upload them once I get them organized.  Let me upload some random backyard pictures for now. :)

2009-05-03 Front & Backyard

Thursday, May 14, 2009


我公司識得睇中文既人都應該唔知道我個 blog 既存在,所以都唔怕講。

前星期四,有獵頭公司打黎我公司搵我,我都覺得奇,邊解會知道我既存在。Anyway, 佢話佢本來幫 client 搵緊一個 geological engineer, 跟住我個名就好唔覺意咁俾佢知道左,亦知道左大約我既 skill set 係乜,知道可能佢會有 client 有興趣,所以問我,如果有好工,會唔會有意欲轉工。咁我當然話有啦,因為我真係有左呢個意欲好耐,但皆因我又懶又 picky,所以到今時今日都未轉到。

咁佢就叫我 send resume 俾佢同 answer some questions over email. 我上網 check 左佢哋個 website to make sure that it's legitimate,睇落去真係幾 legi 咁我就 send 啦,just to see what this will lead me to. 雖然我懷疑未必真係有公司對我有興趣,而係間獵頭公司想 enlarge their pool of candidate so that when a company is requesting a certain kind of ppl, they will just go to their pool and pick out the person that could be suitable. 雖然係咁,但我都難免覺得自己既 importance 突然擴大左幾十倍,有點沾沾自喜,被人挖角既感覺.

當然,轉唔轉公司,其實我既 ultimate goal 都係政府工,我d咁既懶人,真係唔係好適合係 commercial 拼命,但都係時候轉吓環境,反正我都萌生去意萌左好耐.加上都係唔好沾沾自喜得太緊要,因為可能人哋真係 only wanted to expand the pool, 所以係唔係都叫人 send resume.

咁 anyway, 我上個星期就真係 send 左俾佢,跟住都無乜野,雖然我當然成日都希望有消息啦,但同時又要話俾自己知唔好太大期望,費鬼事失望.

上個星期二,佢真係又 contact 我,話咁啱真係有公司想請一個可能啱我既職位,嘩,我真係覺得自己中左頭奬,咁火速咁幫我安排左下個星期一 interview, 當然啦,只係 interview, 人家無話要請我,但都夠我開心咗成晚.

星期一 in 左一次,都ok啦,feel a little bit like an idiot just like any other interviews that I've done. 跟住個獵前尋日打黎叫我 second in, 因為我星期五會去 vacation 一個星期既關係,所以即刻約左今日,真係好快手.

今次見多一個人,係其中一個 associate, 都算幾大粒啦,haha... 佢哋話現時已經 narrow down 到我同另一個人,但另一個人未約到幾時 second, 所以我去 trip 之前都應該唔會知道結果.

轉個頭獵頭打電話黎,話佢哋都幾 impressed, 所以而家我同另一個人之爭就係間公司想將來既方向喺點,因為我既 skill set 同一般去 in 呢個位既人有少少唔同(其實咪就係因為我唔係讀呢行囉,d skill 雜過雜草,講得好聽就係 diverse, 唔好聽就係唔夠專),anyway, 已經唔到我去控制。

但係就算佢請我,我都係有d心大心細,無錯,係想轉工想左幾耐,而家個機會由個天度跌落黎,仲唔上等幾時?但呢間公司喺屋肥囉,仲遠過襪氏,in 我嗰個人話就算你搭 GO, 都仲要轉巴士,而d巴士係超爆密,走左既話就一定大遲到,佢都係 recommand 我揸車,但咁樣好違返我環保既宗旨。我有諗過夏天搭 GO, 然後踩車返公司(只係大約8公里,唔算遠),但冬天就真係可能要日日揸車,雖然我其實係鐘意揸車既,但都總係覺得又洒油錢又唔環保,真係好難受。

不過如果佢話請我,我應該會接受,話哂我都喺而家間公司做左足足三年,都係時候轉吓環境,雖則話公司將會合併(唔怕話埋你哋知),但合併咗會喺點大家都唔係好知,可能更加衰都未定,近排大粒同二粒越俾越多野我做但時間我就係得咁多,大粒前兩個月仲夠膽死話我 "not working hard enough",  真係 bear 一聲,勁谷氣。

Potential 公司聽落去好似幾好咁,好肯 invest 落d員工身上,呢一方面係我而家呢間公司無得比既地方,potential 公司又有 benefit, 雖則話合併左之後我都會有,但始終,我受夠了。雖然我知道,同好友相比,我己經超幸福,因為公司人際關係簡單,我哋既 common enemy 就係大粒,冇人會奉承佢。但係真係時候轉吓個大運。加上呢半年以來,每當公司d野真係多到超肺既時候,我既胃痛情形越多越嚴重,需要到我放定胃藥喺公司,真係好唔健康,當然,可能新既公司都係一樣,可能仲衰,但踏一雙腳出去試吓水先囉,唔啱咪再轉囉。


聽日就出發去旅行lu, 好興奮,一如以往,每次放假之前梗係做到你扒街為止,今次都唔例外,但今次我就真係做唔哂d野,因為星期一同星期三既上晝都去咗面試,哈哈,真係搏炒!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Burnt the Hell out of Myself

For got to mentioned in my last post about my recent life. I burnt the hell out of myself two weeks ago. Basically, I pour about half a litre of _boiling_ water on myself in the office.

I didn't thought that it was too bad although it hurts like hell. But everyone I know told me that I should have gone to the hospital. Two days after the incident, the wound looked worse than ever, I guess I should have gone to the hospital.

Bascially, when it first happened, pretty much the whole front of my right shin was red and swollen. But then it subsided rather quickly so I thought that it wasn't so bad. I was more worried about my left foot that day cos the huge blister bursted. But as I said, two days later, my right shin has gotten way worse. When I first burnt myself, I didn't know that I've also burnt my little finger. As the days goes on, I wonder how come my finger was hurting and finally I realized that it was also burnt with a little blister.

I did burn myself up pretty gd this time. My parents,詹占 and my pastor all said that how come I'm so careless. I know, I am very prone to accident somehow. Cracked my elbow bone last summer, hurt my wrist snowboarding this last winter, plus countless physical injuries that I've had over the years. But really, I have been quite gd this time la. The kettle I have been using in the office for over 2 years now and this is the first accident that has ever happened. Does it not mean that I am using it very carefully or what?

Well... a lot of those water also went onto a computer that sits on the floor, right underneath where I boiled the water. It's a piece of poop anyway. No one's using it. So, to this day, no one has noticed that I've 送咗佢一程。

A frd of mine told me that I should have reported it to the office manager cos it happened in the office so I should file I report on work injury. Hrm... I don't think so. First, although it happened in the office, it has nothing to do with work. The water, I was just boiling it to make some coffee for myself. Second, how can I report the incident without telling ppl that I also poured boiling water all over that poor computer?

I called 詹占 that day to pick me up from the office to go home after work cos there's no way I could cycle home with the huge bursted blister on top of my foot. He didn't pick up the phone so I left a msg. 詹占 told me after that he's getting really scared of listening to my messages. Last summer, he was out of town for a few days and all he got was something like this:
"I fell off my bike and I broke my elbow this morning but it's ok. I went to the hospital and got a cast. I thought that I'd let u know but don't worry. I'm ok."

And this time he got:
"Hopefully, u haven't left home yet. Cos it would be nice if u drive to work today so that you can pick me up after work cos I just poured boiling water all over myself and my foot is having a huge blister now. I don't think I can cycle home but if you've already left and didn't take the car, don't worry about it. I can probably walk to the bus stop and go home that way."

I wonder maybe 5 years later, he's going to get a call from me telling him that I just had a heart attack and fainted on the street but it's now ok cos I've obviously survived it.

Today is exactly two weeks from the incident. All the wounds are finally healing, instead of getting worse like the first few days. My finger is actually all healed now. My foot and shin are getting there. I'm glad that the way it goes, they should all be healed by the time I leave for my trip next Friday.

Below are the pictures that I've taken to add to my record of physical injury. View discretion advised: these pictures could potentially gross out some individuals. If you don't think you want to spoil ur appetite, please stop reading now. I mean, now.

Can't really see the burnt on my finger.
This was taken on the first day. Doesn't look too bad.

This was taken two days after the burnt. There were two blisters in the pictures. The rest of the red area formed another blister a few days after that. Doesn't look too bad in this small picture.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Albums Update

2009-04-05 Distillary District
2009-04-10 Backyard

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


睇我 update 得咁密就知我幾得閒.

今個星期會得閒番少少,你睇我能夠喺公司打 blog 就知.時間都係偷番黎既,因為呢兩日做 circuit 既原故,test 緊個 circuit 要等,所以偷到時間.


ESL 班開始上軌道,今期係我第一次坐正,上期只係做幫手,每個星期日夜晚就整整整整整第二日既課程,上左四堂,開始知知地今期既學生想要既係乜.但當然,ESL 只係 "引誘" 街外人入 church 既門口既一個渠道,真正想做既係想帶福音俾佢哋聽.上左四堂,福音未講到,但我最怕就係佢哋學唔到佢地想學既野,唔繼續上堂,咁就真係乜都唔洗講.但而家d入場人數開始穏定,就應該開始諗吓點樣進一步 "引誘"佢哋.

尋日放工去左買相機袋,本身買相機的時候已經買左個背囊的了,但好快就發現個背囊既設計其實超唔好用,無奈個袋係喺香港買既,而香港係無 refund policy, 唯有硬哽.但為左快要出發既 Peru 之旅,就一定要買過個袋.
Peru 之旅既 highlight, 就係一連四日既 hiking + camping trip, 行 Inca Trail, 一直到達出名的 Machu Picchu. 本身就要咩個大背囊,拎住所有既衫同睡袋 etc, 咁即係唔可以再咩住個相機背囊啦,well... technically, I can wear it in front... but the thing is, 個背囊既設計,你唔放低然後放平佢都唔可以攞到個相機出黎,超唔方便,因為個 hike 係 guided (無得唔係 guided cos that the rule of the government), 唔係話你想幾時停就停,要全世界等你放低再放平個袋再拎野出黎,所以今次就有個好好既 excuse 買過個新袋.
舊既唔係話唔用得,其實去 short hike 個背囊都幾實用,因為上面可以用黎放其他野,下面用黎放相機鏡頭,但要攞相機鏡頭出黎真係好麻煩囉,背囊係有佢既好處,只係我買錯咗個設計.
Anyway, 個背囊我都忍左佢兩年,而家先買過個新既,都唔算好過份啫.

Peru trip is coming up. I'm so excited. My coworkers said that I seems to be on holiday all the time cos I just went to Wales not that long ago. True but at the same time, I really feel like going I _need_ to go on vacation and have a break asap. I'm going crazy otherwise.

Friday, April 17, 2009



1大粒又應承d客一d impossible 既 deadline, 完全不理我哋呢d二打六既死活,你應承人嗰時可唔可以諗下個 deadline meet 唔 meet 到先得架,唔係架喎,乜野都話得,你就梗係得啦,都唔係你做。

2大粒 assign 左三個人"幫"我手.
一個係 office manger, 叫咗佢做既野,唔係佢唔想做,而係佢根本就係有其他既野做,唔會有時間做我俾佢既野,assign 左俾佢既野成個星期都剩係做得少少.
一個係一個顛婆,叫佢做野,如果係d雞毛蒜皮既小事呢,淨係解釋俾佢聽既時間我自己已經做完,大事又信唔係好過俾佢做,一係呢,就係被左佢做既野,佢每十零分鐘就走過黎問呢問路,阻住我做我要做既野,前日叫佢做一個figure出黎,做左成日都未做好,最後仲唔知點解save唔到個file d 野無哂,真係被佢吹脤。嗰個咁既figure,我半個鐘至一個鐘一定做得完,佢可以做足一日都做唔完。仲要呢,佢第二日再做好之後,我叫佢整得靚靚哋,要 presentable 先得,叫佢加個 legend, 加個 frame, 我再俾埋我之前做好既 template 俾佢,佢只要將佢做嗰d野加上去,再較番啱個位,執吓d外觀咁就搞掂。半個鐘之後,佢過黎交貨,可以淨係將佢做嗰d野加左上去,但個外觀完全冇執過,半個鐘喎,你淨係加左一樣野上去??你玩牙?Seriously, 加佢嗰舊已經整好既野上去三十秒就夠啦,俾多你當你五分鐘已經係用蝸牛速度做既喇喎。最後就係要我幫佢做,佢企喺度睇,痴孖筋架。到底家下係佢幫我手,定我幫佢手呀?
第三個係新仔,連個 software 都未用過,又要我 spend time 去 train 佢.佢算係三個之中最幫得手既一個,但佢做完既野我要 check 過先得,有一樣野佢做完,我 randomly 咁 take sample 黎 check, check 到有問題,叫佢自己 check 吓,最交貨既時候我再 check 又 check 到有問題.唉,不過佢真係幫我手,唔係我幫佢手,雖然係慢d同我要 check 佢,但 at least 都算做到野.
Anyway, 離左題,我最不滿既其實係大粒,因為佢成日話有三個人幫我手,我可以任用佢哋,所以我可以做得切,但其實,加埋都根本只係得一個半幫手,咪即係好多野都係我自己做...

3大粒話要一日開兩次短會 to keep track of our progress, 洗唔洗一日兩次咁多?仲要係呢,佢嗰d所謂既短會其實唔係好短,至短都要大半個鐘.半日可以 report d乜 progress 俾你呀?基本上係浪費時間,尤其是開會既時候成日都 reiterate 一d已經講過幾次既野,一係就係講d同我做嗰 part 無關係既野,明明已經唔夠時間做,仲要咁樣洒我時間,超廢.

不過老懷安慰既係個 project 今日終於都 sorta under control. 今日有望 7點前走.(waiting for some scripts to run right now) 希望下個星期大粒唔好又有新既 "good idea" 要 implement咁就得嘞,不過大粒既野,真係唔知佢幾時又 change idea 但唔 change deadline.... >_<