Tuesday, December 24, 2013

True Meaning of Christmas

Hearing some of the commercials are driving me nuts.Annoyed

I’m not talking about those commercials that tells you to buy buy buy buy for the person you love love love. But the ones that concludes that Christmas is not about buying presents, that the true meaning of Christmas is to ‘spend time with your family’ or ‘to give and to share your love with others’ (usually those are the charity commercial and asks you to donate $$).

Yeah, the true meaning of Christmas is definitely about buying and sales that’s right. But it’s not about those pseudo meanings either. Yes, those sounds so legit with a good message and all that but it’s still not the ‘true’ meaning.

Correct me if I’m wrong here and maybe I’m mistaken but I thought that Christmas is about the birth of Christ.

They are wrong and they sounds like they _know_ that’s the true meaning and to tell the audience a matter-of-factly the wrong concept.

I wonder how many ppl who does not know the story of Christ would actually be misled by these commercials and how many ppl how kinda know the story of Christ but a believer nor very religious would slowly get assimilated into this ‘It’s season greetings, not merry Christmas’ culture.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Last Day

Last official working day for me for the year!In love

I’m sure I need to do some work at home over the break tho. And I don’t actually want to take time off. Want to save up the vacation days but 無奈 daycare is closed for two week. Someone’s gotta be home for the little guy so I’m doing the first half and 詹占's taking the 2nd half, with some overlapping family time in the middle.

Have been super busy at work lately. There’s always crunch time from time to time. That’s the way it is and I don’t complain. Kinda like having work lining up for me to do. Better busy than playing with my fingers over the week and then don’t know how to charge my time at the end of the week.

Also a bit of an earthquake at work. Ever since a few of the managers of our team have left, there has been no replacement and another junior/intermediate also left and there’s also no replacement. And now, our team leader is leaving as well!! When we got the news last week, everyone 'O’ 哂咀. It feels like watching the team slowly withers away.

There’s also the worry that my direct supervisor will leave somehow cos he’s quite close to the team lead. If he goes, then 我就無得 do cos no one’s going to get projects for me no more. But luckily, he kinda reassured me that he’s not leaving (not yet anyway), altho I’m not so sure how true that is.

I honestly have no plan to leave any time soon. Not that I have any loyalty to this mega, impersonal company but I just don’t think my time here is up yet. So I hope that my super is not leaving any time soon and if he does, I hope that he’ll take me with him (cos I really enjoy working with him. It was he who brought me in this company in the first place.).

And again, there’s no replacement, at least not yet. They have divided our group into three little group, each reporting to some other manager for now. The problem of this _publicly traded_ company (as they always stressed) is that they are not willing to pay big bucks. They want someone senior. They want someone good. They want someone who can fit into this company. But if they are not willing to pay, why on earth would these wonderfully qualified persons want to come over? Pay a little bit less freaking dividend to the shareholder and take a tiny dip of in share value and use those $$ to hire someone good man. Isn’t that better for the long run???Disappointed smile

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

I’m the Boss!


小J: No talk!


小J: No talk! I am eating.


(btw, 小Jjust started to speak in full sentence sometimes about a week ago.)