Monday, December 15, 2014

More Speaking Record

There are still some words that 小J is unable to pronounce properly. There are also words that he says with some funny accent that we don't know where it comes from:

To-mor-yo - Tomorrow
Stor-ee - Story
Sub維 - Subway
Tail-yo - Tail
Nail-yo - Nail

These cute little words are 買少見少 these days as 小J gets more and more fluent in speech.

Breaking Bad

Since #2 has arrived, I have been spending a lot of time confined in a sitting position lately. I have been reading books and watching movies. The list of movie that I would like to watch quickly depleted and I got tired off searching for movies to watch so I have decided to watch Breaking Bad.

Picked this series cos one of the kid at church really liked it and there were all these hypes back when the series was about to end.

Unfortunately, I really didn't like it. It's one of those shows that everyone on it is jerk.

Problem is, I was too deep into it before I realized that everyone is a jerk, at which point, I had to finish the series. To be fair, each character also has his/her good qualities but it doesn't offset the dark side enough for me to like them.

Hated the wife, hated the sister, hated the main character, pretty much hated everyone there.

Hated hated it when the main character starts lying cos he's so bad at it and it was obvious that he was lying. I know it's on purpose but it was driving me insane.

The only character that amuses me is the lawyer. He's pretty much loud and proud of the fact that he works for the money. He helps whoever that can pay the price. Not that he's a good person but at least he's honest and open about it instead of lie after lie after lie.

One interesting idea is that everyone, the big bad guys (the big player, not the little 小混混 around the street corner) were all professional and they all hide in plain site, have a normal life, normal business as cover.

Another thing is that they always show these beautiful skies as transition scenes. The show is supposed to be about these ppl in New Mexico. Is New Mexico really that beautiful?