Friday, May 31, 2013

Bikes Got Stolen

Both my commuter hybrid and my used-only-a-few-times mountain bike. Argh! Steaming mad

And oh mother’s day weekend! Ya, _Happy_ mother’s day.

But at least they didn’t take 詹占的, cos 佢的單車上裝咗個小孩位, 連嗰個都偷埋的話就真的是很慘了.

In view of the fact that I don’t really go mountain biking, I’m not going to replace it. I do need to replace my commuter bike tho cos now that it’s summer/spring time, I can’t bear to drive all the time. Driving also causes me to have a much shorter work day (need to do drop off and pick up) which doesn’t look good in my boss’s eyes.

I used to have a Trek bike. This time I got a Rocky Mountain. Unfortunately, in the rush to buy a replacement asap, I wasn’t quite prudent enough and didn’t get the best deal available. I mean, I still got an OK deal. But since I know that there’s a better deal, with my cheap 精 personality, I couldn’t help but felt regret and cheated (altho no one’s cheating, really).

I’m still very happy with my bike. It is nicer than my old Trek. Actually whoever stole my Trek isn’t really in luck cos I was planning to bring it to the shop and anticipated that the bike need its gear and chains replaced and my bottom bracket had some clicking problem and my hook for my rear fender is slightly defective that the fender falls down and rubs the tire from time to time. It wasn’t a bad bike but it had quite a bit mileage on it and needs some work done.

Anyway, here’s my new baby. 2012 model.

I’ve also bought a whole bunch of accessories (pedals, seat, fenders, speedometer, rack, lights and water bottle holder. I’ve already refrained from buying two other accessories to complete my need) which unfortunately, broke my bank. >_< Let’s hope that this bike last a long time and won’t get stolen again!

Unfortunately, since I’ve acquired this bike, I’ve only ridden on it three times due to sickness, weather and scheduling problems. It’ll be 登場 during my 75km fund-raising bike ride on Sunday tho. It will serve me well. SmileAnd I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I can make use of it more for the rest of the summer, ideally at least 4 times a week going to work.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

See You Next Time

Last post talked about my trip to 娘家。This post talks about 小妹's trip to 我家.

One month (well… almost one month). Time flies. Too bad that I had to go back to work. Feel a bit bad about leaving her on her own most of the time.

And she did so much housework for us: making desserts, hanging and folding clothes, wash dishes, cleaning up after us, tidying up the office floor, unloading the dishwasher, providing a distraction to 小Jso that we could work on something else etc.

Now that she’s gone, I’m worried. How are we going to pick up all these ‘extra’ housework??

I hope I didn’t slave her too much (I didn’t request her to do them. She volunteered.) and I hope she had a good time in here and didn’t find it too boring.

And it’s nice to have an extra body at home la. 感覺上是熱鬧點,又有人跟我一起返教會,很開心喲~



As I always said, if it’s not bcos of 大小二J,I think 我回流了喇。


On a separate note, the futon that we’ve bought two years ago finally 大派用場了喲!之前海倫媽媽都有用過兩次,但今次是瞓足一個月耶,很厲害呀!而且真的是很好瞓的啦,小妹睡完也讚,之前花的一筆是值回票價的!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

HK Home 2013

Went back to 娘家 for the whole month of April. Didn’t do much. Just staying home and visiting family and friends. It was actually quite a nice stay. The only stress comes from 小J.

I think he had a very gd time there as well. Eat lots of food. Went to the park pretty much every day. Got lots of personal attention from everyone.

I had a very healthy time there. Work out once a day for 85% of my time there. Went jogging quite a bit. Shredded some pounds (altho has already gained them all back now I’m back in TO) and even made my PB of jogging the furthest in one go. Quite proud of myself. I’ve got to say, without work and with my family around to take care of 小J(and me! I basically don’t have to do any housework), it’s definitely a LOT easier to keep up with the exercise regime.

Didn’t meet every single frd that I meant to see cos apparently, some people simply has no desire to see me ever again. I reached out. Some of them gave me a minimal response but when trying to pin down an exact date and time, that person never got back to me. Some didn’t even respond to the first message. Felt a bit like broadcasting my request for contact to the universe and received no response bcos the aliens simply didn’t want to be in contact with me human. Oh well… I tried. 人家不願相見就罷了,勉強無幸福,下次我不再為這幾個人浪費心神就是了(現在是這樣說吧,可能下次又心血來潮去送上門找人家然後又再被人唾棄多一次)。

Some other frds tho, 真的很正,超易約,一叫就到,仲要連地點都就哂我,超唔話得。我愛你們。

其中一個 surprise 係在多人多認識的JY小妹妹,回流咗番香港幾年,我跟她基本上是沒有 contact 乜滯,之前返香港話搵佢話話吓又無咗回事,今次終於都搵佢,佢又肯出黎,見面的感覺又很良好,都唔覺得原來係咁耐無見,小妹妹除咗成熟咗小小之外,都無乜點變。


雖然有被人唾棄的時候,但能夠 get back in contact with some good friends, 算落我算是賺了。 ^_^




不過坐飛機有夠辛苦的,去的時候還可,因為很幸運地有個空位讓小J坐,回來的那程比死更難受,睡又睡不了,位子又窄,電影又看不了,呆呆的坐十多粒鐘,好彩小妹跟人家掉了位,可以一齊坐,已經算是不幸中的大幸了。這就是做 cheap 精唔買多個機位的下場。>_<

Friday, May 24, 2013

A New Direction

I have not abandoned this blog, altho I know not that many ppl are actually reading or visiting.

But in view of this, the direction of this blog has changed a bit.

In the very beginning, the primary purpose of telling my frds who are geographically away from me about what I’ve been up to. And somewhere in the middle, it has kinda changed to some sort of daily life+review of movie/books/shows etc.

Now, it’s gonna to go back to basic a bit. It’s really kinda like a diary again. To record things that _I_ care, to leave a record for myself to read somewhere down the road (when I’m 60!??!).

Since I’m going to write about things that _I_ think are worth writing down, maybe this will keep my motivation a bit higher and will keep me squeezing out my precious time from Candy Crush to write something down that’s memory-worthy to myself.

Where to Start?

So many things happened in the past couple of months but no time/motivation to write them down.

I want to but what to write?? So many things. Can’t write them all down. Not enough time. Not enough motivation.

I’m writing this just to get my a kick start.