Thursday, March 31, 2011


Part I

夢見子華當住一大班粉絲既面攞咗隻鑽戒出黎向佢既女友求婚,女友當然是 'lur’ 飯應啦,夢中既我,有d開心,又有d唔開心.其實我唔明點解我會唔開心,因為我兩個星期前已經決定唔再迷戀子華喇(還是會喜歡,但就是不沉迷囉),所以真係唔明點解會唔高興喎.

Part II

發夢去考PPE喇,但係今年出卷嗰個竟然係子華,於是d題目同往年既 past paper 完全唔同,我好多都完全唔識答... 喺夢入面勁緊張,手又震震哋,寫得好慢,又成日寫錯,然後勁後悔唔放多d時間去溫習,到醒同唔醒之間,個腦仲係咁諗d問題要點答,心理壓力太大了.


Wednesday, March 30, 2011


不是男親女愛那種 off la. 是 braces finally came off ar~~~~

Congratulations to myself! hahaha…

One disappointment is that they have installed retainers behind my teeth so that there’re about 8 spots that I will still need to use the ‘threader’ (I don’t really know what it’s called. It’s a ‘loop-y’ thing to help you put the floss thru gaps and holes) for the rest of my life (well… unless the retainers fall off). I thought that I can get rid of the ‘threader’ forever once my braces is off. sigh…

Every time before I eat, I still feel the urge to take off my elastics which no longer exist! And I also have an urge to find elastics to put on after eating. haha… weird…

Now I can eat leafy vegetable (especially all those chinese ones) in public and have a much smaller chances of them sticking to my teeth to embarrasses me! :D

All in all, pretty happy about the fact that it’s finally over. Not that my appearance has changed dramatically nor did I have a dire need to fix my teeth but it’s something that I’ve always wanted to do since high school and is finally accomplished.

One more follow up appointment in two months and then I’m done with the ortho office forever (unless something goes wrong). Good and bad la. Gd thing is that I don’t have to sneak out of work to make those appointments anymore (especially bcos my office is no longer close to the ortho place. Used to be 10 min drive and now it’s at least 20min).  But at the same time, I have no more excuses to sneak out of work anymore! Sometimes, it’s nice to be able to get out of the office and go for a little drive, especially when the weather is nice. Oh well… In order to enjoy the weather outside, I will just have to get out of the building for a bit n pretend that I’m a smoker. Yes, I’m a causal smoker. I only smoke in the summer! lol

Sunday, March 27, 2011


My supervisor told me to go to this training course.

Manager has already approved. But still I need to fill out this company approval form which nobody had told me about for a long time. Finally during a group meeting, the team leader Mr. R asked me how come I haven’t filled out the form yet. I felt like an idiot. 為了不落我掃把的面子,我冇當場話俾 Mr. R 知因為掃把無話我知,就無聲無色地硬食咗.

After the meeting, I already very 積極地 search for the approval form in the company intranet. Turned out that it wasn’t that easy to find that stupid form. Had to ask my colleague to help me and finally we found the form. 嗱嗱聲 filled out the form and hope to get the approval asap la. Cos the course costs $9xx. I am not going to register until I get the approval in the case that I won’t get the approval, 咁我就要自己嘔九百幾蚊出黎仲要請兩日假去上課,真係會血本無歸.

Anyway, filled out the form, got Mr. R to sign. And then Mr. R said that it actually requires the regional business line leader Mr. D, to agree also. Luckily, Mr. D is in our office that day. 又嗱嗱聲叫佢 sign, sign 完 Mr. R 又話其實張 form 上面要既簽名都唔係佢哋,其實係 Mr. I. (At this point, Mr. I’s position is so high up there that I don’t even know what his position is anymore) Found Mr. I but he was at a teleconference at the time. So Mr. R told me that he’d leave the form and a note on Mr. I’s desk and had him sign it and will let me know to pick it up later that day.

Of course, that day passed by and I heard nothing. Emailed Mr. R to follow up the next day. Heard nothing in the morning. Phoned him that afternoon and left a phone msg. Heard nothing that whole day.

The then after all, I kinda forgot about the whole thing cos I was busy with work. And then one day I suddenly remember (maybe two days later), and again, emailed and called Mr. R and he wasn’t even in the office! Had to talk to Mr. R2 and figures out a way to get in touch of Mr. R. I was in a hurry at that point cos the course was starting in 2 weeks.

Finally got in touch with Mr. R. Turned out that Mr. I already had the form but needed to talk to my manager to make sure that he did approve of it. My goodness!  The form get to you in the first place bcos my manager has already approved la. Idiot.

Anyway, my manager left him a phone message and then I haven’t heard anything again. Followed up with an email the same afternoon. Two days later, I got an email from Mr. I that he has already forwarded it to his secretary who coordinates all his signatures and stuff. Then I had to follow up with Ms. G. Ms. G let me know after another two days that the form needs the approval of Mr. P, the big big head of the Markham office (or some position like that). And then the next day or two, got an email from Mr. P that he needed a business case in writing from my manager to justify me taking time off work to take the course and to make sure that my manager approved. Holy crap man. How much more complicated can this be? The reason to take the course (use the software on a daily basis, essential to execute my work duty blah blah blah has already been filled out in the form and now another written statement is required??? Didn’t the fact the the form has passed thru so many levels of approval kinda tells you that it’s a legit request???

And that’s not the end of the story. To claim my money back, I need to fill out the expense form, submitted together with the approval form. After my manager submitted the written ‘business  case’, which is really just a few lines over email in reality (that’s y I don’t see the official-ness and necessity of such a thing), I got a call from the finance department from another office asking me how come I submit the approval form without an expense form. I was so fed up with the whole process already. First I got blamed by not filling out a form which I had no idea of its existence. And now, I got blamed by some moron submitting the approval directly to the finance department instead of giving it back to me???? What the hell man… Of course, I can’t 發顛 over the phone but to simply say that I had no idea who sent her the paper.

In the end, I got the approval and successfully registered for the course. But really, all the seemingly nice thing that the company policy says about encouraging continuing education and all that. Just full of shxt.

I had to get a total of six levels of approval (including my direct super and manager). And for each level, me or my manager had to explain all over again why it is important for me to go to the course. They kept telling us that the company doesn’t have the budget for stuff like this so that we have to make a case for it in order to get approval. If a little two day courses that costed less than a thousand dollar needed _that_ complicated a process to get approval, I can’t even imagine what you need to do if you want to do a master degree or whatever. Probably better off paying from my own pocket, especially they have this clause in the employee manual that if we voluntarily decided to leave the company within two years of company paid-training, then u have to 嘔番d$出黎.

I don’t understand how they can on the one hand keep saying that they encourage employee’s to 增值 by providing funding but then turn around to tell me that they don’t have the budget. An international company with I don’t even know how many offices around the world (they always always boost about how big our company is, that we are the world’s #1 engineering company and the best and blah blah blah) doesn’t not even have $9xx spare for something that they claim they can provide funding for, they’ve got to be shxtting me. Every once in a while, we’ll receive all these garbage of ‘wallet card’ to remind us about our company’s core value and all kinds of random promotion flyers about how the company now has a magazine that you can access thru iPad and unless things like that. (who the hell in their right mind will actually keep the wallet card in their wallet??? seriously… as if we don’t have enough cards in our wallets already…) Only if they will spend less labour and printing money on making those garbage that I’m pretty sure 99.8% indeed went into garbage, they will have many more $9xx to spare for their employees.

All those continue education support is just BS. They are just saying it and make it so hard to get that you will just give up. Luckily, my manager really do think that I should go to the course so he helped to press the issue.

Also, we always receive memos about how we should maintain our ‘utility’ (our chargable time ratio) and that the company cannot afford to lose productivity and shxt. You know how much time I’ve spent tracking down various ppl for the approval form in the process??? Especially, when Mr. R didn’t reply my email AND phone call, I have to actually stop working and went upstairs multiple times to see if I can catch him in his office. By making this whole approval process such a hell, the company itself is losing money cos I could have worked more. They try to be cheap but at the end, they are probably the one who lost. It’s just so dumb. They always stress about productivity but it’s in fact its own procedures that lowers the productivity. But then of course, the persons who made up those procedures won’t blame themselves, they will just blame the workers for their low productivity… 草根永遠都遭殃...

I hate bureaucracy and all these stupid paper work but I guess it’s a tradeoff when I work in a big company… sigh… stupid stupid stupid!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The End of Luke

Finished the book of Luke lu! Yeah!

Not quite on schedule if I have to finish all 4 Gospel by the end of April but not too far behind, either. At least I have already conquered the two longest one out of the 4.

Already started one chapter of John, the book which I am least familiar with. It’s actually quite nice to read a book that I don’t know much yet cos I feel like I’m learning new stuff as I’m reading instead of just reading the same old story again.

Gan-ba-dae! 1 month and 9 days to go!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Where The Wild Things Are

What a disappointing movie!

None of the characters in the movie is likable. This is the kind of movie that I don’t like. Everyone’s pretty much a jerk.

詹占 said that the original book wasn’t like that ga. We both hated the movie. Even though the book is a children’s book, it’s such NOT a kid movie. It’s all about conflicts and ppl/creatures getting upset and stuff.

One word to summarize it: AWFUL.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Old Body

Went to the gym yesterday morning (only been once this week. I blame it to the time change which makes it even harder to get up in the morning). Did some exercise that I haven’t done for a while. Those exercises would normally make my body sore. Needless to say, haven’t done it for a while and dived back into it with the weight that I used to use is tough on my body. It’s probably gd for me to work myself hard but man… my legs and ass are so sore today.

I kinda knew that it’s going to happen when I sat down on the hard ground at home last night n my ass was already hurting. Today I walk around like a cripple. 一拐一拐的. 人哋見到唔知我乜事可能會以為我急屎...

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Book 咗個 site lu. Quite excited cos 娜娜子 said that she might come to Toronto and join us.

In a way, I hurried so much to book the camp site is bcos of her la. Otherwise, I’d let 小賴 do it and it wouldn’t be a big deal if he dragged too much and ends up not getting a site. 大不了咪冇得去,but if 娜娜子 is really coming, I better have something entertaining for her to do la. 要人家成日呆在我家中實在說不過去嘛,我屋企又唔係有乜咁好玩.

Well… she’s been saying that she would like to come for a few years already. Just talked to her this morning and it seems like the chances of her actually coming is still a big uncertainty. 還是不要抱太大的期望,廢事到頭來又係得個吉,最後失望的還是自己.

But regardless, now that I’ve booked a place that I’ve never been to myself, I’m getting quite excited. Have to wait till Aug though. Seems so far away. I can hardly wait!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Use Your Brain

有d人真係好煩,我 introduced 咗一個 online tools,正當我講解既時候(如果係一d稍微有電腦常識既人,我係唔駛講解既,因為個 tool 真係簡單到不得了,黎黎去去得幾個 options, 得嗰幾個 buttons),d人又唔聽嘢,已經話明講完點用,先至講點樣 login, 但就係咁問點先可以入到去,條 link 係乜,勁想打爆佢個頭.

好嘞,跟住 show 點樣 login 既時候,又講明話我會 email login 條 link 俾你哋,同埋 login id n password, 到我講緊 login n password 個 textbox 嘢既時候,仲可以係咁問點樣先去到嗰個 page, 條 link 係乜!大佬,你對耳仔要黎做乜架?我之前講嘢既時候你個腦做緊乜?佢明明係有聽架喎,明明企得最埋係佢,驚死睇唔到咁,但d聲音聽咗入耳度完全到達唔到個腦部就 'fit’ 一聲出番哂黎.

最後講完呢樣嘢之後就繼續講第二d嘢,所有嘢完哂之後,有個人攞咗個 laptop 出黎,跟住又會有人問,點樣去到你之前講嗰個網頁.都話會 email 俾你哋咯,係咪玩嘢呀?係咁問問問.其實,喺我 introduce 完之後,我已經即刻 send 咗 email, 已經做到完全無 delay 架啦,根本就係唔聽嘢.

然後又有人問如果想用個 tool for personal use 得唔得,我就話佢知你自己 sign up 個 account 就可以,跟住又問點 sign up, 咁我就指個 webpage 既 button,話你好似 sign up email address 咁就得架喇,但佢仲可以問,我唔識架喎呢d嘢,即係點 sign up.好煩,我心諗,你 sign up 都唔識就唔好用個 tool 啦,你用番紙同筆咪算囉.我為免自己火山爆發,就淨係話咪同 sign up email 一樣囉,咩點用啫,跟住走開咗.

我走開咗,佢咪死死地氣自己 sign up 囉,根本就唔係唔識,根本就係諗都唔諗,張大個口就問問問,最好我幫佢 sign up 埋,幫佢入埋ddata 就最好.

跟住今日又有另一個人問我一個我尋日已經 cover 咗既 operation, 雖則話人家可能唔記得咗,又或者人家真係對電腦唔熟,但係個 tool 真係好簡單喎,真係得幾個 option 架咋喎.好勒,我都盡人事覆佢話佢知佢想 update 既係邊個 option, 但佢都仲可以回我話佢唔知個 option 係邊,我真係想爆炸,edit 嗰個 page 係得一版,可以 update 既 field 都係好明顯好簡單,例如:

Name: (Textbox)
Age: (ComboBox)
Country: (ComboBox)

(The above is only for illustration. There were about 10 fields in total I think.)

我都已經話埋,你想轉嗰個 field 係 Country, 佢都仲可以話唔知喺邊度,係咪白痴得咁緊要呀?定係又係嗰d諗都唔諗,睇都唔睇就問問問嗰d人呀?其實d咁簡單既嘢,一開始根本就唔駛問人,你自己喺個電腦度o禁o禁吓,就會慢慢知道點用架啦.

我最後要 send 個 screenshot 俾佢,大佬呀,我唔係你哋既 personal IT support 呀,如果你哋唔知,我其實係要返工架.

不過我都慶幸佢無再覆我問點樣先可以去到 screenshot 嗰個 page, 如果真係咁問,我可能會爆血管...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Stage 2

2nd round of treatment has started lu. Hopefully everything will be alright and with good results la.

又要回復只靠 fb 聯絡的日子.


Monday, March 7, 2011



由入伙 Day 1 開始就講話要買張 futon 放喺間細房仔度做客房,每次去 IKEA 都睇佢既 futon, 但就係唔啱心水.

平時如果我哋有一個人瞓得唔好,會落樓下瞓梳化,但其實張梳化喺詹占阿姨阿叔換梳化既時俾我哋,佢哋都唔知已經用咗幾多年,根住轉到我哋手都成四年半,其實已經坐得好辛苦,瞓成晚既話第二日都會腰酸背痛,加上我返香港既時候整親咗條腰,開頭都無乜太特別,但後來越黎越嚴重,最後發現原來喺我前排病,成日坐同瞓喺張梳化度,所以條腰越黎越衰,後尾我用一個星期盡量少用張梳化,條腰真係即刻好番好多;跟住我病完到詹占病,又瞓得唔好,所以令我哋 dick 起心肝去搵 futon, 上網睇咗好耐,最後我哋喺 downtown 搵到呢間

價錢無疑係比 IKEA 貴,但係 quality 好,又可以 upgrade 床褥,又多 cover 揀.所以 finally 買咗 lu~~~~

This past Saturday 送貨黎,我哋砌好之後坐同瞓上去,真係好舒服!舒服到我哋兩個都唔願起身.仲舒服過我哋張床.雖然係貴,但我哋都覺得係一個值得既 purchase. 而且我哋都講咗年幾,絕對唔係一時衝動既決定.

可惜既係,我哋買咗嗰個 cover 既顏色,喺間 store 度睇既時候明明好好,但可能間房既燈光問題,隻色返到屋企完全唔同咗咁,所以我哋諗住去 refund, 要再揀過另一個 cover 先得.

真係好舒服,好想快d有一晚瞓唔著等我有個藉口去瞓新 futon!! hehe…

Saturday, March 5, 2011


前晚喺屋企無聊,見一家喺 fb post 咗個陳醫生 MV, 就開咗黎睇,跟住 u2b 既可惡之處又出現,就係睇完一個之後又睇另一個,咁一個接住一個,成晚就係咁好無無聊聊咁過咗.

由陳醫生開始,睇到變咗見克勤,聽番d舊歌,正點喲!真的是超靚聲喎,同埋我覺得佢唱人哋d歌往往好聽過原本個歌手唱.但可惜佢近年既歌都唔太係 my cup of tea,總係覺得d舊歌正d,唔係話新既無隻好,間唔中都有一兩首覺得ok,但就係無咗嗰種能成為經典既魔力,值明我已經老喇,只可以回味舊歌.

但係d新歌真係好似爭唔落喎,d歌詞唔係好得,無咗個種意景,相對起愛的根源(I know this is a bit too old but it just happened to be one of the ones that I watched the other night and I really liked it),人哋d詞真係好靚.


我個人比較鐘意克勤自然d嗰個唱腔(在你身邊),有時候,尤其是某d較新既歌,覺得佢有少少 'lin’住把聲唱.

Sigh…  其實我真係應該放多d時間溫吓書囉...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Just got this piece of juicy gossip from a frd all the way in Europe. And the 主角 in this gossip is me! =_=

My first reaction was that 可以更轉折嗎?Basically, between me and 詹占,there were 4 layers of ppl there.

Unbelievable! The origin of the gossip came from TO. It started when someone heard something from a colleague of 詹占.And then the 猜測 started. But instead of directly asking me, who’s also in TO, to confirm/de-confirm, someone decided to discuss the possibility with a group of common frds first. And after discussion, still, instead of coming to me directly, someone else decided to ask a frd all the way in Europe first. And the Europe frd went around to ask me.

Finally! Finally someone decided to ask me directly.

2nd reaction after it sank in a little bit was that I wasn’t impressed. I felt disrespected. Ppl talking behind my back. Shamefully, I probably do that unconsciously myself, too, but now that the gossip is on me, I was really not too impressed. Better pay more attention to my own behavior in the future!

In a way, having trying to avoid being gossip 主角 my whole life, I consider myself somewhat successful… until now. I haven’t been in this situation for many years now and once again I’m feeling the outstretching power of gossiping. Maybe I haven’t been successful all these yrs at all. Maybe there were always gossips about me but only this time it travelled back to me so I knew about it. Or maybe it’s not bcos I was successful, but simply bcos I wasn’t interesting enough for ppl to gossip about. 不要太睇得起自己,根本無人對你有興趣.

My 3rd reaction now that this has been a little while (~45 min ago), I wonder maybe, maybe it was partly my fault. I don’t tell them enough about my life that they have to speculate from gossips and rumors.

In any case, I hope all gossips will stop. 時間會證明一切.是與非,大家走著瞧吧.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


因為三國殺既原故,挑起了我想重睇三國演義既癮,但我本書喺香港娘家,於是喺網山搵到一個 source, 得閒喺公司睇吓,一百二十回,終於睇完.

喺公司睇既一個唔好處,就係一來成日都驚被人發現,(所以通常都係 lunch time 睇);二來有時好想追落去,搞到過咗 lunch time 仲成日心思思想睇,


感覺係有d唏噓,好似睇住一個個 kingdom 由無變有,又由強盛變到沒落,老豆好辛苦咁同d老臣子一齊打落黎既江山,話咁易就俾d子孫敗哂.


以前睇三國既時候亦已經覺得好可惜,孔明真係有幾次好有機會可以打 'lump' 魏國,後主實在太可惡.今次多咗既感慨係,當年孔明出山既時候,已經同劉備講話當佢幫完劉備打完江山之後,係希望可以隠居返去耕田,一方面佢真係好自大,未出山就已經諗住成功之後要收山;另一方面,又覺得佢好慘,最後都成功唔到,辭官歸故里既願望始終都實現唔到.


三國演義,應該係我人生中重睇得最多既一本書(漫畫另計 XD),唔知會唔會再睇呢?如果會,又會係幾時呢?

其實,我係應該放多d時間去溫習考試先啱... sigh…