Friday, July 29, 2011

The End of HP

Went to see the last installment of HP movie last Friday. Didn’t disappoint me wor.

One problem was that we ended up seeing the 3D version. I am not a big fan of 3D movies. It makes my eyes tired easily and I don’t see the appeal of it. I personally don’t think that the 3D effect adds too much to a movie, in most cases anyway. And it’s more expensive. I think that the whole 3D thing is just a gimmick so that they can charge ppl more $$.

Movie itself was gd. Most of the movie was just action tho so there was hardly any acting from Ron and Hermione, which is fine cos they aren’t that strong of an actor and actress anyway. haha…

I still liked Snape the best. The more complicated character in the series. Still dislike the fact that JR Rowling killed him off so quickly (although there’s still the memoirs afterwards). He could at least put up a bit of a fight. Oh well…

Saw some pictures of the 3 main characters from the first movie and their pictures now. Looked so different. I’m always kinda disappointed how non-cute Harry Potter is now as an adult.

The next movie that I want to see in the theatre is Sherlock Holms but I don’t know how mobile I will be at that point. May end up watching DVD instead.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Albums Update

2010-11-12-13 Foggy Night and Morning
2010-11-20 Hiking
2010-12-05 Christmas Market
2010 Christmas

That's the end of all the pictures from 2010. Phew! So much easier to do these ones cos they all came from one camera and that these are much smaller albums (only a few pictures each).

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Office Pet Peeve

I had listed some fb pet peeve a little while ago.  I realized that I have a list of office pet peeve also.

I hate it when the office is freezing cold in the summer and boiling hot in the winter.

I hate it when ppl talk loudly about things unrelated to work for a _prolonged_ period of time during office cos it affects my productivity and I’m not interested in your personal life that much.

I hate it when ppl gossip in the office.

I hate it when ppl microwave their lunches for more than 3 minutes.

I hate it when ppl use more than one paper towel to dry their hands in the washroom.

I hate it when ppl do not flush properly.

I hate it when ppl sing/hum songs at their desk.

I hate it when ppl do not turn off their computer and monitor when they leave work (unless they are running simulation/code overnight).

I hate it when ppl have to take the elevator instead of walking the stair for just one or two floors.

I hate it when ppl, who are obviously in the office, do not response to emails and I end up having to track down by phone.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Album Update

2010-10-24 Tai Po Waterfront Park
2010-10-29 Birds in Waterfront Park
2010-10-30 Yum Cha
2010-10-21-29 Various Gatherings (formerly 2010-10-22 EAT but I thought I would just group all the gathering pictures there)

This finally concluded all the pictures from my HK+Tai Wan trip back in Oct!

Also, I just realized that there're comments on the albums!! I've never noticed. I thought that I would get email notifications when I get comments but I guess it wasn't working. Anyhow, I have responsed to some of them although those comments were like a few months ago...

But I'm really glad that some ppl do actually look at the pictures! :D

Thursday, July 21, 2011



其實我唔太 mind the heat. 但我間屋舊到連 insulation 都無,真係超熱,想唔開冷氣都唔得.夜晚都瞓得唔係幾好.

加上可能係太熱太乾既關係,我既 allergy 好似嚴重咗少少,鼻勁塞,透唔到氣好辛苦.

For the sake of not further heating up the house,呢排都盡量唔喺屋企煮食,但係個難度就係買外賣 or eat out 既話,會無乜菜食,我呢排係努力咁均衡飲食丫嘛,真係有d麻煩.同埋外賣同 eat out 就通常都 pack 唔到 lunch 返工,理論上我係可以 pack 三文治,但我呢排又唔可以食 cold cut meat, 真係好麻煩囉.呢兩日都係食喺T&T買既叉燒食同菜肉包就算咋.

Going camping next weekend. Hopefully, it’ll be less hot by then cos I don’t wanna get overheated or get heat stroke.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Little Katelyn

Visited 2 weeks old Katelyn on Sunday. The family’s doing great. Katelyn was nice and peaceful, mostly drifting between sleep and awake during our visit. No crying, which was nice.

She’s so tiny. I guess that’s what 2 weeks old is like.  Well… actually she’s not that tiny. She’s a pretty tall baby. But only the arms and legs were skinnier than I expected cos I always thought that babies are chubby, with the arms and legs like 蓮藕.

Didn’t take any pictures tho. Her dad already made a fb account for her to upload pictures anyway. I don’t feel the urge to add to the exploding wealth of internet information by taking any more pictures.

I didn’t hold or even touch her. I don’t like touching newborns. They are so 軟 lai lai. Me such a rough person doesn’t want to risk hurting them. It’s one thing to hold your own, but other ppl’s 都係唔好.自己既話,整親咪整親囉,從錯誤中學習,但如果係人哋既,你整親佢個金菠蘿,人家嬲死你.That’s y I never touch newborns, unless they are close relatives. 可遠觀而不可亵玩焉(喂,人家的句子好像不是這樣用的喲).

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sleeping Beauty

詹占 went to Cambridge on Sat. I decided not to tag along but to enjoy a rather relaxing day instead cos I have been too busy lately with all the exams, camps, church, mini-vaca etc. and I finally didn’t have too much to do last weekend. I’ve been feeling quick exhausted in the past 2 weeks. All I wanted to do is just to laz-around the house, not doing too much.

Was going to sleep-in a bit but got 抄醒 by 詹占 to eat breakfast. Since I was up, I did some laundry, replied some emails, got the dish washer going and tidied up the house a little bit. Felt like a pretty productive morning. And then after 詹占 has left, I had a lie down on the couch and read for a bit. It was about 10:36am when I started reading. After a little while, I decided that it was time to have a little nap.

唔nap尤自可,一nap就 lai 嘢,到我起身既時候已經係 3:15pm!!! I was like, “Holy smokes! What happened?” I quickly got up, ate some lunch. Did some more laundry. Did some last minute powerpoint edit and then went out for a 30-min walk (my exercise of the day). When I got back, I weeded in the front yard and the garden for about another 30min and then it was too hot for me to stay outdoor any longer. Went back to the house and it was time to relax again. Played some video game. Ate some supper at around 7pm and watered the lawn and the plants. Played a little more video game and then it was time to talk to my family.

That was my Sat. Felt sorta productive and yet quite relaxing. I just couldn’t believe that I napped till 3:15pm. Must have slept for more than 3 hours cos I didn’t read for that long before I decided that it was time to nap. Felt so gd afterwards tho. Renewed energy. I wish I can do this everyday.

Sleeping 就係 sleeping, 但係咪 beauty 就見仁見智.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Surprised Lobster 大餐

Got a text msg from 詹占 yesterday while I was still out that we were invited by our neighbors to a lobster dinner. Really didn’t know what to expect.

We’ve always been having good relationship with them since we moved in. When we are away, we’ll ask them to look after our house plants and collect our mail and vice versa.

They have been out in Nova Scotia for 2 weeks and just came back on Sat. Apparently, they bought a cooler full of lobsters and brought them back and would like to share with us and their other neighbor.

Dinner was served in their air-conditioned garage/work room. Although the air con was on but it was too hot in TO yesterday that it was still a little hot. But it wasn’t bad at all. It felt like having a little dinner gathering in a village. Nice and cozy. Kinda cute indeed.

We brought over some fruits and they served us steak, salad, drinks and whole lobsters. I’ve never had whole lobster in my life before. All the lobsters that I’ve had were always in some sort of dish already. So I was given a quick tutorial on how to crack the shell and all that. Basically, we ate the lobsters cold and dipped them into melted butter. Tasted so good! And so fresh and juicy! As I was enjoying my dinner, I couldn’t help but think that 笨 must be super jealous. wahahaha…

The hospitality was wonderful. They told us stories of their trip and showed us pictures. From the sound of it, they absolutely loved Nova Scotia. I’m glad that they had such a great time. It was a night with great company and lots of laughter.

It was a very enjoyable evening in deed. What a pleasant surprise. ^_^

Friday, July 15, 2011


I have always been trying to eat fruit as snacks at work. Quickly packed a whole bunch of fruit this morning and did not realized until I got to work that my combination of the day is 士多啤梨蘋果橙, haha… made me think of twins. Also made me think of Wong Chi Wah sang (with 劍指, refer to 越大鑊越快樂 if no idea what I’m talking about):

蘋果橙士多啤梨 點揀

Haha… I’m thinking too much.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Albums Update

2010-10-22 EAT
2010-10-23 Peak

The following two pictures were taken with different mode of the camera. Which one do you like better?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Was quite nice. We didn’t have much of an agenda so we mostly just wandered around, looking at shops and such. Even tho I’ve been to Quebec City a couple of times, we still managed to find some spots which I’ve never been to before.

We totally lucked out on the weather. Sunny everyday while we were there and most of the time, not too too hot, as long as you stay in the shade.

Had one fancy dinner on the first night. And some non-fancy ones after. I was surprised that we didn’t eat as much as I thought we would. Probably getting too old, stomach and appetite shrinks.

The expected huge bonus we’ve got out of this trip was that there were two free things at night. One was a 3D projection show that got projected across the river to the huge industrial buildings. The content of the show was… er… not so good. It’s some sort of history of Quebec/Canada from the old days to the modern days but it’s little too artsy with little context so it’s quite hard to follow. I am glad that I’ve taken my citizenship test recently so that I can put some of the things into context. But I really wonder how much does the non-Canadian tourist could get out of this show. The show was long, too. About 50min. We stayed for about 20-30min. It wasn’t too 3D but it was quite impressive to see such a large projection. And it’s free so I try not to complain too much.

On the other hand, the 2nd free show was AWESOME. It was an outdoor free Cirque du Soleil show. It was almost an hour long. Tons of ppl came out. I mean, you have to stand for an hour and all that but it was great. It’s nice of them to do free shows. I wonder if those performers were newbies who aren’t quite gd enough for the real thing yet so they give them this free show as a training ground. It doesn’t matter tho cos they are pretty gd, other than this one guy whom I’ve noticed that he failed twice. Apparently, they do it through the summer so if you happened to go to Quebec City this summer, make sure you don’t miss out this free show!!

There were also all kinds of street performances. And Elton John was in town! Not that we went to his concert but we did witness the craziness of all those ppl who lined up before noon out in an open area under the hot sun in order to get a good seat for the concert at night. Pretty insane. I wonder how many ppl had heat stroke.

Pics of the trip ma… have to wait wait. Since I’m still in the process of finishing up the HK trip and I’m busy with the youth camp pictures these days as well… Really don’t know when I’ll get to this one. =_=

Oh oh… almost forgot to mention. Flying Porter is quite nice, especially the Toronto Island lounge. They give you free water, coffee and juices, as well as almonds, short bread cookies and some other snack while you are waiting for your flight. And nice couches to sit in. And newspaper available for you to read. Felt like a VIP! ^_^

Waiting for the ferry to cross was dumb tho. The other side was so close. I was telling 詹占 that I could probably swim over there faster than waiting for the ferry.

The plane itself wasn’t that special. My seat on the return flight actually kinda sucked. There was some sort of crumbs on it cos they didn’t have time to clean the cabin.

It was definitely nice to be able to get to Quebec in an hour tho, without the ten million pee breaks in the case of a car ride. I just regretted it that I didn’t eat more of those free snacks in the Toronto lounge cos there’s no lounge on the Quebec side, just the regular old airport. It was also relatively easy to get to, without having to taxi or park-n-fly and all those hassles. Will consider fly Porter again in the future.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


A 小插曲 from the youth camp last week. 話說 we went on the beach on the last day. It was Canada Day and the silly beach parking lot was full. So we all parked on the side street. By the time we left, both me and 小賴's cars, together with a lot of the car that were parked on the street, got a parking ticket. >_<

上帝啊,你為什麼要這樣懲罰我?!(小姓賴啦你,明明是自己不看清楚,見有其他人 park 了便 assume it’s ok to park there)

40 bucks, 很肉痛.

題外話,一心以為 now that the camp is finished, then it’s finished. But no no no, since our church is doing the admin this year, I still have to deal with all the expenses and finance and organize an evaluation meeting. And our pastor wanted to show some pictures of the camp during the church anniversary worship this Sunday, which means that I have to sieve through the pics and select some nice ones to make a slideshow. The fact that I still haven’t finished uploading my own vacation picture back in 2010 means that I don’t have much time working on pictures la.

Compounded with the fact that I’m leaving for my mini-vaca this Friday, I have to get the this Sunday’s powerpoint and slideshow done tonight and I still have to pack! (I’m still going to work for half a day tmr) In order to pack, it means that I need to get some laundry done tonight first. Orz… so much about hae-ing after my exams. Well… at least I don’t feel bad doing all these things instead of studying.

Album Update

2010-10-21 鳯園
The description of the album (left hand side) tells you what 鳯園 is if you've never heard of it. It also tells you how the pictures are organized in this particular album (basically there's not much of an order...).

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I got the PPE exam result the day I came back to town from youth camp. I passed! Doesn’t say what’s the mark but who care. All I need is to pass it.

So now, the final step is to have all my referees filled out the form for me with nice and positive comments and if PEO accepts my experience (since what I do and what I studied is diff), I will be able to call myself an engineer, as opposed to engineer-in-training. Personally, I don’t really care about the title that much. It’s more like something that I have to do in order to keep my boss happy. During last year’s performance review, I put down getting PEO license as one of the goal to achieve this year so I better get it done.

Unfortunately, my colleague who took the exam on the same day as me failed the law part of the exam. It’s not a big deal anyway. You just have to redo it until you pass and it’s free to redo. I’m just glad that I’ve got it over with and don’t have to worry about it anymore.

On the other hand, the citizenship test was a joke. The practice questions online were harder than the actual test. The test was 20 MC questions, to be completed in 30min. I used only 5min to complete the test. Normally, we won’t know the result until they mail us the letter but since I missed a document and ended up having to see an officer, I saw the already marked paper and I got full mark. wakakakakaka… But really, I don’t know if I’m just lucky or what, the test was so easy. And of course, I prayed beforehand so that probably helped also. ^_^

So once I submitted the missing doc, I will probably be a Canadian citizen in a few months. And then I can get a Canadian passport which means that I can go down to the States without applying for a visa. Definitely a big plus cos then there’re a lot more mini-vacation destination choices, not that I can go anywhere anytime soon after September but it’s nice to have the option when I need it.

So relieve that all the exams/tests are over. I can read normal books and play video game without feeling guilty of not studying. :D

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Wedding 比我預期中的好,雖然食物方面真係好唔得,但能夠見到一d好耐好耐冇見既朋友,所以還蠻ok的.


由於有好幾個人係好耐冇見,update 咗大家既近況,當我以為自己好醒,知道咗好多新消息向某人會報既時候,才發現呢d所謂既新消息原來唔係新消息,原來全部人都知道,other than me and 腎腎,爆無奈.

因為咖哩姐剛生咗,再加上珍大姐又有咗,有唔少既話趕都係圍繞住bb呀,大肚呀之類,其實我唔太關心.不過真係好奇怪,有啦啦成村人大肚,I expect 剛結婚的新人亦將會喺短期內宣佈大肚,因為佢哋既 wedding vow 同從牧師口中所講佢哋結婚其中一個原因係為咗建立家庭,咁如果佢哋身體健康既話,我相信不出半年佢哋就會有成果.不過照正我喺條 news chain 入面個 position 咁低既位置,加上我人家不太相熟,可能當我得知消息既時候人家已經生咗.

嘩,咁搞法,下次出黎 book 枱要 book 好大張囉.