Saturday, April 30, 2011

Renewed Drum Life


之前咪講過話想學返既?咁好俾我搵到個喺屋企附近既私鐘,我覺得佢教得幾好丫,有耐性又唔會俾太多 pressure 我.啱哂我,尤其是我呢d成人學生,有時唔係真係太多時間去練,

私鐘跟琴行最大既分別係私鐘 flexible 好多,要 cancel 既話只要早一日出聲就得,琴行好麻煩,幾個月一期,每期只可以唔知幾多次 cancel, 仲要係dcancel 唔係真係 cancel, 只係改期,你無得閒改期既時間既話,有d琴行會食咗你d學費,超唔抵.

我買咗一套 cheap cheap 既 beginner 電鼓喺屋企練,買電既原因係貪佢細少少,無咁阻地方,同埋練既時候可以戴 headphone,唔會嘈親人.

但唔知係因為我套嘢實在太 cheap,定係電既始終無真鼓d聲咁好,老師嗰套鼓 (was just a 2nd hand cheap-ish set, according to him),係好聽d,同埋你打個位唔同既話d聲又唔同,especially cymbol, 我嗰套打邊個住都差唔多,但老師個 cymbol 就會有唔同效果.

不過我都係唔好要求咁高住,玩住先啦,其實如果無比較,我嗰套d聲都ok架,電既另一個好處係可以轉聲,可以由普通鼓聲變 funky 鼓,又可以變 bongo. 真的是很不錯的了.而家重要既係學得好d先,如果唔係就會淪為嗰d影相毫無技術可言,但副架餐就超勁嗰d人.

學得都幾okso far, 但呢幾堂開始有d難度,有時喺屋企又懶唔想練.


Friday, April 29, 2011

You’re Done, 4 Gospels

Finished reading the 4 gospels on time, with time to spare! Wahahahahaha…

I was a bit worried in the middle of John that I might not be able to finish before end of April. But Mark was so easy to read, as I expected. That’s y I left it to the last one for 最後衝刺之用途. Actually, I didn’t have to 衝刺 too much. Mark was rather easy to read that I didn’t feel like I was rushing at all.

I have to thank the Holy Spirit for 鞭策 me in days when I felt lazy. It’s so easy to skip devotion, I have to say, especially, I can fall asleep within 5min of lying in bed. (oh yeah, I do my devotion before bed.)

But now that I’ve finished the 4 gospels, I have to head back to my original reading: Isaiah. Have started it but I’ve already forgot everything. Probably have to start again. And the regular devotion does not actually have a deadline/target so I can see that my progress is going to slow down again… I could potentially impose a self-target but I know that I won’t follow thru so what’s the point of forcing myself. Might as well just go at my own pace. I just have to keep going and not to slack off.

One day, one of these days, I will finish reading the whole Bible!


Thursday, April 28, 2011


我 join 咗幾年既 ultimate team Spaceballs,今年因為唔夠人而成不了隊.其實舊年因為幾個原夬,我唔太特別 enjoy 嗰 season, 加上今年係我既休息年,本來我都無打算參加,但知道成不了隊的時候,真是覺得很可惜啊.今年成不了隊,基本上即係完了,因為各人都會找到新的歸宿,唔會再有人回 Spaceballs 架喇.


再見喲,Spaceballs. 我會懷念你的.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Chako n 八爪魚

Went to a KBBQ place called Chako in Scarborough after Good Friday worship. It was ok. Not as gd as I expected. The meat was quite gd but I was disappointed that we didn’t get to eat the sushi rolls. Everything seems to be at an extra cost. Even tea was extra. Cheap.

The vent which was supposed to suck up the smoke was not working well so that we totally get smoked out. When complained about it to a waiter that the vent wasn’t working, he simply answered us, “Yes, it’s  bcos of the smoke.” and walked away. The kind of answer was that?? We know that there’s smoke, that’s y we need to vent la. There you go for chinese restaurant services.

We got shoved into this “VIP” room but it’s terrible cos it’s so hard to flag down the waiters/waitresses to order more food and water.

Overall experience was not too good, especially bcos I expected a little more than that.

I was told that the other branch in Markham/Richmond Hill is a lot better. 詹占's cousin has been there and loved it. Maybe I’ll give that one a try.

八爪魚 on the other hand, is a 茶餐廰.I have been to 茶餐廰 quite often lately. This one is quite gd. Long lineup on a Sunday afternoon though. Service was next to non-existent but it was expected from a 茶餐廰 so it was ok. But the food was quite gd. Location is also quite 就腳. No wonder it was so busy. Will definitely go back some other time.

Friday, April 22, 2011


I was at this 子華 fans gathering or 簽名會之類既 event. 子華推出了一個 boxset of all his standups over the years. So I asked him if he’s not going to have any new show anymore and he said yes. The answer was half expected but I still couldn’t help but felt disappointed and sad.

Luckily it’s just a dream.

But I actually wouldn’t be too surprised if the last show is really his last. In a way, I would definitely miss it cos he’s just too awesome and that there won’t be anymore chances of seeing his live standup performance. But at the same time, it wouldn’t be a bad thing either to end his standup career on such high note. It’d be a much better ending then hanging around for way too long until he’s gone way downhill and then have to get 淘汰.

But if he really decides to finish it, he better be determined cos I usually hate it when those ppl who said that they are retiring and then came back out a few years later because they never seemed to be as gd as before they retired. In fact, they usually became much worse.

Anyway, 人家都沒有說要引退,是我想得多了.I wonder what 子華 is thinking?

Thursday, April 21, 2011


公司有個 volunteer event on Monday,為公司附近既一條 river valley 執垃圾,本來話可以 charge office time,但後來變咗真正 volunteer event,要自己嘔時間出黎.

不過就算俾我 charge office time 都死,因為唔係 project time,it still hurts utility (for those who doesn’t understand what it means, good for you cos it means that you are not working under such a shxtty system). 所以 charge office time 定係自己第日補返d鐘都冇乜分別.

The biggest disappointment was the promised of getting a company ‘stylish’ t-shirt, which turned out to be of shxtty quality and one size fits all (XXL). 真係當睡衣著都嫌佢大件.The so-called ‘stylish’ was pure BS. It’s basically a white t-shirt of such quality that I probably won’t wear it outside without having something to 打底 cos it’s half translucent (maybe that’s the ‘stylish’ part…), with my company’s number nice and big in black boring font in front. How’s that stylish? Compare to the 2 pretty nice golf shirts that I got from my old company simply by joining the company, this one is basically a piece of shxt that I would only wear when I paint my house cos I don’t care if it gets wrecked.

Anyway, I didn’t join the event for the t-shirt, but wanted to meet other ppl in the company. But to my disappointment (similar to other events that I’ve joined in this company so far), it’s just 各自為政,你執你既,我執我既,完全無交流.

The company has arranged local newspaper and tv station and the town’s representative to take picture, video and stuff. So it’s basically a company image promotion event with free 咖哩啡 (the employees). I felt like being used.

Got a few slices of free pizza out of it during the prep meeting though. But honestly, after a few tries of these company events, none of which was particularly enjoyable at all, I’m undoubtly getting 心淡. Really have to think it before I would join another one.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


星期六考完 PPE,super happy.

Pretty sure that I passed Part B, not so sure about Part A. Luckily, if I just failed Part A, then I only have to re-write Part A. The results will come out in June. No point worrying about it until then.

I actually left the exam 45 min early. I was told that I might not have enough time to write the exam but guess bcos I didn’t have much to write, I had more than enough time. I actually had enough time to count my marks. That’s y I’m quite sure that I passed Part B. I think I barely passed Part A but I really can’t remember too much. Part A is ethics and I don’t have much ethics so it’s harder for me. I just hope that the marker of my paper will be in a very gd mood when he/she’s marking my paper and be 鬆手d. In any case, it’s over. At least for now, until I actually fail it.

Even though I still don’t have a lot of personal free time but at least I don’t feel the pressure of having to study whenever I am free. Or I don’t feel guilty if I don’t study while I’m free.

This exam really confirmed my belief that I’m done with school. Maybe I can handle full time schooling but definitely not  part time. Having to study after work is just not my thing.

I can finally start reading the books that have been waiting for me on the bookshelf! :D

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Terrible Dream

Dreamt that it was Sat, 詹占為咗唔去星期一既一個 conference, 佢叫咗一間醫院星期日幫佢安樂死.

我喺夢中喊哂咁話你明明應承 that we’d grow old together, 而家咁快就死算係點?如果係病死或者俾車車死我都可以明白,但無啦啦自己選擇死,明顯係唔守諾言.然後我又 beg 佢話如果你唔鐘意份工,咁唔好做囉,留喺屋企我養你.但佢死意已決,唔會改變.

咁我就話不如佢叫間醫院改期啦,星期一凌晨先死啦,唔好星期日死,詹占話無得改;我問咁星期日幾點鐘,佢又話唔知,anytime on Sunday. 咁我哋即係剩番半日度.

跟住個夢一閃,已經係星期日,我一個人返咗去類似屋企既地方,詹占既 gay brother n his partner were there (they don’t exist in real life). They bought me some indian food, 話係詹占交帶落叫佢哋照顧我.佢哋食得好滋味,我心入面知道, it could be any time now, 我仲點有胃口食得落.




Tuesday, April 12, 2011


由於腦爆既關係,尋日挨到三點半終於都挨唔住,早放工,一返到屋企,was going to take out the computer and do a little bit of work. But after I took out the computer, I’ve decided that I better had a nap cos that y I went home anyway.

一撻落床,就失去知覺,until 詹占返到屋企,諗住死得,瞓咗咁耐,夜晚肯定瞓唔著.點知食完飯,做少少嘢,跟住又搵周公去.一覺瞓到今朝六點,爽!好幾個星期未試過咁好瞓.

Got up this morning and the headache was gone! So happy. 瞓醒又是一條好漢!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Head Explode




坐喺度 or mostly 靜止既時候還可以,一起身郁吓,例如去廁所,個痛就同我個心跳一齊 pulsate,脹吓脹吓咁痛.



Thursday, April 7, 2011


Ate a pear two days ago.

What’s the significance? The significance is that this is the first pear I eat since I got my braces off!

I have been quite turned off of the pear type of fruit (pears, apples, nectarines, since I got braces. In order to eat them with braces on, I basically have to cut them into wedges first cos I couldn’t just bite into it as the braces would grind against the fruit and everything will get stuck between the braces and the teeth. Not that cutting into wedges totally solve the problem. Food still get stuck in between but at least it’s only about 1/5 instead of 1/2 of it getting stuck. But I’m too lazy to cut them usually so I simply opted for avoiding them in general.

Feel so gd to eat pear without anything stuck in my teeth! :D

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

So Cheap

Internal office move two weeks ago.

Got an email memo to all employees that we are supposed to pack during lunch time or outside of working hours. So cheap. It says that the company “cannot afford to allow this move to affect our project work or utility”.


The truth is, the company is too cheap to want to pay for us to do packing and unpacking, even though the move is an office decision, not us employees’ decision. The whole point of moving is to organize the office a little better so that ppl from the same team sit in closer proximity instead of all over the place. It’s your own fault that you didn’t organize the office the right way in the first place. Why do I have to pay to rectify your problem??

And it is precisely this kind of attitude that makes me doesn’t want to 為公司賣命,你同我斤斤計較,我咪同返你計.你唔蝕俾我,我都唔會蝕俾你.

Especially bcos the company is a publicly traded one, they always want to keep their shareholders happy and keep the stock price high. This means that any profit they got they are going to give out to the shareholders as dividend instead of giving out bonuses and/or give out freebies (like free lunch and stuff) to employees.

I am actually quite spoiled at the old place. We have free lunch every month, plus the occasional lunch n’ learn which usually provide free lunch also. And all kinds of little 小便宜 for me to 貪! haha… In this _big_ company, my salary isn’t that much better than what I used to have and taking into account that I can’t claim overtime anymore (like the freaking inter-office meeting yesterday that lasted till 6:15), I’m actually earning less on a yearly basis. Together with the fact that I do not get any bonuses anymore and no more 小便宜, this place is really not that ideal to work in. I do feel like I got 坤 into this company.

I was also told that they hardly ever give you a big raise in salary in this place. Orz… in terms of $$, I really should have stayed in the old place. But I do kinda like what I’m doing here a little more so I shouldn’t be complaining too much. But this office move where we had to 自己嘔時間出黎 for no gd reason, I found it totally unreasonable law. 喺你國際大企業唔 provide 我哋員工著數之餘,你仲要黎攞我哋小員工既著數?我真係覺得好離譜,亦都好唔合理.

仲要呢,將死人 memo 出咗唔只一次,驚死我哋浪費辦公時間咁.其實,好多人最後都無理佢囉,咪又係用辦公時間執,I as a relatively new employee, 唔敢咁大膽,一半係用 lunch time 執,一半係辦公時間.

I’ve heard that the company’s retention rate is pretty low and now I know y. With that kind of attitude and the lack of recognition, I’m not surprised that employees don’t feel belonged. But at the same time, I don’t think that the company care too much about retaining ppl. Being a big company, it has no problem attract/坤 ppl 入局. Sigh… 可憐那些被騙的人,入咗黎先知上咗賊船 (I’m one of them).

Monday, April 4, 2011

Love Happens

Watched it last week. I’ve heard bad things about it before but since I kinda like both Jen A. and Aaron E., I decided to give it a shot. Worse comes to worse, it’s just a silly romantic comedy anyway. Wouldn’t be too bad.

To my surprise, it wasn’t as bad as I expected. It’s not spectacular but it’s not bad. Not the kind that I would like to watch again but it’s gd enough for a relax evening movie.

詹占 pointed out that there’s no sex scene in this movie and there was only one kiss at the end of the movie. Like an old school romantic comedy. I like it. Personally, a lot of the times, movies shows way too much skins that does not add anything to the plot. But somehow showing cleavage or sex scene seems to have become one of the standard elements in movies now. Sick.

I didn’t notice the lack of racy element in this movie until 詹占 pointed it out. I guess that’s probably how 潛移默化 works. You don’t really notice whether it’s there or not but if it’s there, you kinda just absorb what’s presented in front of you and accept that it’s the way it is without really thinking about it.

Come to think about it. My favorite romantic comedy didn’t have any sex scene either and there was also only one kiss at the end. Haha… me so 純情! wahahahaha…