Sunday, August 29, 2010



我喺公司坐嗰個角落,係好死角吓既,唔係突登既話係唔會去到我個位度既,咁呢d人即係突登走過黎架啦。咁係呢d突登走過黎既人之中,分開兩類:第一,係真係見你走嘞,過黎同你講兩句既人,I don't mind this type of person;第二,係聽聞到我要走去大公司,突然間同你好似好熟既人,呢d人過黎既原因係攞 connection, 其中兩個人好明顯咁暗示話自已其實都想過檔,如果第日我喺嗰邊有好路數記住單聲佢。對住呢d人我真係唔想哂口水同佢吹水,平時又唔見同我傾偈,而家就想過黎搵著數,睬你都 sap 戇喎,至憎呢d人。

呢d第二類既人之中呢,我發現佢哋同你懶熟既語句係,"Between you and me, ...", 懶係同你講秘密咁,呢個 phrase, 我喺上兩個星期聽咗唔少,喺公司咁耐以黎,除咗荷大姐同阿麗莎會同我講d between us 既嘢之外(通常都係投訴上司既嘢),一直都無人同我講秘密。唔好話係秘密,連 gossip 都無人會同我講,可能因為我聽 gossip 通常都無乜太大反應,而我又無第二d gossip 同人分享,所以同我講 gossip 其實係幾無癮吓,anyway, 咁依家要走,就突然間有d人走過黎同我盡訴心中情,我真係受寵若驚喎。

一時之間,我突然覺得自已好受歡迎,真係體驗到人情冷暖。你有著數既時候,d人真係會黏埋黎,小小既離去,我都未走,已經上到人生既一課。一直都覺得自已好 blessed, 因為公司既架構好簡單,所以同事之間都無乜衝突,而家去大公司,可能更多辨公室政治,看來還有更多人生經驗去體會喲,希望不會搞到我就好喇,I don't want to be part of it.



本來舊年都已經要返香港架嘞,但由於突然破產既關係,最後都返唔成。今次又係一早就話要返,但講咗好耐,我都未買雞票,雖然一早已經同舊老細請咗假,但一日未買雞票,一日都未落實。後尾仲話要轉工添,更加覺得個 plan 可能要泡湯。

但一早 interview 嗰時已經話明我十月要請三個星期返香港,波波佬(我個未來老細)話唔係問題,到佢哋真係話要請我既時候,我都不嫌氣咁再問波波佬一次係咪真係十月請三個星期假ok(我願意請無薪假期),波波佬都好爽快咁話ok,所以我接份工都接得安心,亦都即刻開始搵雞票,因為詹占要早返艱難大,所以 book 嘢都好煩。再加上去台嗰一程我哋係用飛行里數去換,又驚會換唔到,不過一切都順利,全部雞票都 book 好 lu.


PS.小笨實在太了解我喇,好邪! XD

Saturday, August 28, 2010


上個Weekend 去咗 camping,好開心,已經兩年無去過 camping, 去 Peru 嗰時都尚算係 camping 既,話哂都係瞓 tent,但又唔係好算.

今次得我同詹占條友去,唔係唔 welcome 其他人,但真係搵唔到人,以前好似好容易咁,次次都一群人去,但人越大(其實係越老),就越係難約人,所以今次我約咗兩約,d人都冇乜聲氣咁,我都費鬼事睬佢,我 camp site 乜都 book 埋,d人都係冇厘反應咁,難道要我求你不成?睬你都戇,兩條友去仲好,食嘢同活動既安排都 flexible 好多,唔駛吓吓顧住大圍咁麻煩.

Thank God that it hardly rained the whole weekend. I heard that it POURED in Toronto. The temperature was nice. Since it's so late in the season, the number of bugs were quite minimum. I mean, I still got some bites but it could be way worse.

個 campsite 比我想像中差,太 open, 完全同隔離打大對面,我哋前後左右再加四個角落都被狗同 BB 包圍,慘.幸好就係咁多隻狗之中淨係得一隻唔生性,成日吠,好彩夜晚唔吠,否則將它吃掉看你怎麼吠.

去既地方係 Pinery, d設施都好完善,連有個 store 等你可以買嘢,係 wild camping 黎講,真係方便到不得了,如果係一家大細或者一大班想去 camping 但又唔想離開 civilization 太遠既就啱哂。

由於係 car camping, 個 park 又好多人,當然無上次我哋去 backcountry camping 見到咁多動物,但都見到d雀仔啦,龜仔啦,魚仔啦,chipmunk仔啦咁,都算唔錯喇;但如果鐘意睇野生動物既朋友,car camping 就拍馬都追唔上 backcountry 嘞。

希望下年可以再去 camping 啦!

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Tomorrow 就係 last day lu, 其實今個星期都忙到抽筋,又要預備好哂手頭上既 project, 等接我手嗰個人唔駛咁慘;又要將我多年以來做一直 develop 同 admin 緊既 website 同一大堆 accumulate 埋既 knowledge pass on 被個 coop student;跟住有個本身唔係好關我事既 project 出咗問題,又拉埋我落水;要去 client 到 delivery 個 software, 點知個 coop 個 program 有 bug, 本來只係要去 client 度一次,仲要係一個鐘應該搞得掂,點知第一次去咗成四個鐘,之後仲要去多兩次;又要係走之前 migrate 好個 server。總之d嘢無啦啦排山倒海咁黎,Murphy's Law 真係冇錯。

一直都忙忙忙,都唔係好覺得自已就黎要走,直到尋日將某樣我負責咗成三年既嘢放手俾咗 coop, 嗰一刻,我要離去既感覺突然好實在。我由 interview 嗰時已經知道,新工係唔會再有 programming, 唔會再有 hardware, 呢個亦係我要走既其中一個原因,我唔係唔鐘意寫 program, in fact, 我其實幾 enjoy, 但我唔想到咗四廿歲都仲要同d後生一齊追 technology。但到咗真係知道 this is it, 以後都唔會再喺 professional 個層面上寫 program,要寫都會只係玩玩吓,亦唔會再掂 hardware,嗰一刻突然間好唔捨得,突然間㚥失落。

我知道我呢個 move, 主要都係為將來作打算,我真係唔係 major geek, 我唔可能成世寫 program, 我會被淘汱,但又真係有d唔捨得,亦都有d唔捨得某幾個一齊工作咗幾年,大家互相排放對上司不滿既怨氣既同事。

某程度上,我知道我既不捨某部份係由於要離開一個熟悉既環境走入未知之數,所以有d不安,但都決定咗咯,都要繼續行落去。而且我又唔係真係知道新既無依家咁好,只不過,要我放低我一直放咗好多心機同時間去 develop 既 system, 我以後都唔會再用,以後都唔會再掂嗰堆我熟到真係就黎爛既 code, 有點惘然。

有個同事同我講話我走咗,個 system 會 collapse, 又話佢哋信唔過個 coop 咁話,哈哈,多謝你咁睇得起我,要個 coop 同我比,係唔公平既比較,我喺度浸咗咁多年,我梗係好過佢啦,個 system 唔會有事既,你哋會平穏過渡既。


Monday, August 23, 2010


上回挖腳講到見咗一次,等緊消息.佢明明話我去墨西哥之前會覆我,但到我走佢都未有反應,我 follow up,佢話我反黎既時候佢哋就會有個答案俾我,咁我返到黎再 follow up, 佢都只係話同高層傾緊d細節,雖然聽落好似係想請我咁,但跟住之後又無咗回音.

然後終於喺一個星期後打電話黎話 offer 我,於是又同我攞 reference 同其他資料,同星期既星期五終於收到正式既聘請信同其他文件.

其實佢開既條件唔係真係咁好,只好 marginally 咁多咗少少人工.其他的福利有d好有d又無依家咁好,所以 it comes down to 工作性質同份工穩唔穩定.Anyway, after much consideration and talking to various frds and family members, 我決定走出去.

星期一返工司,諗住叫我上司同大粒一齊,咁我一齊通知佢哋兩個,唔㚥話我大細超,又唔駛我講兩次咁麻煩。點知大粒嗰日唔返,咁唯有剩係同上司講啦,佢聽到都好鎮定,問我走既原因係乜,我同佢講話我想試新嘢,佢就話其實想試可以喺同一間公司試,唔一定要走。Anyway, 佢話唔好彩大粒唔喺度,我唔可以親口同佢講,跟住佢話要打電話俾大粒,咁就放咗我出去。

我之後就同我同事講話我要走(無人知我要走,我諗第一個同上司﹠大粒講,對佢哋尊重d),我同事都有d surprised, 咁我同緊我同事講既時候,上司就走出黎,叫我入佢房再傾一傾。原來佢打咗就大粒,佢哋想出$$留我,我一早就估到佢哋會 counter, 但佢哋提出既數目真係令我好好好驚訝,好一個算好大既數目,我真係估唔到佢哋會出到咁高價,高到係新工完全比唔上咁高。由於個數目真係好吸引,我諗上司都見到我既動搖,佢 insisted 我唔好咁快下決定,諗吓留唔留低。

返埋位坐唔夠兩分鐘,大粒親自打電話黎,問我點解要走,又話佢要首先向我道歉,因為我之前話佢知被人挖腳既時候,佢係應該做d嘢,但係佢自己轉個頭又唔記得咗;我聽到佢話要道歉嚇死我,我即刻話上次只係咁啱開會既時候提起d公司名先至會講起,我唔係突登去講埋d咁既嘢去摶加人工。(d咁攻心計既嘢我真係做唔出,如果要做,早一兩年前幾個同事都叫我用辭職為要夾黎加人工,但我都無咁做)又話如果係$$既話可以商量,又話如果想轉崗位既話又得,跟住重話不如一齊出去食 lunch, 佢請咁話。真係嚇一大跳喎,我勁唔好意思啦,大粒嗰日明明話唔返工架嘛,我知道佢揸車返公係成九個寫架,唔係要佢咁特登出黎同我食 lunch 吓話,所以我即刻推咗佢,我同佢講話佢唔駛特登出黎,佢哋開既條件我會認真考慮。

嗰一刻,一來$$好吸引(尤其是我依家要供樓,份人工真係唔係好見洗),二來大粒真係超有誠意,加上去另一間公司有好多未知之數,新老細未必能夠好似大粒咁嘗識我,咁 value 我既存在,我真係十分之十五十六。

後來話咗俾詹占聽,佢話我鐘意點都會 support 我,the worse thing that would happen 係我去到嗰邊之後俾人炒囉,但佢話我哋兩人食一份人工同唔會死。我再諗諗吓,雖然個價錢真係好好吸引,但我想轉既原因本身就係因為想試其他野,想試新環境,我依家有機會轉,有能力轉,去試吓都好既,再老d想轉都轉唔到。

所以最後既決定就係懶清高,要人生經驗唔要$$。雖然喺好多人眼中,咁大舊錢唔要仲要走去一個完全唔熟既環境,仲要放棄 management 機會由低再做過可能好一件好蠢好蠢既事,連我自己都覺得有d蠢,但其實我一直都祈禱想要新工,我一直都搵緊政府工,但就一直乜都冇,而呢份工係佢自己搵上門,我唔知係咪神為我預備既一條路,但既然呢一扉門已經為我打開,我就走進去啦。

其實大粒真係唔話得,佢到咗我決定要走之後都叫我記住,如果我想返去佢都會歡迎我。我一直都話,雖然大粒唔算得係好好既 manager, 但佢個人真係唔錯。


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Friday, August 6, 2010

Mexico Take 2

If it wasn't for the wedding, I doubt that I would go back to Mexico. At least not this soon.

This time I went to central Mexico. According to Mr.S, it's as far away from a beach as you can within Mexico. So no lazing around the beach, doing nothing and getting sunburn. The city we went to is called "Aguascalientes", which means hot water. So we did went to try to hot spring there. The spring wasn't too hot. It was more like warm water. Regardless, it was still very relaxing to just lying around in the warmth. My first hot spring experience.

I also had my first tequila in my life in this trip. Way to go. If you are having tequila, you better start in where tequila first started, right? ^o^

What I've done in the trip will be described by my photo album (when I have time to upload my pictures) so I am not going to repeat here.

The wedding though, was the funnest wedding I've ever been to. Not that I've been to a whole lot of weddings but this one was definitely the best one so far. The food was awful, in my opinion anyway, cos almost all the food are super spicy. I cannot eat spicy food. So even though the food itself was quite tasty but I just can't taste it. The only flavour that I could taste was the spiciness.

But the fun part was the dance. Oh man, almost everyone went out to dance. It was great. The locals all knows the songs. And the band has all kinds of props and toys. They brought out a boxing ring for the bride and groom and the in laws, with capes and masks for them to wear. And they all got really into and pretending to be fighting and stuff and that made it really fun. Everyone else were cheering from the side and dancing with the music.

There were also these necklaces. They put them on ppl randomly and it turned out that whoever got it have to do a dance with the pole in the middle of the circle. And nobody who has received the necklace refused to play along. And it's all just fun and stuff, not low class at all. Then they brought out this huge caterpillar thing and there were tons of balloons hiding inside so when they open the caterpillar, so everyone were playing with balloons. I know it sounds very stupid but trust me, it was fun. I was even in this jumpsuit at one point with a few other girls to pretend to be some sort of Mexican boy band and jumping around like an idiot. haha... I wouldn't say that I got forced into it but more like "encouraged" to do so.

There were more little toys like huge balloons and stuff and it was all very very fun. There wasn't any bride and groom games that I usually hate but was all little group stuff like the balloons that anyone can participate.

Really, the Mexicans know how to do weddings. Ten thumbs up!!

The sucky thing was, JJ got sick after the wedding and I got sick the day after. The red eye flight back to Toronto was delayed for 2 hours. And we weren't able to sleep on the plane. I usually can get at least an hour or two but no no no, not this time. So the whole end of the vacation was just very very painful and we were really glad when I got home.

But still, it's a nice vacation. Not one of those deadly vacation where we go hiking and cycling and all those crazy activities but nice and relaxing. Looking forward to the next vacation.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Two Books

The Lost Symbol
Very disappointing. I liked Angels and Demons and The Da Vinci Code too much. It wasn't like I had a super high expectation about The Lost Symbol anyway cos I've heard bad things about Dan Brown's other books after A&D and DVC. But I wasn't expecting such a bad book. I mean, there're bits and pieces about it that are quite neat.

However, he breaks the story but either flashing back into the past or by long-winded explanations about some ancient history or history of brotherhood. I mean, it's not a bad thing to do flashbacks and explanations but it's just way too much. It means the story goes too slowly. I found myself getting very frustrated by these breaking of the main storyline and was wishing that the story would pick up its pace and be more exciting.

Not only did those flashbacks/explanations breaks the storyline, they are also annoyingly repetitive. I seriously wonder if Dan Brown was getting paid by the number of pages/words that he wrotes so that he just fill the book with repetitive junk to make it a big book. Basically, the whole book is around this one thing and one organization that he just kept going on and on and on about it. I mean, yes, A&D and DVC are also about one main concept and one organization but it also involves a lot of other things like paintings and architectures and the whole theory was so convincing, so believable.

And there was the suspense of who the bad guy was in A&D and DVC. In LS, the bad guy was obvious from the beginning, even though there was a bit of a twist at the end but the whole story simply wasn't as grasping as A&D and DVC. I also found the "connections" or "evidence" that supports the hypothesis in LS a little bit of a stretch. I wasn't very convinced at all. The book also not as well-written to the point that I want to know what happen next or that I care about the characters at all. Part of it probably goes back to the problem of the storyline getting broken all the time so it's just hard to really get into the story.

If you really liked A&D and DVC, do not read LS... u will probably be disappointed. But if you do read it, please let me know what you think. I want to know if the book actually sucks as bad as I think or that I had too much of an expectation of it to causes my harsh criticism.

The Kite Runner
This one on the other hand, my friend, is a good book. Borrowed this book a little while ago. Has been sitting on my coffee table for a while before I finally decided to pick it up. I really didn't plan to read it but someone, someone insisted that I borrowed it so I under the circumstances of 盛情難卻底下借了回家的。

I don't usually read the preface of books but this time I did. I had to agree with the authur, "Who wants to read a book about two Afghan boys anyway?" (or something along similar lines) But 我盆住反正都借咗,睇吓都好,唔好睇至多咪唔睇既心態下,I started reading. Quite easy to read. A bit sad and depressing at points. It reminds me a little bit of Slumdog but at the same time, it's very different from Slumdog.

Well-written book. I found a lot of books, famous or not, using legthy paragraphs to describes the environment and yet I don't really 'see' it. The way the author describes the surroundings are just恰到好處, not too 長氣兼沉氣,but enough to give you a vivid picture in your head.

And I did really immersed in the story, especially at the sad points. Gd book but only read it when you are prepared for it. It's not a light story.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Album Update

2010-06-26 Triathlon - Welland
2010-06-05 Family Picnic