Thursday, June 30, 2011


PPE results should be coming any time this week now that the postal service is back on. Nervous. Hope that I pass la. It would be so 樣衰 if I failed, not to mention I will have to do it again if I failed.

May God bless me.

Monday, June 27, 2011


Upcoming wedding to attend. Sigh… honestly, not that keen on going this time. I normally like going to wedding but somehow this time 就是不太 excited.

I don’t like it when the ceremony is mid-day and then the reception’s at night. A few hours in between. 返屋企又唔係,著住禮服週街 'dat' 又唔係. Pain in the ars.

Gonna be so exhausted by the end of Sunday this week. Citizenship exam on Wed, followed by 3 days of youth camp right the way till late at night on July 1. Wedding on Sat and Sunday church and fellowship. By the time I am home on Sunday afternoon, I’ll be so mentally dead, if not physically as well…

Thursday, June 23, 2011


So mayor Ford decided not to attend the gay pride parade and related activities. What’s the big deal?

The homo community is slamming him of intolerant, of hurting the city/country’s diverse culture. blah blah blah…

First of all, I have nothing against gay or les. I have frds who are gay or les and I’m perfectly fine being frds with them. I have even been mistaken as a homo every once in a while and I have no problem with it, either.

What bugs me tho, is that these homo communities always victimize themselves, saying that ppl are not accepting them, saying that ppl are discriminating them. They are never satisfied. Sometimes, it feels like their ultimate goal is to have everyone turning into homo before they will shut up.

Ford is not trying to shut down your silly parade, OK? He’s simply not attending. 年中多人多有幾多 cultural/street festivals? Is he supposed to attend every single one of them to show his support? You don’t hear the Chinese (which I’m sure, is more populous than you homo community) complaining that our mayor is not attending their festival. You don’t hear the Chinese say that the mayor is discriminating against the Chinese bcos he’s not going to the festival.

And really, what’s so gd about your parade anyway? Other than bringing whatever amount of tourism money that all the economists are so concerned about (and which I really don’t care), all that catches my attention is that there will, again, be a lot of practically naked ppl walking down the street. It’s more like promoting pervert-ness than anything, if you ask me. And I don’t see how pervert-ness is something to be ‘proud’ of. What kind of message are you trying to send out, especially to those who may not fully understand homo, anyway? That you guys are all pervs and love to walk down the street with as little clothing as possible whenever the law permits? You are stereotyping yourself. So don’t complain when ppl think that you guys are pervs.

Not to say that all the other festivals are better than pride parade. I personally see most of them as greedy business ppl making an excuse to earn money. The pride parade bugs me more bcos I simply dislike the ultra high profile-ness and the seemingly never-ending demand of the homo community.

I don’t love Ford but totally support his decision of not going to the parade. Way to go man! I hope that you stand by your decision and not give in to the pressure of the media.

Albums Update

2010-10-20 Kadoorie Farm

Also found a few extra pictures from the taiwan trip from my dad's camera. Will slowly put those up as well once I sorted them out. For now, the following is updated.
2010-10-17 Taiwan (菁茼+十分)
I doubt that anyone would like to spend the time and energy to go back to that album to look for that few extra picture. I mean, they are marked as "new" on the album for the coming 6 days I believe but who would really go thru the 12 pages of album to look at them?? Let me just post one that I really like here.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Binbrook Duathlon

詹占今年又報咗名參加兩項鐵人,仲報咗兩個站(very ambitious),是舊年跟我參加過之後俾我吸引咗入 the dark side 吧,哈哈.


詹占亦都順利完成賽事,I’m so proud of you.

之後仲順道去探住喺 Hamilton 附近既細路細嫂,那兩隻小魔怪大得真快!They are at the age that needs constant attention. 看著細路細嫂基本上一整天就在照顧佢哋中渡過,完全沒有自我既時間,感覺好恐怖.:S


至搞笑既係細路同我哋玩 wii 既時候(其實只係玩咗一陣,因為個細仔一醒就玩唔到),一個唔覺意太 high 成個 controller 車咗落坐喺佢大脾既女個頭度,超大力的啪咗一聲,好彩佢個女係鐵打的,平時成日PK都唔喊嗰隻,再加上我哋笑到扒哂地,所以佢又同我哋一齊笑,完全無喊.真乖女!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Big Spender

豪花咗 140 on 添置新裝.Actually, every item wasn’t too expensive but they just add up really quickly.

t-shirt – 9
3-piece pj – 29
office 用類似被肩但又有少少袖的東西 – 29
t-shirt x 2 – 35
causal shorts – 29

Part of the reason to buy so much clothes is that some of the button up dress shirt that I have no longer fits. With the 被肩 thing, I can probably get away with those semi-casual tee (I call them semi-casual but to normal ppl, they are probably really casual… cos I normally wear those super old-t-shirt of mine at home with holes in them with the color totally faded. When I go out, I usually wear the relatively new free t-shirts that I get from joining various sports events. My definitely of casual is slightly off from a regular person). These tees that I’ve bought are nice but not too nice that I can still wear them on a day-to-day basis and when I go out to restaurants.

Another reason of me buying all these clothes was that they offered a free gift if I spend more than 100 b4 tax. Wahahahaha… I know, I’m cheap. I totally wouldn’t spend that much in that one store if there’s no ‘jack-so’. So lucky tho, cos by the time I check-out, there’s only one last gift left. No choice on the color. I was going to pick neutral yellow but ended up getting a pink one. It doesn’t really matter cos I don’t really care. Pink is still nice and it’s free and that’s the important part!! hehe…  ^o^

I was glad that there’s one last gift left cos I don’t know what I should do otherwise… telling the cashier that I don’t want most of the stuff anymore?? Have to choose between 樣衰爆 or 肉痛死.Tough choice. Good that I didn’t have to make that choice.

I’m hoping that this is the end of 添置新裝 cos 我之前已經斷斷續續的添了置兩次,第一次很笨,didn’t wait for the promotion but I was sorta desperate for clothes and I didn’t really spend much money that time. I did sign up for the email list so that I’ll get a free bag in a month or two’s time tho. 所以都不能說是全無 'jack-so'. 2nd time I got smarter, I got a free 樽仔.

From now on, I just have to resist the urge to go get free stuff cos I think I have enough clothes already, until the fall anyway.

Monday, June 20, 2011



發夢同一個不太相熟既朋友 n her bf 去睇子華既 show, 坐第一排既邊邊位,半路中途,子華由得佢d嘉賓表演 take over 佢個 show, 而佢自己就坐咗去我隔離嗰個空位度,仲同我講嘢,又話認得我.佢隻腳跟住唔知點解好凍,佢同工作人員攞咗一對好似搭長途機既襪咁既嘢,仲俾一隻我,話我都應該好凍,俾一隻我保暖.

跟住我好想上厠所,但又唔想去,因為我驚走開咗,返去就會見唔到子華,但佢話 promise 我唔會走開,我返黎佢一定會仲喺度.

夢中既子華超 sweet 的!現實的也是這樣嗎?真的不知道.有時候,我覺得夢中子華既 sweet 其實係詹占既 personality 投射咗入子華既軀殼入面.

但不管那個是誰,都是一個很 sweet 的夢.

可惜,夢醒了,是星期一,要返工去... >_<

Thursday, June 16, 2011

You’ve Got to be Kidding

NHL final game 7 last night. Apparently, it’s pretty rare. And since VanCan was one of the competing team, ppl went a little crazy here.

Radio channel 680 always interview ppl and ask what they think about some of the current issue. Most of the time I couldn’t care less about what the ppl think cos it seems to me that a lot of the times, the ppl on the street are just dumb. Hardly ever has any inspiring insight into things. Not entirely their fault, the person who formulates the question wasn’t any gd to start with so they always ask dumb questions anyway. I only really listen to that channel for the traffic news.

Anyway, on the way to work yesterday, the radio was interviewing ppl and asked what they think about the NHL final went all the way to the 7th game. A guy said,

“It’s the 2nd best thing that has ever happened in my life, after the birth of my daughter.”

I was like, what the hack??!!?! That was the 2nd best thing in your life, EVER??? You’ve either had a sad sad life or that you were so stupid that you value watching hockey (note: you are just watching, you aren’t even playing…) so much more than other things in life.

And 詹占 later pointed it out, too, that the 2nd best thing that has ever happened to his life ended in the VanCan team losing. Simply pathetic.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

FB Pet Peeve

I hate it when ppl write an essay on their status.

I hate it when ppl update their status more than 3 times a day.

I hate it when ppl post pictures of their every single meal.

I hate it when ppl take a hundred picture everyday and post every single one of those pictures.

I hate it when two pictures are essentially the same (just slightly diff) and the owner posts both of them. They obviously didn’t filter.

I hate it when ppl are obviously on fb (cos they have recent activities) but not replying my message.

I hate is when ppl using the status to describe what their children are doing.

That’s for now. I’m sure if I think harder, there’s more fb pet peeve that I have. Do you have any that I haven’t listed?

Thursday, June 9, 2011



奇怪的夢(你有那個夢是不奇怪的?),因為我同呢位同學經己好多好多年無見,同埋詹占趕我出家門既原因超怪,anyway… 唔知係咪因為看/聽得太多謝霆鋒同張柏芝既新聞,才會做這個怪夢.


近幾日都好想食魚生呀,唔知係咪因為天氣酷熱所以想食d唔熱既嘢呢?嗰日同舊同事食 lunch, 其中一個人既 bento box 入面既 sushi 好似好好味咁喲,可惜我點了炒udon, 雖然都有點點三文魚,但點都唔夠成舊魚生咁食咁正,於是就只有乾看同流水的份兒.


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Sunnyside Bathing Pavilion

Was 詹占's BD yesterday. Went to Sunnyside for dinner. Our first patio this year. Took forever to get there during rush hour.

The food there was not particularly good. 主要去嗰度都係食風景. It happens that there’s beach volleyball and ppl were having dragon boat class/practice so there was no lack of entertainment.

The patio’s atmosphere was very vibrant and lively, thanks to all those volleyball and dragon boat team members who would come sit down and have a bit/drink when they are done.

We walked along the shore for a little bit after to help digestion, too. Although it was hot yesterday, it was almost cool near the lake. Quite comfortable.

Not a particularly exciting evening but nice and relaxing. ^_^

Monday, June 6, 2011


I know I’m very out but I finally watched the movie this weekend.

My expectation was quite low to start with so it was better than I expected. A pretty exciting movie for the most part.

I like that female pilot the best. Tough person, 又夠串, I like her!

Thursday, June 2, 2011


星期一晚放工去咗一個由 PEO 我個 area chapter 舉辦既 seminar (my first time to go to these kinds of seminar), pretty much a waste of time. 如果唔係因為個 topic  同工作有關,再加上地點就係喺我屋企附近嗰個 library 可以行到去,我係唔會去.可惜,I didn’t learn anything that I didn’t already know.

The speaker was an Indian guy with super heavy accent. Thank goodness that 佢犯了 powerpoint presentation 既其中一個錯誤,就係將dtext 打哂出黎,但好彩正正因為咁,加上佢講既大部份嘢我本身已經識,所以先勉強"聽"得明佢個 presentation. But some of his slides had so much text on it and the text was so small that I couldn’t read it from where I was sitting.

Since the presentation itself didn’t contain much new info for me, the highlight of the event became the attendants. They provide two trays of sandwiches for the attendants, which, of course, were completely gone by the time I arrived (I was a little late and I didn’t want sandwich anyway. I ate at home before I headed out). There were also a few boxes of granola bars and pops and water. Since I already ate and was not hungry, I only grabbed a water.  And since I was late, I sat at the back and therefore can see everybody.

So here’s the list of all the weirdoes that I’ve noticed that night:

  1. An old man dressed in some sort of old fashion thick thick suit jacket so he looked like he could be an retired engineer was picking on the empty sandwich plate to nibble on the bits and pieces that fell out of the sandwiches… :S
  2. A guy in suit came in late, grabbed a few granola bars and a pop. He proceeded to finish eating them and then fell asleep during the seminar. Everyone in the room knew that he was sleeping cos he started snoring loudly.
  3. An older chinese couple who were super late to the seminar, like the man in #2, grabbed some granola bar each and pop. They sat behind me and ate their granola bars. But they made a lot of noise as they kept brushing their pants. This made me peeked back and realized that they ate the granola bars super messily. All over their clothes and that’s why they kept brushing the crumbs off. And guess where the crumbs went? Onto the carpet on the floor… so stereotypical Chinese… 無公德... sigh… shame… Basically, neither of them looked like engineer. Instead, they looked like that were from the neighborhood, just dropping in to chow down some granola bars.
  4. During Q&A session, an old man raised a questionBefore he asked his question, he introduced himself of his credentials in the area. Basically, he’s more experienced and knowledgeable than the speaker. And since his question is more like a comment, there wasn’t much the speaker needed to answer but to simply acknowledge that he was right. 驕傲的老人.
  5. Another guy who asked question was an Asian guy. He dressed up in white shirt and gray pants. Looked like he was wearing school uniform. He had this very soft and polite voice. Sounded like he’s pretty fresh from school and just joined PEO not long ago. But as he turned around to face the rest of the ppl, I found that he had this HUGE mustache! Bigger than 林子祥! That’s so weird. A huge mustache on a very young face and young personality. And asian, too.

So there, the above summarized my first PEO seminar adventure.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011




做在公司唔太多嘢做,雖然唔係好似上個星期咁無聊,但d嘢都 manageable. 白痴既係尋日公司有個 internal training, 喺出席呢個 training 之前,要 complete 兩個 online training, 咁都無所謂,問題喺呢個on-site training 既內容同online 既都無乜分別,完全係浪費時間.加上兩個 presenter 既 monotone, 我完全想瞓著.

放工又趕趕趕咁去 trainer 既 appointment, 完咗之後又趕返屋企,轉單車去上 drum lesson. 當所有嘢終於都完哂,我返到屋企之後成個人散哂,攰爆,差d連沖涼既力都無.

可憐既係當我 physically d muscles 太攰既時候,係會瞓唔著覺,會有drestless. 最後搞到要去 spare room 既 futon 度先瞓得著.仲發咗個怪夢,夢到一個 math test, 全世界人都爆低分,我只係得69分但已經係全級最高分,I wasn’t too worried in the dream cos as long as I’m near the top of the class, then 拉完 curve 之後就會 no problem. 但我有dfriend only 得19分,非常徬徨,所以我都唔敢話俾佢哋知我有69分,但又有個8婆幫我唱通街,喺夢中好想搥佢.

Anyway, 今朝起身,精神唔錯但肉體仍然好攰,唉,老了老了,recover 得真係慢...