Tuesday, October 30, 2012


自從我 rejoin the work force 之後,我們這一家就沒停的輪流病,一齊病。

你病完又到我病,小J病既時候我哋都不太好過,因為有人會超 cranky.

Norwalk 完咗之後,我 on and off 咁喉嚨介乎於痛與唔痛之間,上星期尾終於變成真係痛,跟住仲開始埋咳,呢兩日到咗夜晚就係咁咳。但又要咳得好抑制,費事咳得太大聲嘈醒小J,又係搵自己黎搞。


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Tough Mudder

I've signed up for a 'race' (it's technically not a race, but an obstacle course) for next year in May.

My old utlimate captain was looking for some teamates and after I saw the video, 二話不說,我就報名了!
Yep, that's what I'm going to do next May.
I still remember about a month ago when I talked to 小笨 abt a frd of ours who seemed to be in a hurry to produce offsprings, that we didn't expect it to be so soon after #1. We were saying that they didn't made their intention known to us. And 小笨 asked if 詹占 n I were going to go for #2 and my answer was not at the moment. Afterwards, I realized how unconvincing that sounded cos our frd wouldn't say yes, either.
So here, this is the prove. Not getting any #2 at least until after this! And since I'm getting to try to get in shape for this 'race', I thought I may as well do another triathlon! haha... Haven't figured out which one to sign up for yet since the schedule for next year series isn't out yet but that's the plan.
The hardest part right now is to find the time to get in shape... Even tho no #2 is in sight, my belly is already getting bigger...

Monday, October 15, 2012

Knight and Days

由於摼$$的理由,我哋終於都 ditch 咗用了多年的 zip 而轉投 Netflix 既懷抱,但老實說,Netflix 艱難大的選擇實在是 pathetic, 但看看我跟詹言呢大半年以來看電影電影劇的速度,用 zip 真的很不化算,所以最後都是要狠撇 zip.

在很有限的選擇下,前兩個星期斷斷續續的看了 Knight and Days.

可說是很不錯喎,kinda a nice surprise. 我說的不錯是指它還蠻 entertaining 的。那 over the top, 打不死的特務,那在子彈橫飛仍扮有型咁行過去咀個女生,reminds me a little bit of those 痴痴哋既港產片。跟港產不同的哋方,是呢套誇張得黎但唔浮誇,恰到好處,令我發笑 instead of 破口大駡。

其中一個我不太喜歡的地方是很多的scene 既 CG 都做得好明顯,個 background 超 fake 的,I'm not sure if they did it on purpose to make it extra cheesy or what, but it bothered me, a little bit.

Too bad that Tom Cruise is a bit crazy, 因為我都幾鐘意睇佢D戲。

Friday, October 12, 2012

3 Misunderstandings

Talked about the date night. The whole barfing episode created 3 very wrong images of me to the public.
  1. I hardly ate my dinner. I ordered seafood medley and only had one calamari, one shrimp, one scallop, and a couple bits of the rice. I had to get the rest bagged. The waiter must have thought that I was one of those Asian chicks who eats nothing.
    • And the truth is: I'm so opposite of eating nothing. People who know me knows how much I can capable of.
  2. I puked big time in the Bloor subway garbage can. People passed by must have thought that I was one of those drunken chick who puke all over the place in public.
    • And the truth is: I'm again, so opposite of this. I have, in fact, never got drunk before.
  3. Right before I went upstairs to puke in the garbage can, I was down on the east-west line waiting for a subway. But as I was feeling worse and worse, I couldn't stand no more and had to squat on the floor for about a minute before I decided that I really need to get up to find a washroom to puke in (which obviously, I had failed to find one before I need to puke and hence puking in the garbage can). People around me must have thought that I was one of those Chinese people who just squat anywhere, even in the middle of the subway station.
    • And the truth is: I myself despise those people who just squat everywhere. I personally thought that they are an eyesore as well.
Overall, although the night was miserable, it was definitely memorable.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Norwalk Has Struck

The whole household.

It started when lil J puked overnight on Friday.
The next day everyone was fine and so we thought we were ok.

Then came Sunday night, our first date night since the appearance of lil J. I ended up puking in the restaurant washroom and in the garbage can of Bloor subway station like a drunken chick.
Unfortunately, 海倫媽媽 came to our plague house to stay overnight and so she probably got sick as well. We felt terrible cos she was supposed to go on a cruise on Tuesday so we've probably ruined her holiday.

We ended up cancelling thanksgiving brunch with family and played house for the rest of the long weekend. We even took Tuesday off just to make sure that we are no longer contagious before going back to work.

The hardest part of this is that by the time me and big J got sick, lil J already got better and was ready to go. In the meantime, the two of us just wanted to lie down and die.

It was a very long, but sick, Thanksgiving weekend. Need another long weekend to recover from this long weekend...

Friday, October 5, 2012


我自己帶咗個碗同鐵匙羹返工,用黎食 lunch, 有一日,我用完,洗完,就放喺個 dish rack 度滴乾,我個零兩個鐘返去,支匙俾人偷咗。我搵過哂D櫃桶,到而家都仲係唔知去咗邊,一完係有人"收"咗去佢自己將枱...
跟住又有另一日,我個碗俾人用黎放D一舊舊唔知係乜既嘢,但就係放咗喺pantry 張枱,無人認領,但又無人洗返個碗。
又有D人好得意,好唔環保咁用 wooden stirring stick 去 stir 佢哋D咖啡,但支 stick 佢又唔係用完即棄架噃,放係洗手盤邊唔知用黎做乜架喎,佢係咪以為其他人會用佢呢支用過既 stick 呢?
跟住今日又黎料,我支羹同碗又喺度滴乾,當我去攞返既時候,發現有人用過支羹嚟 stir 過咖啡,無洗過又放返去個 dish rack 度,個羹面向天,仲有成滴 coffee 既罪證喺度,洗一洗支羹啫,咁都唔做,你話D人離唔離譜?
呢D都係我返番工唔夠一個月之內發生既事,and I don't think that all these are the doings of one person. 總之,無公德既人通街都係。

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Life is definitely very busy now that I'm back to work.
Between work, family and church, I hardly have any time for me self.
And there are so many things that I would like to do - gym, swimming, guitar, drumming, video games, books, baking etc... Too many interests, too little time.
I basically only have about 2 hrs for myself after 小J goes to sleep. And within these two hours, I have to wash dishes, do laundry, tidy the house, shower, work on church stuff. The remaining time (if there's any) isn't even enough to do one of the things that I want to do, so I usually ended up 掛網, 覆吓 email 咁,很多時候,掛了一會兒,就什麼都做不了夠鐘瞓覺。
At least twice a week, I go straight to church after work and won't be home until way past bed time. On those days, I 連掛網的時間也沒有。
I need more hours per day...

10 Times

Went swimming last night. It was my 10th times this summer!!!
It's a record! haha... (how pathetic this record is...)
Anyway, to me, it's a very good achievement. ^_^
I have to say tho, now that I'm back to work, it's harder to drag my ass to the pool in the evening, especially I am still cycling these days.
It just so happened that I didn't cycle yesterday and therefore I decided to visit the pool. I need to keep it up.
My 10-use punch card is finished tho which means that if I want to go swimming again, I have to pay for it...