Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Almost once a week (sometimes more than once a week), I would get yelled at while I am on the bike. Confused smile

Still don’t understand y. As far as I know, I wasn’t doing anything weird or wrong on the road.

I really want to tell these ppl. Almost 100% of the time, I was unable to make out what they were yelling about.

From the tone of these ppl, I can divide them into 3big groups – hostile, friendly and unknown. The hostile sometimes sounds like they were swearing (but again, I was unable to determine what the words were but they do sound like swearing to me). The friendly one maybe cheering me on. The unknown ones were mostly the ones that honk at me. Some of them were trying to let me know that they were about to pass me and the rest were just honking for no good reasons, as far as I’m concerned.

But regardless of their intentions, I really want to tell them that while I’m concentrating hard to cycle hard, sudden loud noise that’s right behind me or right next to me freaks me out. Seriously, I am a jumpy person. I usually try my best to not to fall off my bike and stay on my course, but sometimes, I get so jumpy that I sway a bit, which is no good to either myself or to the person yelling/honking at me. So even if I’m doing something mildly wrong, yelling/honking at me is not going to help anyone. In fact, it makes it worse.

And for those ppl who are purely yelling out of hostility that originated from nowhere: “WHAT THE HACK ARE YOUR PROBLEMS????” Steaming mad and STAY AWAY FROM ME!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Happened a little while ago, on the night 詹占 and I planned to go to Summerlicious. We had a reservation in Canoe.

First it took me forever to get to our meeting place cos numerous traffic lights were out in Markham because of the thunderstorm. And then the highway was all jammed up.

I saw this one 坑渠 which is supposed to drain water, but instead, water was shooting out from it like a mini-fountain. I have to say, quite amusing.

Finally got there but we still had to take the subway to downtown. Subway was stopped a bunch of times in between stations due to signal problem. And as we got close to Bloor, the announcer said that there’ll be no more subway south of Bloor, we had to get off and that there was no shuttle buses either.

It was still raining outside, altho not too heavily by that point. So we decided to walk to the restaurant, which is located on Wellington. Quite a walk. Lots of ppl on the street walking tho so it was actually quite 熱鬧. 有少少襯墟既感覺. In love

And the funny thing was that Canoe had power outage as well so they decided to close for the night!! So we ended up having to hunt for another restaurant in the rain. Luckily, there’s no lack of choices along Yonge St. And there’s no point trying to rush back up since there’s no subway anyway.

Ended up in the Irish Embassy. Pretty good food. But it’s not the long expected Canoe. We still had a good time tho.

Unfortunately, the subway was still having trouble after dinner. We needed to be back midtown to pick up 小J by 10pm. There was shuttle buses running up and down Yonge already but the line-up is still very long. So ended up walking back to Bloor again and then took the subway from there.The walk back somehow reminded me of Exodus, when Moses and the Israelites exited Egypt. A funny feeling. The walk also killed my office shoes, which weren’t in particularly good shape to start with and causes quite a bit of pain on my feet. I ended up throwing the shoes away afterwards cos the walk greatly sped up their deterioration to the point that they are no good for any feet anymore.

We did make it before 10pm but timing was TIGHT! Quite stressful.

Altho we were unable to eat in our long-expected restaurant and that I wasn’t a big fan of having my feet soaked for a few hours, it was still a fun night out and definitely a more special experience than it would be otherwise. Smile

Monday, August 26, 2013


可以無啦啦由北歐飛去蘇格蘭一個無什特別的城市,就是來聚一聚,吃幾餐飯,同冒著雨去聽大半日啤呢叭啦鬼哂咁嘈既風笛樂隊同很奇怪的 '運動' 比賽。

可以超 last minute 的約,很爽快的答應,可以放下鋪頭的事,搵人頂,再駕三個多鐘頭的車來一個比以上更山卡啦既城市,跟你吃一個午餐,順道一起行一行這山卡啦的城市,然後趕著停車場收工之前去攞返架車,再揸返三個幾鐘返屋企。



Sunday, August 11, 2013

Expanded Vocab + Cute Moments

小J can say so much now. Some of the new fav are:

do self – means 自己做
Jap-bor – Jasper
hi-din – hidding
sssssss蛇 – I used to exaggerate the ‘s’ in front of the word to help him to learn how to pronounce, but somehow he thinks that’s the way to say it now. Orz… backfired.
Donald – McDonalds
not like – 唔like-y. I was home before he was yesterday and he wants to stay outdoor when he got home. 詹占 told him to go find mommy in the house and he said, ‘not like mommy. not like.’ =.= Heart broken, haha…
Yummy juice – he definitely hears what he wants to hear. We seldom gives him juice. A couple of times, 詹占 said the word instead of milk by accident.
Zucchini-ni – Zucchini
no急 -
唔好急 (a lot of the times, he substitute the Chinese word 唔 with english 'no’. So

With the whole ‘do self’ attitude tho, it comes with some very frustrating moments. He would insist to do thing himself, even for those things that he is unable to do and he refuses to let you help him. If you help him, he would throw a fit. But if you don’t help him, sometimes he still throw a fit cos he can’t do it after a few trys. And some of the thing, like buckling up in the car, we are usually in a hurry to leave and he insists to buckle himself up. It can easily end up in a 5-10min delay.

It’s nice that he wants to do things himself, but sometimes… it’s more like “let me do it and get it over with already and move along” in my head. A way God’s making me to learn patience for sure.

Anyway, the really cute moment was when we tried to help him to put his hands together to say grace before dinner. He told us that he wanted to ‘do self’. We thought that was very very cute.