Saturday, December 31, 2011


Another book I just finished. This time it's not an ebook but a 'real' book borrow from 海倫媽媽.
This is the 7th book of the series that I have been reading every once in a while.

I didn't finish this book in super speed but I've been reading this at the same time as Outliers since I can only read hardcopy books during day time. So it happened that I finished both books at pretty much the same time.

I have got to admit, I got a lot more reading done these days.
On top of these books, I've also finished Isaiah (started before 小J came along but was taking me forever), Jerimiah and Lamentations.
Pretty good, eh?

Friday, December 30, 2011


Another library ebook that I've finished. I heard good things about it so I decided to read it. I actually wanted to read Blink but the library doesn't have that as ebook so I tried Outliers instead.
The book is interesting. Some of the things you kinda know already. Like for the successful ppl, not only they have to be smart and motivated and ambitious and all those, they also need to have the 'opportunity'. But there're also other points that the author made that are very interesting. He has obviously done some research in order to write this book.
Not a bad book. Pretty easy to read as well. Good for leisure.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


屋企的地板舊到死咗,d釘成日都突出黎勾腳跟,都不知幾多對襪就係咁死咗。一直都想換,但就一直因為無錢既原因一直拖,但依家唔可以再拖,因為一旦小J變得 mobile, d釘就會由 annoying 變成危險。

但換地板,牽涉到好多嘢,其中一樣就係屋門口既走廊都廳中間嗰幅牆,we had to hire someone to get rid of it. We couldn't do it ourselves cos we don't know if it's a supporting wall or not. Since we were hiring contractor, we got him to get rid of the mantle piece for us as well. The fireplace is non-functional and it's taking up precious space of our living room.

又一破財事件。都仲未計買地板既 cost, 遲d仲窮。

Altho this is costing us too much at the moment, we are very pleased with the result. Now that our living room felt a lot bigger (I know, it's still very small compare to the new houses but we are happy with it). There's finally enough space to set up a little play area for 小J downstairs (we have been using the 'office' room as play area before).

The problem is: 塵土飛揚,everywhere. 成屋 all the surfaces were covered in dust. We have been trying to clean up for almost a week already and still, dusty dusty dusty. Not so good to have 小J breathing in all these dust.

Here're the pictures.

 After (Sorry all the crap has been in place b4 I remembered to take a picture)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


咁啱屋企有d creamer,想用鬼咗佢,於是沖d instant coffee.
點知d instant coffee 一攞出黎,發現原來過咗期一個月多d。
其實本身 instant coffee 就係唔好飲架啦,如果唔係,都唔會喺屋企放到過期。
但估唔到過期既instant coffee仲難飲。
最後,以我孤寒(從我連過期既instant coffee都唔放過就知我幾賢淑啦)既性格,都頂杯咖啡唔順,倒咗。
當然,剩餘既instant coffee powder 都被我倒埋。

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


仲要係喺依家銀根短缺的時候發生,雖則說保險會 pay for it, 但到續保既時候就死得。
仲要收埋 ticket, 罰款加扣分,保險費唔加都無人信啦,死唔死。


今次炒車嚴重過幾年前嗰次,但我今次反而無上次咁驚... 是炒車炒到麻木了嗎?


Friday, December 16, 2011

Album Update

2011-11-25 Walking Down the Valley

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Have a Little Faith

Another ebook that I just finished.
This one is a quick read, compared to Last Light.
Some of my frds read the book when it 1st came out n they all liked it, even my atheist frds liked it. But I was a little skeptical cos I didn't like the 5 ppl you meet in heaven.

As it turned out, I really enjoyed this book. Talks abt faith in a light way. Tho from a rabbi and a strayed away Jew's pt of view, but it's still very inspiring.

I think I even like this book more than Tuesdays with Morrie.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Gigantic Santa

A picture is worth a thousand words. Saw it during my afternoon walk in the neighborhood today.

Friday, December 9, 2011


不是 bieber fever, but the real kind.
Don't know what's with my body, this is the 3rd time I'm having a fever in 3 months.


Unfold 唔到由自可,一unfold就發現o個個位充滿死皮。yuck!
According to 小妹,那些就是傳說中的老泥。

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Last Light of the Sun

A book I have just finished.
Recommended by 詹占。
Sorta interesting. It's kinda my type of genre as well.
詹占also told me that we could borrow ebooks from the public library n read on our phone. Pretty handy since I've been reading in low light at night these days. Actually, Last Light of the Sun is my first library ebook.

One thing I don't like abt library book is that they seem dirty to me sometimes cos u never know who had touched the book b4 u n what's their hand condition when touching the library books. For all I know, they could b reading in the toilet. Call me 潔癖 but I really don't like reading library books in bed.
But ebook solved this problem.

I know, at the end of the day, ebook for library is probably not environmentally friendly cos one printed copy can circulate to tons of ppl but everyone has to spend electricity every time an ebook is read... sigh...