Friday, September 28, 2012


開頭當我知道佢喺香港開show既時候,有少少擔心佢今次會唔黎多人多,所以當我收到消息知道佢會黎之後就超興奮啦,立即 msg 個朋友睇佢去唔去,點知撞正佢出咗埠,sms 同 email 咗佢,等左一晚都無回覆。我勁心急想即刻買飛攞好位丫嘛,小妹叫我唔好等,陣間買唔到好位仲dup心口,小妹話到時佢哋去先自己買飛,最多分開坐。
飛,買咗 second most expensive 嗰隻,喺我一向都買嗰隻,最貴嗰D真係買唔起,尤其是家吓有小J喺度,開支大咗好多,又剛剛先返番工,銀根短缺,今次買呢個價錢既飛真係"括"出去的啦,唉,仲有好多咭數要找... 嗚嗚嗚...

其實我個人唔係好鐘意呢張 poster, 個樣執過,但執得太過份,塊面好假。
當然,有得睇子華係梗係開心,但我既 expectation 係好高架,希望子華唔會令我失望啦。

其實我有少少 wonder, 點解咁多次子華黎多人多,都係宣明會邀請,就偏偏上次娛樂圈血肉史2唔係,今次又變返係??百思不得其解。


Thursday, September 20, 2012


自從來了多人多之後都少吃瓜,在res都算食得OK frequent,因為無乜水果揀。
就算同大J一齊之後都係少吃,原因係某人懶,我買個瓜返黎,如果我唔去劈的話,就算個瓜放到爛都唔會有人去劈。再加上,就算我劈了,但某人係懶到唔會一 'kai kai' 咁食,要切粒粒俾佢先會食,但某人其實唔太好瓜,食幾舊佢又唔食,所以真係好少會買瓜,要買都係買皺皮瓜,咁先會食得哂。




Thursday, September 13, 2012



唯一的就是跟同事出街食 lunch, 但還是要自費的,不過我當然無諗過要人家請啦,根本就不是太熟。人家發起一齊出去食餐飯都已經是對我超好的啦。

好彩我之前一個月左右,有晚襯小 J 瞓咗,去踩咗一輪車。
雖然係咁,但都仲係快過巴士(因為下晝 rush hour 超塞車),你話死唔死,點會有人願意搭車?

Monday, September 10, 2012


襯上星期自己一個人在家的時間,試做了一樣一直以來都很想整的餅 - 蝴蝶酥!


味道不錯,可是就嫌焗得不夠脆,下次(如果有下次的話 :P)要改善改善。

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Time's Up


明天 rejoin work force.

其實今個星期已經要睇文件... In my boss's own word, he needs me to 'hit the ground running'.
但人事部的卻好像在找電腦方面有d問題,我聽日可能會無電腦,又或有腦但 software 唔齊,咁即係扭親腳,咁點 run??

We shall see tmr... Soooooo looking forward to it.... NOT!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Summer's Almost Over

It's starting to get chilly in the evenings and mornings.
The 'feels like' temperature is lower than the actual temperature in the evenings as well.
A sign that summer's leaving us.
So sad...

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I bought this desk chair from IKEA a few years ago. It's one of those ones that the back could go backwards to 135 degrees. I bought it when no long after I learned that 135 degree is supposed to be the best for your back.

But after I put it together, I realized that it took a lot of effort to keep the back at 135 degree cos it wants to spring back to vertical all the time. So it turned that it wasn't really practical cos bascially, I have to activate my back muscle to keep the back inclined, which defeats the purpose of relaxing my back. I mean, it's a good chair but it's not as pecfect as I hoped it would be.

Just last night, I found that one of the adjustment bar has an extra turning ability which locks the back of the chair in place!!!
How stupid is that? I had this chair for years and now I figured it out!
I couldn't believe it. I remember I checked and checked the different bars to see if it could make the back 'locked' cos I thought that it was a very dumb design that I had to push so hard to keep it in place.

Who's the dumb one now??!?! :S

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Annoying Practice

My neighbour's relative came over all the time cos they leave their children to be babysat by my neighbour.

A lot of the times, after they come over to pick up their kids, they honk their horns on their way out.

I never thought of it much until now that 小J is here.
The honking wakes up 小J from his nap sometimes so it definitely doesn't not impress me cos quite a bit of effort was involved to get 小J to sleep.

What's the point of this honking anyway?
It's not like my neighbour doesn't know that he/she is leaving. They probably have already said their goodbyes before they left. So what does this honking signals?? That their car is running fine so that they are _actually_ on their way???

Another thing that pizzles me is the number of times that they come over in a day.
Again, I never notice this before until now I'm staying home with 小J.
It's definitely more than just drop off and pickup and the time is weird.
I assume that pickup and dropoff happens in the evening and in the morning, after and before they go to work.
But no, it''s not. It's random and they come over more than twice a day. And they come over on weekend as well.
Sometimes, it's the husband coming over. Sometimes, it's the wife.
Maybe both of them work shift???
But how come so many times a day?
Pizzled pizzled pizzled...