Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Post Race Report

I've made it.

750m swim - 30 km bike - 7.5 km run

in 1 hr 59 min 30 s

I was quite happy that I finished in less than 2 hours.

It was a pretty small race bcos it was in a city in the middle of nowhere called Welland. So basically, anyone who was in the race are either living in the Welland-Niagara area, or they are the hardcore athletes who do multiple races in the series. So odd balls like me n JJ, who for our own reasons wanted to do this particular race, were quite rare.

I overheard a girl in my age group talking to another guy saying that she's going to do this, this and that race this summer and is going to go to nationals (and of course the guy was also doing multiple races). JJ overheard another person in his area saying the he's going to do the time trial to go racing in China. We were like "what the hell". Racing alongside these hardcore ppl. So I got 7 out of 15 in my age group. Probably means that I'm pretty gd, right? Right? (making excuse for myself)

I was telling JJ that in the race in Toronto that I was in a couple of years ago, there were always those slightly non-fit ppl (we jokingly called them "fatties" doing the race so there's no worries. We shouldn't try to follow the fast ppl cos we would run out of gas too soon and won't b able to finish the race this way. But as we actually got to the venue, we realized that _we were the fatties_ in this race. Orz.. great...

In hindsight, I think that I could have swum faster but I was too worried that I would run of of energy that I went really easy on the swimming part. Wasn't even out of breathe when I came out of the water. But I hv to say though, the running part was hard for me but I am pleased that I didn't walk at all. The funny part was that during the run, I passed these 17, 19 and 20 year old girls and maybe one or two guys that were in that age group while I was in turn being passed by those 40, 37, 45 or even 53 years old. Felt so proud of myself when I passed these young ones while feeling totally ashame when I was passed by the oldies!

During the award ceremony, the announcer announced the winner of the age group 50-55 (or something like that) and the time was 2 hours something. I was totally happy and turned to JJ and said to him "hey, I beat this person!" JJ looked at me and said, "but she's fifty something years old". and I said, "o...right....." I was so dumb, probably bcos there was no more oxygen in my brain at that point. I wish I could still do a triathlon when I'm in my fifties.

There goes the self challenge of the year. Without this motivation, it's going to be hard to stop eating ice cream and other junk food....

PS. we've taken some pictures. Will upload them when I have time (which is like never! ha).

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Album Update

2010 Tulips

It's actually not a photo album but a video album. Unfortunately, you need quicktime plugin in order to view the videos.

Haven't updated any pictures for a while. It's not bcos I haven't taken any but bcos I haven't got time to download the pictures from my camera and then upload them. And the duration of this tulip album actually took a long time cos it records the growth process of the tulips that we've planted in our frontyard. Sometime, I would forgot to take any pictures for a few days though. So it isn't perfect. I could have registered my photos also so that they will line up in the video but I was too lazy. Oh well... it's good enough. ;)

Saturday, June 19, 2010



因為朋友未食過 Greek food, 我又住喺 Greek Town,咁就腳都唔去食 Greek food 真係說不過去。所以就帶咗朋友去 Mr. Greek,諗住 chain restaurant, 唔會太太好,但品質都保值 average, 唔會太 risky, 好可惜,that was a bad choice. I found that food way too salty,d肉又乾. 希望朋友唔好就此討厭 Greek food啦。

朋友仲喺香港帶咗手信俾我,哈!香港既手信,好似好真係老外咁!都叫咗佢唔洗架啦,返正我今年都會返去,要既話我自己買咪得囉,但人家真係好客氣。哈哈,客氣得我覺得自己真係好似「大人」咁! :P

Short but pleasant 既一聚,希望我今年返去有機會再見面見面,I don't want to have to wait for another 4 years!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

City of Silver

Ever since I've got a library card a couple of months ago, there has been at least one library in my house. It's great cos with the little house that I have, I really don't think that buying and collecting books is a good idea. I don't usually read my own more than once anyway. Not that I won't buy books anymore but I will probably only buy books that I really really like. Sorta like the way I buy DVDs now. I basically won't buy any DVD until I've seen the movie.

The problem with library books is that I always have this feeling that library books are dirty. So, I don't like touching my face and always have this urge to wash my hands after touching those books. And I usually like to read before going to bed. But oh well, I will just have to suck it up and get used to it.

Anyway, off topic. One of the books that I've read recently was called "City of Silver". I borrowed that book bcos of the setting of the story. It was set in Peru so I thought that it could be interesting. BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I didn't like it at all. The story was slowwwwwwwww. One of those books that have very long but boring description of the scene, ppl's clothes and all kinds of unnecessary detail. And those descriptions weren't any good either. It failed to paint a vivid image of what's happening or what the scenary's supposed to be. So the descriptions was just a total waste of time.

I hate that kind of books. Feels like the author was 厄稿費, just going on and on about the unrelated information. Even the supposedly exciting part wasn't really that exciting, either. All in all, a very disappointing book.

The twilight series was so much better. Even though the attended audience is teens, I still quite enjoyed the series. Not saying that it's a fantastic series, but it's a pretty good series for leisure reading. I mean, not all four books are all good. New Moon was kinda annoying cos she spent way too much time being miserable. I think that Eclipse is the best one.

Anyway, what I tried to say is that DO NOT read City of Silver. You might as well read the Twilight series instead.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


星期五係某女子的 last day。

我哋公司分為好幾個 business units, 我個 units 入面又分為幾條 line, 我條 line 入面又分為三個 departments, 我係屬於細 department。而呢個學生係屬於大department,我同佢根本上就係從來都無講過野。

而家佢要走嘞,honestly, I couldn't care less (tell u y below). 但係佢個department買咗張 gift card 俾佢,仲周圍叫人夾$$ chip in, 我無可能話我唔想夾,根本上就係俾佢屈$$。十蚊,我唔係俾唔起,但我唔係發咗達大把要周圍派,無情情要俾十蚊佢,我真係唔想喎。

仲有,佢星期五因為係 last day, 買咗d東甩曲奇咁孝敬吓d同事,但係淨係請佢個 department 食架咋喎,其他人無架喎。不過咁都算嘞,佢都唔知人哋買咗 gift card 俾佢既。但係佢個 department 一眾去食 lunch同佢餞行,無邀請我架喎,咁算點呀?Not that I really want to go spend any more $$, 但令我覺得好不快喎,佢個 department 跟本無當過我係 part of the gang, 出去食飯 social 唔預我,夾錢就計埋我嗰份,當我咩呀?水魚牙?唔係我 cheap, 但俾著係你,你都會覺得俾人搵笨啦,係咪?

另一個原因係令我最不甘心既原因,就係我哋無乜交流都唔緊要,因為如果嗰個department既其他人要走,我都會半樂意夾錢,問題係呢個人本身對我一直都唔友善,平日見到我同佢打招呼佢完全係口黑面黑唔蘇我架囉。星期五我喺公司門口見到佢同另一個女同事一齊行,嗰位女同事轉頭見到我,我同佢揮手,佢又同我揮手,咁呢個離職女轉頭睇吓,我當然又同佢揮手啦,但係佢望咗我一眼,又係口黑面黑咁,跟住拎番轉頭同女同事繼續行,完全無 acknowledge 我既存在。我真係好唔明囉,我幾時踩親佢條尾呀?我個樣係咪真係咁乞佢憎呀?唔係因為我同佢唔係同一個 department 架噃,因為同佢一齊行嗰個直情完全唔係我哋條 business line佢都同人有講有笑,就掙係對我咁衰架啫。我唔覺得我有問題丫,公事其他 business line 既人對我都好友善吓架喎,就遺獨係佢咁討厭我,真係好唔明。基本上,我同佢既關係,比陌生人更差,似我係佢仇人多d。

That's y I said that I couldn't care less if she's gone.


I really wanted to be total ruthless and said that I didn't want to be part of it and that I didn't care if she knew that I wasn't part of it. That's the problem of trying to be civilized.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ride for Heart

Did the 50km on Sunday. It was quite miserable cos it was rainy and windy so it was quite cold. But it’s still fun to ride on the highway. The road is smooth and pretty much free of pot holes and no need to avoid catchbasins all the time. It was quite a sweet ride in spite of the rain and wind. Feet got totally socked though within 10 minutes and I couldn’t feel them after only about 10-15 km. Luckily, they didn’t fall off.

In the very beginning of the ride, I saw that there’s this guy lying on the ground with someone performing CPR on him. I didn’t stop to look cos it would only cause more congestion of the traffic and hence hindering the arrival of the ambulance. Not long after I passed, I heard the sound of ambulance already. I didn’t hear anything about it on the news or radio so I hope that he did make it.

Even though I was on my own the whole time during the ride, I actually joined as a part of a corporate group cos my company has managed to put together a team. It was quite nice cos they have an area for corporate and VIP participants and there were tables and food and more importantly, shelter during the rain. We also get to go to the front of the startup line instead of having to wait in line to start in the rain. I mean it doesn’t matter too too much since I got totally soaked anyway but it’s just nice not to have to stand around in the cold and get moving right the way.

Will I do it again? Hrm… maybe… Will probably do it if the company get a team again. Probably not as an individual.