Tuesday, December 30, 2008


尋日的gathering其實是蠻可以的喇,遊戲幾好玩,大家都好似ok投入。其實真的是不錯喇,而且還給我發現了一個很用腦汁但我又覺得好好玩的遊戲(雖然 I totally suck at it),通常太用腦汁的例如蘇格蘭警察那些就不要預我,但這個我很喜歡耶,可能是很 fast pace 的關係吧。問人家借了回來,眾人走了以後我跟詹占還玩了兩次,遊戲還好在兩個人玩也不是太 predictable like other games, 基本上我是當自我挑戰多於比賽,所以只得兩個人玩也很好玩,大概一個人玩也ok吧。

Anyway, 離了題,gathering 雖然好,但這班人呀,真的是十個有八個遲到,仲到不是遲一點點,是遲一個鐘,是什麽人來的?這不是 drop in party 耶,我也有 host 過 drop in party, 但這個不是耶,明明話明是四時開始的嘛,明明無人反對,明明又無人話會遲到,但就是得三個人準時,連平時很準時的也遲,搞什麽呀?


再者,明明人家在 email 已經話明要洗要切的唔該喺屋企洗完切完先好出現,但來到仍然是未洗未切。都算嘞,你要洗要切唔係應該早d出現,咁你咪可以黎左先洗先切囉,又唔係既,真係吹脹。唔好意思既係我對某人不公平了,她真的是來到了自已洗,但我卻幫某某人洗了,對不起,虧待了她,well... I should say, 對不起,厚待了某某人,因為他們全都是遲到一份子。

雖然我有好多 complain, 但其實真係ok架個 gathering, 我係怨婦,你就俾我 complain一下吧。

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!


Monday, December 22, 2008


大籮人本來已經唔係 my favorite person in the world, 而佢個出黎既野總係令我更加唔鐘意佢.

佢做嗰個 project 未做完但佢由今個星期開始放假放兩個星期,個 report 今個星期三要搞掂,咁佢未做完既野就當然又係由我做啦,(個個做唔完嗰d嘢次次都係塞哂俾我,好討厭),不過都算,d嘢都唔算係太難跟.

星期五下午,佢就開始 transferd嘢俾我,本來都冇乜嘢既,點知佢最後同我講話,"你唔好做得咁快呀,你做得太快大粒只會俾更多嘢你做.最好你就拖到 last minute 先做完呢,咁大粒就唔可以將d嘢改黎改去." 有冇搞錯呀你!你真係好嘢囉你!你條死八公,唔怪得之你做唔切啦,原來喺度拖,就正正因為你條死粉腸d咁既PK工作態度,依家我要執你手尾.聽到佢講呢句嘢既一刻,真係有破口大罵既衝動.

仲要呢話,"Trust me, he's gonna change things." Trust 你就瞓直啦.我駛鬼你講我知大粒鐘意d嘢改完又改牙,我喺度做唔耐得過你?大粒既脾性我會唔知?One of the many things that I dislike him is that 佢成日以為自己好醒,trust you, trust 你個頭!

Friday, December 19, 2008


佢鈴我既門鐘既一刻,由於我住 basement, 而佢鈴既係樓上既門鐘,我完全係仆倒咁 "標" 出去囉,驚死佢會唔等我咁.如果唔係個地結哂冰咁,真係會唔著鞋咁衝出去.


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Hate UPS

在網上買了東西,人家公司要用UPS送貨,我也沒法子,東西又大件,沒法去UPS貨倉拿貨,被是在家中等,尋日咋病沒上班,就是在家中等了一整天。一整天就是在家 refresh 又 refresh 個 tracking system 個 webpage, 明明寫著準時 as scheduled 於 17/12/2008 送到。

到晚上八時半打電話去 customer service, 佢哋話不會送到,妖,喺咪玩野呀,咁你個PK tracking system 要黎做乜架,都唔準既。咁問佢可唔可以 schedule 個 package 一係早d一係遲d先送,咁我唔駛又請成日假去等個 package,佢又話唔可以,d態度仲要係 "係冇得就你架啦,你咬我食牙?你有種唔好等個 package 囉" 咁既態度,勁想打佢。問佢咁今日係咪真係會送到,佢實牙實齒咁話係,但個 time frame 係 8am - 8pm,問佢可唔可以有個 approximate 既 time frame, 佢又話冇, 超,咁既 time frame 你不如唔好俾 time frame 啦,你又如話成日咪得囉。

已經唔係第一次架喇,三四年前我又喺網上訂左d嘢,又係等到我發忟,UPS真係正 dumbass 公司,真係唔明點解仲有咁多客,聽聞Fedex好得多。

Tuesday, December 16, 2008








Saturday, December 13, 2008

Album Update


That's the end of our UK trip.  Looking forward to our next vacation!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Album Update

Nottingham Day 3

I recommend you to look at Day 2 before Day 3 cos there's question in Day 2 where the answer was in Day 3.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Album Update

Nottingham Day 1
Nottingham Day 2


呢排成日都搭巴士返工放工,間唔中都會睇吓免費的 metro. 唔多唔少都知道多少時事.

Not really that interested in politics and news most of the time. But I do have a few words about the issue of the three car company bailing out and ask the government for an enormous amount of money.

I think that it's totally retarded and that the government should NOT give/lend them any money. It's so unfair to some other businesses. Most of the businesses are suffering from this recession. Why these three companies have the right to get money from the government to "help" them but not that others?

And I hate the fact that they pretty much using "we'll have to close down our plants if we do not receive external financial help" as a threat to the government. I understand that the government is worried that unemployment rate would go way up. But still, really shouldn't help them simply bcos of this.

Every businessman takes risk. And if you bet on the wrong thing and made the wrong decision in investment, who is to blame? Suck it up man! I don't see you guys pouring out ur profits to the government in the good days.

Not that the government should sit and watch the unemployed to suffer. I read on the metro sometimes ago when this whole thing just started that this guy suggested the government to put the money that the auto industry is asking into better use. He suggested that the government could use the money to create jobs that actually helps the community like fixing all those roads that should be fixed way long ago. This create constuction jobs for the unemployed. Those ppl in the auto plants are mostly manual labour anyway. They should be able to fit into the construction industry.

I think this dude has a gd point and it's a gd way to make use of the money and actually help the unemployed and improved the community, instead of helping already rich businessmen to continue to earn a lot of money.

On a kinda related topic, another dude said that we should really make use of this economic disaster to reshape the way the economy works.

I have always thought that this stupid consumerisum and the fact that all the government and ppl are so concerned about economic growth, as if when the economic doesn't grow that year, the government is doing a bad job. The big part of the economy "healthiness" is assessed based on how much ppl are buying and how much were manufactured. So ppl are always encouraged to buy buy buy buy buy and as soon as something gets a little old, we should just throw it away and then continue to buy buy buy buy. Cell phone is such a gd example. How many ppl change their cell phone bcos it's broken and that you can't used it to call ppl anymore?

So stupid, resources are pretty much limited, how can we forever to manufacture so that everyone can buy buy buy buy buy? I'm so glad that the 2nd dude voiced out this point. We really should redefine our economy to that it's a sustainable one.

And all these ppl are always talking about how the government should pour out money to stimulate the economy. I agree that the government should help the ppl that are having problem bcos of the recession, but I don't think it necessarily has to "stimulate the economy" in order to achieve that. Stuff like the other dude suggested is gd. Create jobs in the public service sector where both the unemployed and the general public can benefit from, instead of giving away taxpayer's money to save the auto industry. Take the road example again, it will also help the material industry since developers are likely to build less houses now.

Anyway, I'm just grumbling. It just makes me angry to see those auto companies asking for billions of dollars basically to save their own ass.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Album Update

Bath, Stonehenge

Image Quality 2

Just experimented with the better quality option in Picasa.  Not much different.  Uploaded with the smallest quality only means that reader couldn't just the magnify option.  Not that critical in my case, unless someone is interested in seeing the little pimple on my face or the rice that got stuck on my shirt or something.  The difference in image quality is un-noticable.

So, I guess my pictures are simply too crappy.   There's nothing to do with the image quality... >_<

Web Host

In the process of searchinh a web host for the potential website for my church, I found that it's quite cheap these days to own a website.  The cheapest I've seen so far is $3.95 USD per month.  And this include free domain, unlimited storage, unlimited bandwidth, different scripting language support etc.

Almost too cheap to be true.  Really, unlimited storage for only $3.95 per month??  I can host all my pictures there without even considering all these album hosts...  $3.95, a few cups of coffee or even just one cup of fancy coffee and that's ur $3.95.

Of course $3.95 is cheap but cheap as me, I am still not quite willing to pay this price yet.  haha...  But it's gd to know that if I even want to have my own website, it's definitely affordable.

Pregnant Bunny and the Cruise's Family

Two night ago, I dreamt that I owed a bunny. One day the bunny told me in the form of written message on a paper that Johnny Depp's ship (named something something "sud" but I forgot the rest of the name) was going to pick her up and she's going to board the ship and leave me. But she also told me that she gave birth to a male bunny, which would act on her behalf as my pet.

In my dream, it felt totally normal that my bunny told me all these. Told 詹占 about it, he laughed and said that a bunny that talks was not normal. In my defence, I corrected him that the bunny didn't actually talk but she wrote everything down on a piece of paper and 詹占 laughed even harder...

Last night, I dreamt of Tom Cruise's family. Tom Cruise was a very nice person in my dream. Invited me to his house and all that. They were supposed to be in town for like 10 days and so they bought a house down the street from where I live. Suri was a bit of a retard in my dream. Being 2 years old and still couldn't walk and talk. Katie Holmes totally freaked out when she saw me walking on the street (on my way home) and she kept screaming, "How come you are living on the street?" And she went to tell Tom Cruise that it's so awful that I was living on the street. I had to seriously explain to Tom Cruise that I was NOT living on the street. I was walking back home, which was just down the street. And no, I did not own the place. I rent the basement apartment in that house. He seemed very amazed that ppl are still renting in these days.

Random. Wonder y my mind is so random.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Image Quality

Just realized that choosing the smallest file size for uploading pictures into Picasa results in pretty poor image quality and the pictures looks pretty bad. Maybe I should choose higher quality next time I upload. Not going to backtrack the existing ones though.

Sigh... the struggle between image quality and storage space continues...

Monday, December 8, 2008


Partially granted.  A link to the photo album is added to the right hand side.  Me so efficient! haha... Unfortunately, you do have to have a google account to leave comments there.  I didn't know that until I was told.  Maybe you ppl should all move to picasa! haha...



又以為自己好叻,讀 PhD 好叻咩?我細個嗰時覺得 PhD 好勁,但我越黎越覺得,成街都係 PhD啦,都唔係真係咁勁啫(可能係吃不到的葡萄吧),基本上,呢個世代,好多時只要你肯讀,d成績又過得去咁,總係有大學會收你既。

總之某人就係成日覺得佢自己叻過我,我唔係話我叻過佢,但我就唔覺得佢一定叻過我。而我最不喜歡的就是佢成日覺得自己比我 superior ,除左我屋企冇佢咁有錢同埋我英文冇佢咁好之外,我真係唔覺得我會有邊一方面比佢輸蝕。

由於佢以為自己比我 superior,佢就好似覺得佢同我做朋友好似係佢心腸好,可憐我咁,真係唔明佢喺乜心態。

Albums Update


More to come...

Comment function

Someone has told me that she couldn't leave comments bcos of login problem. For anyone else who has encountered the same problem, it has now been fixed.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Albums Update

Wales Cycling Day 5
Wales Cycling Day 6
Wales Cycling Day 7

This concludes our cycling tour.  It was supposed to be a 8-day tour but due to injury on our knees from repetitive and strenuous movement of our legs for 7 days.  James' knee was so bad that he could hardly walk up the stairs near the end.   So we decided to end the tour after 7 days since we have seen a lot of Wales already.  And it doesn't worth it to damage ourselves even further trying to finished the last day.

I really enjoyed these 7 days even though I was suffering from the cold and rain half the time.  Wales was just such a beautiful country and cycling is definitely a good way to explore Wales' country side.

I would totally recommend ppl to do cycling tours in Wales.  Even if you don't want to do a 7-day thing, there were all these shorter routes that you can cycling along and still enjoy the country.

Friday, December 5, 2008


雖然 Windows Live Space 既相簿在 update 之後好像進步了,但佢竟然將我辛辛苦苦咁排好相片的次序都掉亂了,更加令我下決心棄掉它啦.

當然不會將以前的相都搬,十世都未搬得完,而且新 host 的容量亦有限.只會由英國之旅的相開始,為的是連貫性囉,無奶油將個tripd相斷開兩節咁host架嘛.


經已將原本在 Live Space 英國之旅的都搬了.Picasa 還不錯耶,雖然容量有限,但那裡有不用錢又無限的 host 丫,就算現在有但過不了多久當多人用了之後又會開始加 restrictions 開始收費,那來免費的午餐.Picasa 1GB多的容量,只要將相片 downsize 了之後才上載便行,反正其他人也不會 download 我的相來印 poster(如果真係咁嘗面要印的話問我攞我一定會 send 原裝的給你).到得容量爆滿時舊的相也無人看可以除下來喇.

加上 Picasa 有 support Mac upload. 那我不用下下 export 出去, transfer 去另一個 computer 再等詹占不用電腦而我又得閒的時候才 upload.方便得多又做少幾個步驟.而且 Live Space 的相簿其實蠻低能的,如果開左個 page 去 edit caption, 個 page 開得太耐而又唔 save changes 既話,到要 save changes 的時候會 save 唔到,下下都要 edit 下 save 下,然後又要 click 番入個 edit page 繼續 edit.好幾次都不小心過了時限搞到要重頭再來,好煩囉!雖然不知 Live Space update 左之後這個問題是否解決了,但我經已受夠了.


Thursday, December 4, 2008




暫時是簡陋一點點,遲一些有時間的話會 customize 一下.
