Thursday, December 31, 2009

Album Update

2009-10-31: Halloween

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to everyone!

I've learned to understand enjoy Christmas more and more over the past few years. In the past, Christmas is nothing but holiday but now there's church and family and all the other stuff.

To me (in working class now), Christmas has substitute summer holiday (in the long gone old school days) cos it's the longest holiday (bcos my office closes between Christmas and New Year). Although I don't get any pay for the break but it's still nice to be off and knowing that other ppl are also off so that no one's going to call me on my cell and ask me about work stuff (which happened in my past two vacations. orz...).

The youth group that I am involved in at church had a nice little puppet show last night. It turned out quite well and the congregation liked it lots. I don't think that any of them read my blog but I still would like thank you for all the boys and girls who worked hard on the preparation and rehersals and may you all grow and mature in God's love. Amen.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Album Update

2009-10-10: Color of Autumn

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Album Update

2009-11-13 嘩眾取寵

Saturday, December 12, 2009

My dear Matlab

I feel like I am doing research in the past two weeks. Basically trying to write a program to do data fit based on a certain hypothesis.

Doing numerical analysis reminds me of the days of Matlab. Matlab is definitely the way to go in these kinds of things. I’m doing it on c# which is not as convenient as Matlab. You can plot things on the fly with Matlab which is nice for both debugging and visualization. Luckily, my company has this 3rd party charting software which makes it possible to plot my data but it’s not on the fly like Matlab does. It can probably do it on a window app basis and can hence be done on the fly but we have been using it strictly for web purposes and I don’t have the luxury to invest any time in investigating how to use it in window app.

But without a doubt, Matlab is still way more superior in numerical analysis with a lot of great built in functions and easy matrix manipulations. I never really appreciated Matlab until now. I always wonder y all the researchers are using Matlab while there’re so many other better supported software out there. Well… now I know y. Basically, it took me a few days to do something that 詹占 could do in Matlab in less than half an hour.

And again, I’m glad that we have some sort of charting ability. Otherwise, I either have to spend time finding some free app that I can integrate into my thing or export all the data in excel and chart in excel. So I guess it could be worse.

Oh… I miss Matlab. (totally forget how to write code in Matlab though...)

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Finally! Finally finished reading Psalms. Psalms is probably one of the Bible books that I dislike the most. I found it very difficult to read.

Why did I read it then? 事原係there was this Bible reading campaign in my church last year to encourage us to finish reading the Bible all the way thru in 1 yr. 起初我都跟得上, 什至一度比 recommend reading 仲要快, 漸漸地我就開始落後,但仍努力地希望能趕上,但好境不常, once I hit Psalms, 完全係停滯不前, well… 係有前既,不過係超慢囉.

But I didn’t give up. Even though it has been another yr after the campaign (and obviously, I failed in that campaign), I am still hanging on. 以比蝸牛更慢的速度去讀, and finally I am finished!!! Well… one of the reasons that it took me so long was bcos I went to read Acts instead for a little while (and actually finished it). Hrm… another reason was that I was big lazy bum law… didn’t read everyday…

I know that I don’t like Psalms even before the campaign. Well… my impression about it has improved somewhat but still, can’t say that I like it. So repetitive. Yea… I know I know… it’s supposed to be songs and stuff and in that case, it’s really not so repetitive compared to some of the Hip Hops and Raps these days. And I do found a few of them less repulsive but again… I wouldn’t say that I like to read Psalms…

In any case, 我既努力都算無白費,終於都睇哂. And I had just started Proverbs. Hopefully, it’s an easier read. Another book that I don’t really look forward to is Isaiah. I have this feeling that it’s a very boring book. I’ll see. It will be a while before I hit that book anyway.

Once again, yay for finishing Psalms!! I wonder if I’ll ever have the urge to read the whole Psalms again in my life. :P

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


好不幸,前兩個禮拜唔知點樣整親腰,係痛到頭嗰兩日朝早"din" 吓 "din"吓,就黎連床都落唔到嗰隻.

更不幸的是,喺整親腰之後既一日,星期一返完 ESL 之後,出教會門口,明明係平地,明明行得好地地,無啦啦嚴重地扭咗右腳腳踭一下,lai 嘢.


覺得自己好似個老人家,週身骨痛... >_<