Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Some of My Recent Read

Was running out of stuff to ‘read’ during my commute.  Saw that this James Patterson guy has tons of books on the library and thought that I would try out some of them. Murder mystery basically. But it wasn’t really a mystery cos you know who the murderer was right in the beginning.  The second book is still good but not as captivating as the 1st. The first book reminds me a bit of the the Jap comic 死亡筆記, the way how the good and evil try to outsmart each other. But 死亡筆記 is better, no doubt. These books, especially the first one, is an adult read tho. A bit much on the sex, in my personally opinion.

These are fantasies. Werewolves, vampires, fey, walker, sorcerer etc.  Pretty good actually. Definitely different from the Twilight series. I know I know, the girl on the cover of the books wears too little. But the book has nothing to do with wearing little. Smile with tongue out A pretty good series so far. I really enjoyed the first two. Will continue on the rest, long as the library has them.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Pregnancy Pictures

A few years ago, I rant about how ridiculous all those wedding pictures has become.

And now, since I’m getting older, there' are less of those wedding pictures to irritate me. However, as you might has guessed, there are now pregnancy pictures that are just annoying.

Don’t know if it’s a relatively new thing to do all these pregnancy pictures or is it just because I’m getting to that age that everyone around me are having babies. To me, it seems like it used to be a celebrity thing but now I guess everyone thinks that they are celebrity that others ‘follow’ them.

It’s not as bad as wedding pictures I have to agree. First, less proportion of ppl are doing it; second, there are usually less than 10-20 pregnancy pictures while wedding pictures could be hundreds.

But then, there are a lot less variation of those pregnancy pictures. I have friends from both HK and TO that has pretty much the exact outfit and exact pose and exact background in their pictures. Not every picture, but a portion of them.

The first time looking at them, the pictures seem pretty good, it’s sorta a ‘new’ thing to me. But now that so many ppl are doing them, it starts to get annoying.


我個人真係唔覺得D橙皮紋好好睇囉。個肚鬼死咁大,so unnatural, 好似會有異型Alien會爆肚而出囉。其實我覺得有D恐怖... Disappointed smile


Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Gangtoeby 和 Dastaphone

係小J自己作出黎既外星話,仲好 consistent. 以下係如何用呢兩個字的句子:

  1. How gangtoeby!
  2. What are you doing with the dastophone?


除此之外,小J仲會亂作D聲出黎唱歌,原全唔知佢唱乜,但佢自己會唱得超 high, 仲會超大聲。有時更會將 gantoeby 混入"歌詞" 之中。


Monday, April 14, 2014



由於小J一定要幫手,加上食物份量係要磅,比較麻煩的關係,我要前一晚量好哂D嘢,到朝早簡簡單單係小J倒埋一齊撈幾撈就可以蒸。詹占喺前一晚有幫手量份量。所以呀,呢個馬拉糕係我哋三個一齊整的第一個馬拉糕!In love


唔可以話係好成功,尚有很多可以 improve 既空間,但食落去d味都好ok。


我擔心only馬拉糕會悶得滯,煎多幾條煙肉等個早餐話哂都多一Dprotein.  結果就係一個中西合壁的早餐。(上圖的小手是小J的)

Friday, April 11, 2014


小朋友真係好可愛,可以為很小的事而爆高興的。Open-mouthed smile(當然,也會為超小的事而哭個死去活來Disappointed smile



但由於我同詹占其實還未 ready 出門,又要執d片呀,口水肩呀,奶呀之頪的,於是由向小J宣布"喜事"跟正式出門有一段小小的時間。咁小J跑完一兩個 round 之後,又開始怪叫,一路走來走去一路叫,之後又喺度 un 吓 un 吓跳舞,又唱歌(但唔知佢唱乜,佢有時會自己作D嘢出嚟唱,唔知係乜 language,可能係外星話)。

更奇的是小J會跟你說,"We are going to restaurant"。好像是他出的主意,怕你不知道,現在告訴你的模樣。笑死,明明是我告訴你的嘛。

見到佢興奮成咁咁,真係超搞笑,我同詹占望住佢都忍唔住爆笑。Laughing out loud點解可以 high 得咁緊要?!

小朋友真的是很可愛很可愛,佢哋個腦真係唔知諗乜。同埋,對於佢哋嚟講,everything means the world to them.
