Thursday, December 20, 2012



我個人對 autocorrect 也是又愛又恨呀。

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Got Scammed

well… sorta.

Bought this groupon to a middle eastern restaurant for supposedly a “dinner buffet”.

Turned out that it’s only the salad bar that was the ‘buffet’ part. For the main course, we could only choose one main course and two sides.

The main course is a choice of different kebob and it came in one skewer. The two sides were also quite pathetic, in my opinion. I ordered steamed veggie and some sort of middle eastern rice. The rice was alright but the veggie tasted so bland and it wasn’t very steamed – the broccoli and cauliflower were so hard. The meat actually wasn’t bad but the portion was so small.

The salad bar wasn’t that good, either.

Luckily we went there with a discount. But even then, it’s just ok for the price. Not to mention if I had to pay full price for this meal, I would totally 鎚心口。And I really dislike the fact that they advertised it as a ‘buffet’. Felt like they are trying to deceive ppl.

The only good thing was that the waitress was very nice. But that alone wasn’t enough for me to go back, especially bcos the restaurant wasn’t even in my area (only went there cos we had to go somewhere afterwards).

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


除著小J開始周圍走,又越來越高,小J伸手能觸及的也越來越多,佢既好奇心也 exponential 咁提升。







Tuesday, December 4, 2012

開 turbo

說過有咁耐風流,有咁耐折墮啦,現在就是折墮的時候,這個多兩個星期在公司超忙的,everything is ASAP, everything is overdue. 搞到在家都做開工。

但係屋企做好唔就手,我由 day 1 開始就話我要 VPN, 但上頭就覺得唔需要,唔肯幫我申請,搞到喺屋企 access 唔到 server d files, 又用唔到 d 要 server license 既 software. 基本上係事倍工半,但有時趕住接小 J 唔可以留喺公司做,唯有喺屋企做,喺屋企其實時間不多,喺小J瞓之前又唔開得工,佢瞓咗之後,我又唔可以做太夜,因為人家準時過鬧鐘五點幾六點就起身,我太夜瞓會想死。

呢排喺公司都冇做私人嘢,望黎望去都係呢個 project, 好 dry. (haha…講到好似做私人嘢係理所當然既一樣。)

Friday, November 30, 2012




但到咗真係既時候就局住上,也不是太壞啦,是要好 efficient 咁用d時間囉,感覺上係冇得停,但一兩日後就慣了喲。

還好是星期六那天咁好橋有人約食 tea, nice break and good to see other people.

Luckily, 詹占在星期二的時候回來了喇。

單親,not impossible, as long as you are willing to lay down all your time and be dedicated. Well… or else, as long as you are willing to neglect your little guy. haha… that wouldn’t be good parenting tho, would it?

Tuesday, November 27, 2012



佢今次同我講,話做埋呢次之後既 show 就唔會再著埋D古靈精怪既衫,會做番一個 back to the original 既 standup.

Waking up, I highly doubt that it would ever happen, both the fact that he told me about his plan (not even remotely plausible) and the fact that he would 回到從前最 basic 既 basic, 除去所有既 fanfare, 用最根本既棟篤笑.


可是,我諗呢個唔係 majority 最鐘意既嘢,可能大眾的口味不一樣吧,子華不譁眾,就取不了寵,那就要食西北風。

In any case, I still love 子華 la, 那是不爭的事實,只是有時會想想"他現在還能做一個原始的棟篤笑嗎?" 的狂想。

Friday, November 23, 2012

Technical Difficulties

Due to technical issue with the work computer, I haven’t been updating much recently.

Now the issue is resolved, so hopefully I’ll be here a little more often.

Have lots of work to do these days tho. We’ll see.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


First word: “o-oh”
Second word: “dirt”

詹占: Can you say ‘dada’?
Head shaking
詹占: Can you say ‘mama’?
Head shaking
詹占: Can you say ‘dirt’?


Thursday, November 8, 2012

無聊的撐場 Post

近排都好少 post,再不上來多一點就會發霉(雖然也不見得很多人在看這個)。

呢排喺公司都好清閒,其實唔係無嘢做,個 project 其實超趕的(因為已經過咗deadline),但我俾人 hold up 住,做唔到嘢。

所以呀,當上面搞掂既時候,我肯定忙到 PK, 我而家越是清閒,我到時死得越慘。真正既有咁耐風流,有咁耐折墮。

清閒都少 post, 皆因我忙緊教會 website 既 revitalization, 呢個 revitalization 都蘊釀咗好耐,都落手落腳做咗唔少,但係無人 support 底下,仲未做完。

當我想 pick up 番既時候,我就睇呢個做到一半既 website 好唔順眼,於是我又重新 research 再黎過。今次仲連個 backend 都換埋,由於係咁既關係,好多嘢都要 get used to, 又好多新 function 要學同 understand, 搞一大輪先起到步。

不過 so far, 我對呢個新 backend 同搵咗好耐揀咗好耐既 template 都好滿意,hopefully, once it's finished, 我唔會又屎忽痕又 reinvent 佢啦。不過,做完先算,進度超慢的...

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The End of An Era

Just heard from someone that Microsoft has decided to discontinue MSN messenger next March to make everyone move onto Skype.

That ends another era of virtual communication. It's kinda sad but it totally makes sense because there's hardly anyone using MSN these days, at least among my group of friends. Even the once all-timer 小笨 is no longer there.

It makes me feel so old for some reason...

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


自從我 rejoin the work force 之後,我們這一家就沒停的輪流病,一齊病。

你病完又到我病,小J病既時候我哋都不太好過,因為有人會超 cranky.

Norwalk 完咗之後,我 on and off 咁喉嚨介乎於痛與唔痛之間,上星期尾終於變成真係痛,跟住仲開始埋咳,呢兩日到咗夜晚就係咁咳。但又要咳得好抑制,費事咳得太大聲嘈醒小J,又係搵自己黎搞。


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Tough Mudder

I've signed up for a 'race' (it's technically not a race, but an obstacle course) for next year in May.

My old utlimate captain was looking for some teamates and after I saw the video, 二話不說,我就報名了!
Yep, that's what I'm going to do next May.
I still remember about a month ago when I talked to 小笨 abt a frd of ours who seemed to be in a hurry to produce offsprings, that we didn't expect it to be so soon after #1. We were saying that they didn't made their intention known to us. And 小笨 asked if 詹占 n I were going to go for #2 and my answer was not at the moment. Afterwards, I realized how unconvincing that sounded cos our frd wouldn't say yes, either.
So here, this is the prove. Not getting any #2 at least until after this! And since I'm getting to try to get in shape for this 'race', I thought I may as well do another triathlon! haha... Haven't figured out which one to sign up for yet since the schedule for next year series isn't out yet but that's the plan.
The hardest part right now is to find the time to get in shape... Even tho no #2 is in sight, my belly is already getting bigger...

Monday, October 15, 2012

Knight and Days

由於摼$$的理由,我哋終於都 ditch 咗用了多年的 zip 而轉投 Netflix 既懷抱,但老實說,Netflix 艱難大的選擇實在是 pathetic, 但看看我跟詹言呢大半年以來看電影電影劇的速度,用 zip 真的很不化算,所以最後都是要狠撇 zip.

在很有限的選擇下,前兩個星期斷斷續續的看了 Knight and Days.

可說是很不錯喎,kinda a nice surprise. 我說的不錯是指它還蠻 entertaining 的。那 over the top, 打不死的特務,那在子彈橫飛仍扮有型咁行過去咀個女生,reminds me a little bit of those 痴痴哋既港產片。跟港產不同的哋方,是呢套誇張得黎但唔浮誇,恰到好處,令我發笑 instead of 破口大駡。

其中一個我不太喜歡的地方是很多的scene 既 CG 都做得好明顯,個 background 超 fake 的,I'm not sure if they did it on purpose to make it extra cheesy or what, but it bothered me, a little bit.

Too bad that Tom Cruise is a bit crazy, 因為我都幾鐘意睇佢D戲。

Friday, October 12, 2012

3 Misunderstandings

Talked about the date night. The whole barfing episode created 3 very wrong images of me to the public.
  1. I hardly ate my dinner. I ordered seafood medley and only had one calamari, one shrimp, one scallop, and a couple bits of the rice. I had to get the rest bagged. The waiter must have thought that I was one of those Asian chicks who eats nothing.
    • And the truth is: I'm so opposite of eating nothing. People who know me knows how much I can capable of.
  2. I puked big time in the Bloor subway garbage can. People passed by must have thought that I was one of those drunken chick who puke all over the place in public.
    • And the truth is: I'm again, so opposite of this. I have, in fact, never got drunk before.
  3. Right before I went upstairs to puke in the garbage can, I was down on the east-west line waiting for a subway. But as I was feeling worse and worse, I couldn't stand no more and had to squat on the floor for about a minute before I decided that I really need to get up to find a washroom to puke in (which obviously, I had failed to find one before I need to puke and hence puking in the garbage can). People around me must have thought that I was one of those Chinese people who just squat anywhere, even in the middle of the subway station.
    • And the truth is: I myself despise those people who just squat everywhere. I personally thought that they are an eyesore as well.
Overall, although the night was miserable, it was definitely memorable.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Norwalk Has Struck

The whole household.

It started when lil J puked overnight on Friday.
The next day everyone was fine and so we thought we were ok.

Then came Sunday night, our first date night since the appearance of lil J. I ended up puking in the restaurant washroom and in the garbage can of Bloor subway station like a drunken chick.
Unfortunately, 海倫媽媽 came to our plague house to stay overnight and so she probably got sick as well. We felt terrible cos she was supposed to go on a cruise on Tuesday so we've probably ruined her holiday.

We ended up cancelling thanksgiving brunch with family and played house for the rest of the long weekend. We even took Tuesday off just to make sure that we are no longer contagious before going back to work.

The hardest part of this is that by the time me and big J got sick, lil J already got better and was ready to go. In the meantime, the two of us just wanted to lie down and die.

It was a very long, but sick, Thanksgiving weekend. Need another long weekend to recover from this long weekend...

Friday, October 5, 2012


我自己帶咗個碗同鐵匙羹返工,用黎食 lunch, 有一日,我用完,洗完,就放喺個 dish rack 度滴乾,我個零兩個鐘返去,支匙俾人偷咗。我搵過哂D櫃桶,到而家都仲係唔知去咗邊,一完係有人"收"咗去佢自己將枱...
跟住又有另一日,我個碗俾人用黎放D一舊舊唔知係乜既嘢,但就係放咗喺pantry 張枱,無人認領,但又無人洗返個碗。
又有D人好得意,好唔環保咁用 wooden stirring stick 去 stir 佢哋D咖啡,但支 stick 佢又唔係用完即棄架噃,放係洗手盤邊唔知用黎做乜架喎,佢係咪以為其他人會用佢呢支用過既 stick 呢?
跟住今日又黎料,我支羹同碗又喺度滴乾,當我去攞返既時候,發現有人用過支羹嚟 stir 過咖啡,無洗過又放返去個 dish rack 度,個羹面向天,仲有成滴 coffee 既罪證喺度,洗一洗支羹啫,咁都唔做,你話D人離唔離譜?
呢D都係我返番工唔夠一個月之內發生既事,and I don't think that all these are the doings of one person. 總之,無公德既人通街都係。

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Life is definitely very busy now that I'm back to work.
Between work, family and church, I hardly have any time for me self.
And there are so many things that I would like to do - gym, swimming, guitar, drumming, video games, books, baking etc... Too many interests, too little time.
I basically only have about 2 hrs for myself after 小J goes to sleep. And within these two hours, I have to wash dishes, do laundry, tidy the house, shower, work on church stuff. The remaining time (if there's any) isn't even enough to do one of the things that I want to do, so I usually ended up 掛網, 覆吓 email 咁,很多時候,掛了一會兒,就什麼都做不了夠鐘瞓覺。
At least twice a week, I go straight to church after work and won't be home until way past bed time. On those days, I 連掛網的時間也沒有。
I need more hours per day...

10 Times

Went swimming last night. It was my 10th times this summer!!!
It's a record! haha... (how pathetic this record is...)
Anyway, to me, it's a very good achievement. ^_^
I have to say tho, now that I'm back to work, it's harder to drag my ass to the pool in the evening, especially I am still cycling these days.
It just so happened that I didn't cycle yesterday and therefore I decided to visit the pool. I need to keep it up.
My 10-use punch card is finished tho which means that if I want to go swimming again, I have to pay for it...

Friday, September 28, 2012


開頭當我知道佢喺香港開show既時候,有少少擔心佢今次會唔黎多人多,所以當我收到消息知道佢會黎之後就超興奮啦,立即 msg 個朋友睇佢去唔去,點知撞正佢出咗埠,sms 同 email 咗佢,等左一晚都無回覆。我勁心急想即刻買飛攞好位丫嘛,小妹叫我唔好等,陣間買唔到好位仲dup心口,小妹話到時佢哋去先自己買飛,最多分開坐。
飛,買咗 second most expensive 嗰隻,喺我一向都買嗰隻,最貴嗰D真係買唔起,尤其是家吓有小J喺度,開支大咗好多,又剛剛先返番工,銀根短缺,今次買呢個價錢既飛真係"括"出去的啦,唉,仲有好多咭數要找... 嗚嗚嗚...

其實我個人唔係好鐘意呢張 poster, 個樣執過,但執得太過份,塊面好假。
當然,有得睇子華係梗係開心,但我既 expectation 係好高架,希望子華唔會令我失望啦。

其實我有少少 wonder, 點解咁多次子華黎多人多,都係宣明會邀請,就偏偏上次娛樂圈血肉史2唔係,今次又變返係??百思不得其解。


Thursday, September 20, 2012


自從來了多人多之後都少吃瓜,在res都算食得OK frequent,因為無乜水果揀。
就算同大J一齊之後都係少吃,原因係某人懶,我買個瓜返黎,如果我唔去劈的話,就算個瓜放到爛都唔會有人去劈。再加上,就算我劈了,但某人係懶到唔會一 'kai kai' 咁食,要切粒粒俾佢先會食,但某人其實唔太好瓜,食幾舊佢又唔食,所以真係好少會買瓜,要買都係買皺皮瓜,咁先會食得哂。




Thursday, September 13, 2012



唯一的就是跟同事出街食 lunch, 但還是要自費的,不過我當然無諗過要人家請啦,根本就不是太熟。人家發起一齊出去食餐飯都已經是對我超好的啦。

好彩我之前一個月左右,有晚襯小 J 瞓咗,去踩咗一輪車。
雖然係咁,但都仲係快過巴士(因為下晝 rush hour 超塞車),你話死唔死,點會有人願意搭車?

Monday, September 10, 2012


襯上星期自己一個人在家的時間,試做了一樣一直以來都很想整的餅 - 蝴蝶酥!


味道不錯,可是就嫌焗得不夠脆,下次(如果有下次的話 :P)要改善改善。

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Time's Up


明天 rejoin work force.

其實今個星期已經要睇文件... In my boss's own word, he needs me to 'hit the ground running'.
但人事部的卻好像在找電腦方面有d問題,我聽日可能會無電腦,又或有腦但 software 唔齊,咁即係扭親腳,咁點 run??

We shall see tmr... Soooooo looking forward to it.... NOT!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Summer's Almost Over

It's starting to get chilly in the evenings and mornings.
The 'feels like' temperature is lower than the actual temperature in the evenings as well.
A sign that summer's leaving us.
So sad...

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I bought this desk chair from IKEA a few years ago. It's one of those ones that the back could go backwards to 135 degrees. I bought it when no long after I learned that 135 degree is supposed to be the best for your back.

But after I put it together, I realized that it took a lot of effort to keep the back at 135 degree cos it wants to spring back to vertical all the time. So it turned that it wasn't really practical cos bascially, I have to activate my back muscle to keep the back inclined, which defeats the purpose of relaxing my back. I mean, it's a good chair but it's not as pecfect as I hoped it would be.

Just last night, I found that one of the adjustment bar has an extra turning ability which locks the back of the chair in place!!!
How stupid is that? I had this chair for years and now I figured it out!
I couldn't believe it. I remember I checked and checked the different bars to see if it could make the back 'locked' cos I thought that it was a very dumb design that I had to push so hard to keep it in place.

Who's the dumb one now??!?! :S

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Annoying Practice

My neighbour's relative came over all the time cos they leave their children to be babysat by my neighbour.

A lot of the times, after they come over to pick up their kids, they honk their horns on their way out.

I never thought of it much until now that 小J is here.
The honking wakes up 小J from his nap sometimes so it definitely doesn't not impress me cos quite a bit of effort was involved to get 小J to sleep.

What's the point of this honking anyway?
It's not like my neighbour doesn't know that he/she is leaving. They probably have already said their goodbyes before they left. So what does this honking signals?? That their car is running fine so that they are _actually_ on their way???

Another thing that pizzles me is the number of times that they come over in a day.
Again, I never notice this before until now I'm staying home with 小J.
It's definitely more than just drop off and pickup and the time is weird.
I assume that pickup and dropoff happens in the evening and in the morning, after and before they go to work.
But no, it''s not. It's random and they come over more than twice a day. And they come over on weekend as well.
Sometimes, it's the husband coming over. Sometimes, it's the wife.
Maybe both of them work shift???
But how come so many times a day?
Pizzled pizzled pizzled...

Thursday, August 23, 2012


When asked what's their fav fruit, a frd of mine said grape tomato and so I said that tomato is veggie, not fruit. To my surprise, two other frds went on to agree with the first person that tomato is fruit, not veggie.

I grew up thinking that tomato is veggie.
Since when it has become a fruit?

What do you think? Fruit of veggie?

Saturday, August 18, 2012

New Swim Suit

The other day, I dug out a brand new swim suit that got buried for years. That's perfect cos I was looking for a new one.

I have been using this one which is too small for the fattened me. So I have to wear another one on top to cover the fact that it's too small. The one on top is just an old old one that has been overstretched.

And then one day, after I've washed those two, I realized that if I hold up the top one next to my shoulder, the bottom goes almost all the way to my knees!! I knew that it was way overstretched but didn't know that it was quite _that_ bad.

So it was great that I found this new one.

Went for a swim with this new suit the other day. To be honest, this one is still a touch small but as long as I jumped into the pool quickly and ran back to the change room quickly afterwards, it should be ok.

And it felt so good with this new suit. I felt like I swam faster. I have been feeling quite discouraged lately when I go swimming cos I felt like I swim terrible. Now I know part of the reason is that the old swim suit dragged me down and also made it hard to do my strokes properly. Of course, I know that the other part of the reason is that I don't swim enough and have not been swimming enough in the past like 8 years.

After swimming with the new suit, I felt all happy and excited. I wasn't as sloppy as I thought I was (tho by no means great in any case). 工欲善其善,必先利其器 is true.

Friday, August 17, 2012



初初見到都覺得幾 sweet, 但睇得多覺得好煩。

想點呀?曬幸福囉喎家吓,駛唔駛成日係咁 publicly 咁提住?


同埋點解世上咁多人都好似不能夠 enjoy 自己一個人既時間?唔明。



Thursday, August 9, 2012



點知返到去既時候已經抄咗牌! >_<
仲要係剛剛抄,因為我見到架 parking authority 既車駛走...


雖然我知其實係我錯,我無睇到d condition, 但都係超想爆粗同覺得好唔抵。


呢份禮物真係貴... >_<

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Time to post an entry.

I dreamt that I went to 子華's show with a friend. We've got excellent seats! 3rd row from the front.
And I ended up getting one of the the nightly prize - a book with 子華's handwriting on it.

I know. It's just a dream.

Btw, 子華 has a new show coming up - 洗燥.
Again... sigh... I won't be in HK during that time la...

Wonder what it's about. And wonder if he will come to TO this time...

Monday, July 23, 2012



Went to their concert in Toronto last year. It was so awesome! Have been listening to them since.

Christian music doesn't need to be boring. :)

And they are Canadians! How cool is that?

Monday, July 16, 2012

iPad Experience

Was in a rather fancy hotel, The Inn At Penn, in Philadelphia. I was there because JS has a conference there so me and JJ tagged along for the free hotel to make it a road trip. The hotel is so fancy that it gives you an iPad to use in each room, free of charge, and hence my first iPad experience.

 Do I like it?

Hrm... Can't really say... I found that a lot of the interface isn't really that user-friendly but I m not sure if that's an iPad issue or if it's the issue of the specific iPad version of the websites. I was trying to look for attractions and stuff to do in the city but it was hard as hell. Took forever to find an ATM machine. Actually, we failed to find ATM machine (partly because google map failed to give us any useful location but the interface also played a part into the time spent). We ended up going down and asked the receptionist and that took us a grand total of 30sec. Sometimes, old school is a much better method that the oh-so-good technology.

 I also found browsing relatively slow, compared to a regular laptop, but just slightly slower compared to, say, a netbook. I m not very patient when it comes to that so it irritated me a little. But then, the page I was trying to view had quite a bit of images on it. Maybe that was why it took longer than I would like.

My very limited experience wasn't all negative tho. For instance, I love the typing ability of the iPad. A few of my recent post are a result of it. I probably wouldn't have the time to retract and type all these after I got back home. Not that it can totally replace the old keyboard cos I found that I make more typo and have to backspace and correct myself a lot. Having said that, it is definitely much much better than typing with my android. And I also suspect that it's related to the fact that I m not too used to the iPad. I bet I can type much better if I have an iPad to play with from time to time.

Given my very limited experience, would I spend a few hundred bucks to buy an iPad for its ease to blog? Most likely not. I mean, I m pretty sure it can do more than blog but I personally don't have a real need for it. I could totally use a couple hundred bucks somewhere else.

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Hated that book. It's one of those titles that I got from other ppl's fb status. Guess it doesn't work for me this time. Basically, the main character is unlikeable. That's usually a bad sign for me. I find it hard to like a book or movie if the main guy is unlikeable. I need to side with someone in a book/movie. When I can't side with the characters, I find it hard to enjoy the story. Apparently, the author, Ian McEwan, wrote atonement as well, which is a movie that I didn't like. I think I probably should avoid this author from now on.

Thursday, June 21, 2012


尋晚去幫詹占買啤酒,竟然俾人check ID, 嘩,大哥,你真係俾面!其實我分分鐘大個賣啤俾我嗰位哥哥仔。

我經已用咗我最 sure 既聲線同語調去 order, 但都係要我出示 ID, 我仲又咁啱留咗係架車度要出返去囉,唔知佢開頭係咪以為我逃走呢?XD

雖然我著既係街坊 look, 但應詃都不至於令人低估我既年齡咁多卦,我仲要係揸車去架喎,如果我踩車,咪仲細個?!

幾廿歲人仲俾人 check ID, I am flattered! XD

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Kingkiller Chronicle

A trilogy that I'm currently reading.

I love it!

I borrowed the ebook from the library. The first one "The Name of the Wind" was better, I thought, but the 2nd one "The Wise Man's Fear" was pretty good still.

However, apparently, the 3rd book is not going to be out until May 2013!!!

I didn't know that the last book wasn't out yet. Well... I actually didn't know that it was a trilogy when I started. I tried to sign out the 3rd book, only that I couldn't find it in the library. So I looked  it up online and found that it's not published yet... orz...

This series is sorta like HP in certain yet but darker and the audience is obviously adults. The main character also went to a magic school but it is a university. There're also other quests and stuff instead of just about going to school. Anyway, it's good, or so I thought.

I recommend this series to people who likes fantasy but I probably would also recommend you to wait till the 3rd book's out so that you don't have to wait.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Have You Ever Seen

A firefly?

I can now say that I did!! ^o^

Firefly is something that I have never thought that I would be able to see in real life, not in my life anyway.
It's something that I only expected to see it on TV or books or stories.

So how and where did it happen?

The youth fellowship of church had a BBQ in a MH park.
We stayed till dark and as we were packing up, one of the boy told me that he saw a firefly. He said that he saw the light twice and told me where he saw it but I couldn't see it.
On our way walking out of the park to get to the car, I saw it from afar!
It was very exciting!! I told the rest of the kids about it.
And we all saw them~~~ Yay~~~
As we continued to walk, either our eyes are adjusting or it's getting darker and darker or more fireflies are coming out, they are everywhere.
So many of them!

I tried to use my phone to take a video of them but it was too dark and my phone's camera is too crappy so I couldn't get any video.
Some of them were flying.When I tried to videotaped it by following the light, they flashed once and I aimed my camera towards it but then when it flashed again, it's already away from my camera's field of view.
And there were so many of them in the bushes a little bit far away from us.
They were all flashing and flashing, like stars!!
It was beautiful!!

It was also very obvious that some kids didn't care much about the nature tho.
We pointed out the fireflies, they were like, "Oh ya! That's really cool." and then they went back to their ipod-listening, game playing or whatever they were doing.
Some of us were genuinely excited and we just couldn't watch enough.
If not because of the mosquitoes, I probably would have stayed longer to watch them.
For me, it was so amazing.
I can still hardly believe what I have seen.
It wasn't that far from civilization, either. Unbelievable!

Saturday, June 9, 2012


Continued from the other post.
我既方程式係no2因為我覺得 no 1 係洗得唔乾淨架,因為洗洗吓,成盤水都係油。
但係我既同屋主用的是 no 1, 所以我總係覺得佢洗完之後d碗碗碟碟都係肥淋淋。

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Got complaint by a frd who said that I don't update anymore but play stupid fb games.

Well... got a few explanations, I guess.

There are two different things that I would like to explain:
1. Doesn't update very often here.
2. Why do I play stupid fb games?

2 is a little easier to explain so let's get that over with first.
I started playing mainly because my sis plays. But then after a little while, I'm hooked. Better now, cos I am not hooked anymore, although I still play.
I also play cos sometimes I don't have much time to do other things when I only have a little bit of time while 小J sleeps. More explanation as to why I don't have much time in the following.

Now, back to 1.
I am actually writing entries almost everyday... but on a different blog. A private blog. A blog dedicated to 小J to record our time together, at least for this year.
Since I'm not working right now and that my time is pretty must all spent in the company of 小J, most of the stuff that I have to say goes to that blog and I don't feel like repeating myself here.
I don't have too much time to update here anyway, after posting on the other blog because when 小J is sleeping, I have to do laundries, prepare for meals, clean up etc. So after I 'catch up' with the other blog and finishing all the house chores, I don't feel like typing no more.
I am actually rather busy in the past two weeks.
小J 發高燒 on the long weekend and we ended up in the emergency. After that, I spent most of my time taking care of a sick, cranky 小J.
Last weekend, we went to the States and I had a mountain of laundry (I do laundry for everyone in the house) to catch up on for the rest of the week.
And ever since 小J was sick, he got spoiled because we held him to sleep (he couldn't sleep on his own while he was sick). Now that he's all better but he's also all spoiled, won't go to sleep on his own and doesn't sleep through the night no more. And naturally, the one person who doesn't go to work have to stay up at night.
This weekend, we had a wedding to go to and of course, 小J's schedule is once again all wrecked again.

We are devoting a lot of time and energy trying to retify the problem. (Luckily, it seems to be slightly better now. Hopefully, by the end of this week, he'll be back to normal. Finger crossed.)
So I'm totally exhausted during the day recently. Sometimes when 小J's having a nap in the afternoon, after doing all the chores, it's not worthwhile for me trying to have a nap myself cos I know that he's going to be up very soon so I just play the mind-numbing game to past some time.

I have also spent quite a lot of time hunting for 臭B服務 in the past week since September is closing in fast and we still haven't nailed down anything yet. Little bit of a panic right now cos we want something good but we are too poor so we don't want to pay too much for it. That makes the search even harder.

And actually, I have a couple posts on the go but just never managed to get them finished.

On top of all these, who's really following this blog anyway, maybe except the frd who filed the complain...

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Phone Software Update

After the operating system update, the resolution of my phone camera has been set to the lowest setting.
I didn't know until very recently.
Even as I reset the option, I didn't realized how big the damage was until I have downloaded the pictures onto my computer.
There were actually quite a few pictures that I really really liked but now I only have the low low resolution of them.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Under Attack

My house has been under raccoon attack in the past week. >_<

詹占 and I were waken up at 3 in the morning the other day by the sound of raccoon (to me it sounded like a pig but more evil and wild). The wood on the side of our garage got torn apart with the insulation ripped out. We suspected that the raccoon(s) were looking for honey (we see bumble bees going in and out from time to time). 詹占 fixed it up temporarily with some old wood that we have.

And the raccoon tipped our green bin last night. Argh... There hasn't been any greenbin tipping the whole winter and I guess they are back now...

Raccoons have also decided that our front lawn next to our tulips is a washroom for them. I went out with 小J the other day and smelled something really stinky and thought that some of our neighbour might have put down fertilizers or something. Talked to 詹占 at night and he told me that it's the raccoon. I totally 
forgot about it and went weeding yesterday and almost stepped on it!!!

As much as I like wild animals and that we human have probably invaded the raccoon habitat, I really dislike raccoons!!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Prince of Persia

Not a bad movie.
I liked the action sequence. Very exciting.

I didn't understand how the world didn't get destroyed tho at the end cos they broke the sand glass. Can someone enlighten me?

And I actually watched some of the special features on the DVD (I actually found a lot of those 'special features' a waste of time to watch... I usually only look for the gag reel). Turned out that they actually built a lot of the scene and with actual 林記, as opposed to use CG.

Old school, but I like it. :)

Monday, May 14, 2012



唧d洗潔精落舊sponge 度,用舊sponge 洗完之後過水沖,搞掂。


Friday, May 11, 2012

Juliet, Naked

Finished this book a couple days ago. Ever since 小J doesn't spend too much time in my arms, the amount of time of me reading has hugely decreased.

Mildly interesting book. I didn't really like any of the characters tho. It's like one of those movies where everyone's a bit of an ars. And I didn't like the ending much, either.

One good thing about fb is that a few of my frds asks for book recommandations every once in a while and they usually get quite a few responses. I just have to pick through those and see which ones the library has in electronic version. It works out pretty well for me so far.

Thursday, May 3, 2012



於是book咗今日,一早去到,發現原來係一埸誤會,醫生係叫reception小姐 make sure 小 J下個月例行檢查,唔係要即刻覆診,阿車!洒哂我d時間,油錢,精神,同泊車錢。



Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Album Update

2012-03-28 Kowloon Wall City Park

This concludes the touristy activities of this trip.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Kick in the Face


Happened when I went swimming last night. The pool that I normally goes to was closed for the night so I went to an alternative one instead. Apparently, a lot of the ppl did the same thing so the alternative pool was much busier than normal.

I was doing my own thing without realized that I was catching up to this one person. And that's how I ended up getting kicked in the face. It hurted quite a bit so I had to do a U-turn to get back to the one end of the pool. Took off my goggles and felt with my finger to check the damage. No blood. Good. But further feeling suggested that some skin might have came off.

I ended up going to the washroom to double-check. Sure enough, I was cut. No wonder if hurt that much. I was going to abort the session and go home but looking at the clock, I was there for only about 30min! I debated with myself whether I should stay. It didn't really hurt _that_ much but I was just worried about infection. Who knows how clean these pools are, especially when there were so many ppl last night.

Since I've paid a whole 3.5 dollar in order to get in, I decided not to tough it out and went back in there to swim. The fact that I could keep swimming probably meant that it wasn't so bad.

So far, I have swum twice already in 2012. That's a 100% increase from last year! Yay! haha... This is sorta of my resolution for the year (altho the resolution wasn't really made in the new year and it only occured to me that I want to do it after last swim): Try to go swimming a little more often and maybe even make it a regular thing.

Friday, April 27, 2012


Addicted to Sim Social on FB recently.
Well... Actually I play both Sim Social and Cityville.
I didn't really want to play in the first place. I only started as one of the way to 'connect' with my sister, who play those two and more games on FB.
As it turned out, once you started, you kinda "have to" keep playing. heh.
I'm currently trying to get this "Zen garden" in "my backyard". It takes a lot of work and rather time-consuming.

I like it better than Cityville in some way tho.
Cityville keeps piling up the objectives on you. It's impossible to keep up with it so bascially I'm not following its objectives. There's no way to get rid of these objectives on your "notice board" tho so it's just a big mess there.
Whereas Sim's objectives expires if you don't do them in time. Altho that's also kinda annoying cos it means that you have to play very intensively if you want to achieve certain objective cos there's a time limit on it. But at least, the objectives won't all get clogged up.

There's one and a half day left for me to complete the Zen garden. Hopefully, I can do it within the time limit! hehe...

Thursday, April 26, 2012


這回是我 in 人,不是人 in 我。
是 in 托B服務㖿,sigh... so not fun.
In 咗三個,但 none of them is ideal.
基本上,係一個比一個差,orz... 有點兒失望。
At this moment, I don't want to commit to any one of them. 但人家的 organization 話現在沒有其他 available 的,叫我五月尾先再繼續。
當然,這樣做有風險,就是現在 available 的難保到五月尾還是 available, 如果五月尾仍是沒人 available or 人選還是不理想的話,就可能兩頭唔到岸。

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Went to swimming on Monday evening.
It was nice but it's a little bit hard to get there on time.
I bascially had to put 小J to bed b4 I could get out of the house.
So out of shape tho, my goodness. I only swam for about 40 min and I was so done after that. Mind you, I cycled to the pool and cycled back home (altho it really isn't that far away).
Last time I went swimming was last year, when 小J was still in the process of forming.
The time before that was the triathlon race the year b4.
Somehow, swimming had turned into an annual activity... :(
I would like to go swimming more often but the pool hour is kinda awkward.
I will try to go swimming a little more this summer.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


一切的 jetlag 都已經過去,d時間都回復正常.
之前返黎之後,休息咗一陣,而家d嘢又要開始 pick up 返.
我唔想錯過小J成長既過程,但係就算唔計其他嘢,淨係返工我都早出晚歸,仲要加埋教會d嘢,我真係唔知點算... >_<
唉,講起返工,咁就已經過咗一大半,時間過得真係快,I can't bear want to think about starting to work again.
T_T 嗚嗚
T_T 嗚嗚
T_T 嗚嗚

Monday, April 16, 2012

襯仲 on leave 的時候,在暑假再返去一趟。
但,旺季雞票很貴耶... 現在沒正式收入的我,真的很難負擔得起...

Junk Comments

Getting quite a few of those these days. Annoying!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Death Note

多年前小笨是燒了幾隻 death note 既 cd 俾我,但我當時睇緊 one piece, 最後都因為在電腦追 one piece 追得太辛苦而無疾而終,所以更加冇睇 death note, d碟一直放埋一邊。
在港期間,小妹不斷慫恿我睇 death note, 而佢更係擁有一整套的漫畫,常說多點人看抵d咁話。於是我就半推半就之下開始咗睇。


No wonder so many ppl liked this series. 確實是幾 unique 既一套漫畫。

Saturday, April 7, 2012


1. 做乜好似咁多男歌手/band 主音把聲都有陳奕迅的影子?但比陳難聽得多.
2. d男歌手/band 主音做乜個個都唱假音?但d音成日都好似到位同唔到位之間,我覺得好難頂.

可惜爆舊爆到搵唔到MV, 只係搵到呢個超舊加走哂音既u2b clip.
看看校長的短褲 look, 正點!:P

我愛大自然           合唱:譚詠麟/彭健新

綠蔭裏 草坡上 讓我胸襟一再展
拋開了心底倦 讓我走向大自然
在燦爛陽光裏面 看風箏慢慢轉
山光水色美而秀 願美麗莫污染

讓青苗 天天大 願這花草不會損
願火苗速消滅 綠化郊野每林園
在美麗林蔭深處 鳥聲在慢慢轉
山水之間種靈氣 願清新莫改變



山光水色美而秀 願美麗莫污染

我一聽呢到首歌既歌既時候,就覺得好似政府廣告歌,「我愛郊野公園」,hardsell 得好明顯。返屋企一查,願來真係當年漁農處既宣傳歌。
雖然係咁,我都幾鐘意首歌,沒有高潮跌起假音懶有感情的一首歌,平平淡淡的,但就是聽得很舒服 (well... at leaset the non-走音version聽得人很舒服 :P),很入耳,很有校園味道呢!

Thursday, April 5, 2012


最 risky 的那天我哋去咗花展,都是因為詹占想去,我也不行整天捆住佢在家,所以順佢一下。我個人覺得只係ok,畢竟我還是喜歡野生的植物多一點。


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

It's Complicated

Watched his movie a few weeks ago. I surprised myself by sorta liking this movie. 以一部由三‘老人’主演,沒有靚仔靚女的愛情趣劇來說,真是不錯。

I never liked Steve Martin cos all I know about him were those Cheaper by the Dozens and Pink Panther movies (some of which I haven't seen cos they seem very retarded). But as it turned out, he could be quite pleasant when he's acting normal.

Never really liked Alec Baldwin much either. Not that he's a very nice person in this movie but at least at the end, he made peace with Meryl Streep.

And Meryl Streep. The latest Oscar best actress. The first time that I noticed her was The Devil Wears Prada and her character wasn't too likeable. I saw Mama Mia next, mostly bcos of Colin Firth. I thought that Meryl Streep's portrayal of the character was a little too ... hrm... felt like she tried to be younger than she looked and too 含春. Didn't like it either... But then I watched Julie and Juliet and I liked her there. And then another movie, can't remember which one. The more I see her movies, the more I thought that she's a very versatile actress. Now this one. I don't think that I want to watch Iron Lady tho. Seems very boring. Not my cup of tea.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


前幾個月有人好 random 咁送咗一盒咸餅乾過我,都唔知要黎做乜好,於是買左一小罐麥牙糖,弄一弄小時候愛吃的咸餅乾麥牙糖三文治。

真的很愛吃,sweet and salty.



Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Lost in Translation

接咗個 volunteer work, 幫我喺香港既朋友做 translation.

朋友寫緊博士論文,interview 咗一個人,錄咗音,做我 translate 篇嘢做英文。個 interview 成兩粒鐘,translate 喺上黎都幾金,但係幫朋友,無計啦。

其實篇嘢頭三十分鐘已經有人 translate 咗,但我個 friend 叫我佢執一執番篇嘢(話哂我都係放羊之人,不論個 expectation 係 va 唔 valid 都係,人家都 expect 我的英語會好一點)。

問題是,朋友希望我返娘家之前搞掂,orz... 唔係話唔得,但我一係唔做,但既然應承咗人家,當然唔會求其交貨,所以其實都幾 time consuming.

不過,個 interview 既內容都蠻 interesting,加上我從來都未做過呢d咁既 translation 既工作,所以都幾有趣。 ^_^

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Paris Wife

A book that I stumbled across by accident.
Apparently, it's a very popular/new book cos the line up for it was long. I waited for over a month.
I really didn't know what the book was about and so it was very interesting cos I didn't know what to expect.
Sort of like a love story I guess.
It's about the wife of Hemingway. I didn't know anything about Hemingway expect that he wrote 老人與海, so the end of the story surprised me a little. Wasn't what I thought would happen.
It's a pretty good story tho, even tho it doesn't make me like Hemingway.


Got a date for the operation.
Finally booked the tic as well.
All the waiting and now all of a sudden a big rush.
Excited but also not too thrilled about the 15hr plane ride with 小J.
And now that 小J's tagging along, we can't stay at my parents' apartment anymore.
So accommodation is another headache.
And packing, I don't even want to think about it.
But despite all the trouble, I'm very glad that we are finally moving forward. And also very excited abt visiting home and friends again.
Actually, don't know how many friends that I can meet up with cos I imagine I will stay with family for at least the first half of the time. And even when I'm not staying with family, with 小J's schedule, I really don't know how I can meet friends who are mostly available only at night (人家也要搵食的嘛).
Anyway, we'll figure it out. Just minor technicality. Worse comes to worse, just stay with family. I'm sure my frds (if they are true frds) will understand the situation.
Fingers cross on everything, from the flight to accommodation to the operation to everything else.

PS. Too bad I wasn't going back in Feb. Narrowly missed 子華's 野豬舞台劇,嗚嗚... >_<

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tipping Point

Heh... Another book.

It's written by the same guy of Outliers.

As I mentioned before, I actually wanted to read Blink but the library doesn't have Blink as ebook. Too bad. I didn't like Tipping Point as much as Outliers. I found that the argument was harder to follow.

It was interesting tho. After I've read these two books, there were two instances of TV show that referred to terms that I've learned from these books: 10,000 hrs to become an expert (Outliers) and the broken window theory (Tipping Point). I mean, these ideas are not original from the book. The author simply incorporated these theories to support his point. It's not like the TV show writers were using the author's idea. But it was just interesting how they came up at the same time. If I didn't read the book, I probably wouldn't have any idea what the TV show were talking about.

I felt like reading someone's thesis while reading these books: The way the author has some sort of hypothesis and then he uses various example and other ppl's theories to prove his point. And then some case studies to futher illustrates that his hypothesis applies.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Exciting Neigbourhood

Went out for a walk with 小J at mid day on Friday.

When we passed by the corner store near our house, I realized that there were crime scene tapes all around it.
And then a few blocks down, there were police cars there and a whole block along Milverton was blocked off by crime scene tape!!
A Special Investigations Unit truck arrived right when we walked by!!!

The SIU truck was still there and there were reporter-looking ppl around. The crime scene tapes were still there. I took a picture of the SIU truck with my phone. heh.
Went home to check online to see if there's any news about it. Sure enough, there was.
Apparently, a guy (who might be a bit mental) wandered out from the hospital into the neighbourhood. He was somehow pursued by the police and eventually got killed at the end. In the process, a police or two was injuried.
Isn't it crazy?


Saturday, February 4, 2012

Conference Call

I remember 笨 had this post a little while ago ahout how ppl are not concentrating in their conference call.

Now, I'm one of them.

In fact, I'm at a conference call right now.

你唔怪得我架唔尊重佢哋架,個 conference call lasts two days, 尋晚本來話係八點半開始,我等等等,等到十點幾,我一直又email又 txt msg 都無回應,最後成十一點我都熄咗電腦佢哋先 txt 我話原佢哋唔記得咗我,真係 bear 一聲。仲要好意思同我講話佢哋而家完咗,不過食緊消夜,問我仲想唔想同佢哋 conference call, 痴筋架,我老實唔客氣咁同佢哋講話,I'm not gonna watch you guys eat. I've already turned off my computer and I'm going to bed now.

And then this morning, it's supposed to start at 9am. 我已經諗住 skip 開頭嗰 part, 第二 part supposedly 9:30 開始,咁我九點廿幾分上咗,但佢哋可以成十點先開始到。What a waste of my time.

既然佢哋都咁唔睇重個 conference call, 我都無謂咁認真,你話係唔係?

加上d material 我一早就睇過哂,開會班人六個有四個之前都無睇過,又係喺度洒時間 explain 俾d無 prep 到既人聽,in fact, I suspect that I have a better understanding of the material than the presenter.  I really only need to participate in the discussion part, once everybody understands the results (which I hope they will within the next hour or so... orz...)

So, I'm really just sitting in front of my computer, with my "listening" face to pretend that I'm paying attention, while my hands are secretly typing like crazy. haha...

Sunday, January 29, 2012


My latest attempt to make baguette.
My last couple of attempts all ended up in under-sized (mostly too short) baguettes.
This time the result was pretty good (I think!) with the very new yeast.
It was so good that I decided that it was good enough to give one to our neighbour. :)

Problem with making baguettes is that from making the sponge to kneading to shaping and baking, it took the WHOLE DAY. I started at around 10:30am and the baguettes didn't come out of the oven until 6pm! It's not that I was working on it the whole time but it takes a lot of waiting around for the dough to raise.
Definitely a weekend venture only!

Saturday, January 28, 2012


上星期日,小J乖乖午睡的時候,再加上詹占在家幫忙看著小J, 就乘機弄了一打。

Monday, January 23, 2012

Starship Traveller

Yet another book that I've finished recently.

This one is quite special special cos it's a game book. It's an adventure and you make decisions along the way. Different decision leads you to a different portion of the book to continue on your journey. And hopefully, at the end, you survive the adventure or otherwise you die and you can start all over again.

I remember when I was in primary school, I used to have a few of books like that. The series was called 決擇叢書. They were very simple chinese books and there were not too many combination of decisions. I remember loving those books when I was a kid and would read it many many times, even tho I usually died. But they were really exciting for me cos it's usually about mystery and vampires and stuff. I did remember being a little frustrated sometimes cos it felt like no matter what decision I make, I always died.

I managed to find some images of what books I am talking about.

I remember reading both of these. I couldn't remember any of the others ones and I couldn't find any more images of the other ones. (I didn't try too hard finding them tho. The above two are the first two images popped up on google and I didn't bother to look thru all the images to find more.) So, I don't really know if there're other ones nor how many I've actually read.

Anyway, back to Starship Traveller.
詹占 went home to bring some old books from 佢既娘家 over Christmas. It turned out that he had a bunch of game books! (我們真的相襯,原來連小時候的興趣也這樣相似!haha... 嘔...)

This one is way more complicated than those kiddie ones that I've read b4. In addition to making decisions, you also need to fight your way out (you have a crew and have to fight aliens). Have to keep score and all that. More work than I expected.

And as when I was a kid, I failed in my adventure. I did quite well the first time thru the book. I got pretty far along but then after that, I died very quickly. After a few tries, I started to get frustrated and started to lose patience. I started to cheat. I skipped the fighting, just made decisions to move on. But even that didn't help me to succeed in my adventure. I just kept dying. And then I started cheating on the decision as well by sorta keeping track of my last one or two decision pages so that if I made a bad decision, I could go the other way. But still, I couldn't survive.

So at the end, I was like 'screw this' and I just read the whole thing. But then, even after reading the whole thing, since the clues are obscure, I still can't figure out how to get to the happy ending. I traced back a little bit but couldn't figure out which clues (you need two bearings but there were some false clues along the way to lead you astray) are the right ones. Of course, I didn't try too hard. I was just skimming thru the book, I didn't write down any notes or anything so it's hard to keep track.

詹占 said that this one is the more complicated one. The other ones shouldn't be as bad. But being frustrated at this book, it reminded me how frustrated I got when I was a kid as well. I don't know why I thought that it would be a good idea to read the book cos I should know that I would end up in frustration. I mean, these books are fun cos it's like a game. But then I think a game is fun only if you get to win at least some of the times, not dying all the time... And Starship Traveller is really just about travelling in space and finding your way home, it didn't have the added thrill of vampires and monsters. 

Maybe the other ones will be better. But I think I need a little break from game books to rebuild my interest in them and to reset my frustration level first.

Sunday, January 22, 2012



Anyway, 龍年希望大家都身體健康!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Tooth Fairy

Expected it to b a dumb and cheesy movie cos it's mostly a kid movie. But sometimes movie is merely for entertainment so dumb dumb地 is OK la.

Sometimes kids movie is nice. No swearing n nudity. I hv got to say, movie these days hv way too much nudity or sex scene that I sometimes feel like I was watching pron. O_o
Once again, bcos there was hardly any expectations on this movie, it was quite pleasant. Got a few good laugh out of it.

Even the weirdo fairy was likable. I was a little worried at first cos his name was Tracy. Luckily they didn't make him into one of those super gay guy. I found that lots of movies n TV shows these days hv one or two annoying sisi guys around. The weirdo fairy wasn't too weird either. He was basically a nice person.

The Rock always kinda amuses me. Not that i will go out of my way to watch his movies but when I do are them, I usually enjoy them.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


一個 sounds pretty good 既 groupon.

不知道什麼是 groupon 既朋友,可以 google 一下。簡單來說,是一個 online coupon system.
I've signed up a while back when 肥O娜 told me about it.
Most of the time, the coupon offered isn't what I need/want. 成日都係d spa 呀,美容護膚之類的,都唔係開我嗰瓣,therefore, I've only order a couple coupons from groupons so far.
Today, there's finally something that I would like to order (basically organic food box). But I was too busy with 小J all day and busy with making food for the rest of the time.
I finally got a chance to turn on my computer at night and it turned out that the coupon is sold out already.
Anyway, 就是搥心啦。

PS. 對 groupon 有興趣的朋友,如果想 sign up 的話,請向我單聲吖!因為如果我 refer friends, 可以有$10 free money. 請你益吓我啦!

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Made some 饅頭 during the new year long weekend.
Not my first time to make 饅頭 but this is probably the first time that it turned out good cos I used brand new yeast. Made a big difference.
Last time I made 饅頭 was probably 3 or 4 years ago. Need to make it more often. I love 饅頭! :D

Friday, January 13, 2012

Album Update

2011-08-24 Lightning Storm

成日顧住 upload 小J 的相,忘了在八月時拍下的這些。我個人還蠻 proud of 自己拍下這些的。呵呵!

Let It Snow

Finally, this winter's first real snowfall.
There has been some snow before but nothing really sticks. This time, it will probably stick around for a least a few days maybe?
I want to go snowboarding... but I know it's highly unlikely that we can go this year. >_<
The problem with snowing is that it kinda stops me from going out for my daily walk. We don't have those expensive strollers with the big wheels.
Oh well... homebound today, I guess.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Hard Eight

I know I know... Janet Evanovich again... I know it's hard to convince you that I'm not addicted to her. It's another book that 海倫媽媽 lent us. That's it tho. She only lent us two books.

I promise, I'm taking a break from Janet Evanovich after this. I promise.

You can tell how much of a no-brainer these books are tho. Cos as slow of a reader as I am, I can still finish these books rather quickly.

Friday, January 6, 2012


Finished this ebook. I'm not addicted to Janet Evanovich. I'm really not. But her books requires minimum brain cells to read and are mildly amusing so it's good for the middle of the night. I actually have other books lining up in the library but I'm in line. Who knows how long it will take to be my turn? So, I thought I would just get a silly ebook to fill the gap.

I thought I would try a non-stephanie plum series. To my slight disappointment, I don't really like this book. It's basically just a romance. Not exactly the genre I like usually. And there are too much sexual references.

But again, it's a no-brainer. I supposed it's good enough as midnight reading material.

Slowing Down

小J's growth rate seems to have curbed a little bit. Well... the physical growth rate anyway.

The developmental growth rate is still going strong. Seems like he's figuring something new all the time.

The time of him being all tiny and utterly helpless (being immobile, he's still completely helpless. But at least I felt like I could leave him alone for a short period of time and not having to worry too much about him) seemed so far away already.

Really need to treasure every moment cos once it's gone, it's gone forever. (I guess the same goes with everything really...)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Party Animal

The end of 2011 was finished with a series of party:
  • Jeff and Eleanor's afteroon party
  • Luncheon with UT gang
  • Hot pot/birthday party @ 小賴's house
  • New Year's Eve party @ Chris and Kath's
I've got to say: pretty tiring...

2012 starts off quiet. Mostly staying at home. Well... except tonight I have to go to church, leaving 大小J at home on their own. Hope I will be home relatively early cos I would like to sleep more.