Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Time for vacation.

My last vacation was over a year ago in last May. It's time now. Part of the reason to go is for a wedding, a gd motivation to force me take a vacation.

Mexico this time. But no, not all inclusive Cancun, but in the middle of nowhere little city in central Mexico. It's gonna be HOT. If it wasn't for the wedding, I don't think that I would go to Mexico again, at least not so soon since the last time. Last time I went to Mexico during Christmas time to Yucatan, I nearly had a heat stroke. I can't imagine what is going to happen this time. Well.. if I never ever update this blog again, you know that I had died in Mexico...

This is also the most unorganized vacation I've had. Other than having the plane tickets and hotels booked, we have hardly plan what we are going to do there. We haven't even got the local currency yet. I tried to go to the bank to get some Mexican Peso but guess what? I tried two banks and called another one and none of them carry Peso in their branch. I was supposed to order it a week in advance. Argh... I guess I can only get them at the airport, even though the rate is going to be worse. But I don't have any choice. That's the price I have to pay for being unorganized. >_< We are going to be there for about 10 days in this little city. We might end up being super bored. Well... hopefully not...

Even though it's all unorganized and all that, I'm still very looking forward to the trip. I'm really really looking forward to have a break from real life and relax both my body and my mind.

As I was telling 小笨,work and church are both trying to fill my schedule to the fullest possible and to make sure that I will have everythng done before I leave. I still haven't started packing yet and I'm betting on packing all night on Wed cos I'm leaving on Thur early morning. This probably means that I'll forget this and that and this and that in my luggage. Just hope that $$ can solve my problems, whatever problem I'm going to have. Hopefully, I won't forget anything. Fingers cross.

Have a nice trip! (to myself. ha!)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

挖腳 Take 2




今年呢間公司既獵頭前三個星期前打黎我公司搵我,跟住我以為約左電話面試,但原來係真人面試,跟住再 email reschedule, 但係整整吓又無咗回音,咁我就算數啦,反正我都唔係真係好有轉工既意欲,不過佢打到黎,我諗住去睇吓有乜好路數啫,佢唔緊,我又唔緊,咁咪算囉。

咁我兩個星期前同大粒開會,大粒講講吓又講到離哂題,跟住講話而家我哋既兩大 competitors 就係公司A同公司B,聽到我個心定咗一吓,A就係舊年挖我嗰個,B就係今年挖嗰個,唔係咁橋吓話?

跟住lunch time 喺廚房見到大粒,我懶係想知多d市場情況咁問大粒,咁除咗A同B之外,我哋既competitor 仲有邊個,大粒話,我哋個department, 就主要係呢兩間,無乜其他,其他既唔係太細就係太渣,唔駛理佢哋。跟住大粒就好奇怪我無啦啦問d咁既嘢,由於講大話係唔啱既加上我臨場講大話既能力唔太高,咁我就話公司 A 挖過我,大粒聽到好似好 surprise 咁,又問係幾時既事,又問我有無見過佢哋,又問我我見過邊個.我都一一老實答咗,我係有見過面,但我真係唔記得我見過果兩個人叫乜.大粒然後又問咁仲有冇其他公司搵過我,我咪話有囉,佢當然又問係邊間,咁我咪答佢公司 B 囉,佢又問係幾時既事同有冇見過果度d人,我就話係近排既事同冇,我冇見過果邊d人,我只係同獵頭人聯絡過.

大粒聽完,話多謝我既 sharing.佢轉個頭一定係話咗俾我個 super 知,因為佢同一日就同我講話我哋係時候睇一睇我既事業發展方向.雖知道我個 super, 佢一直都唔理你既事業發展方向,就算公司合併咗之後年尾有個叫做事業發展計劃既 program, 基本上係上司同下屬坐埋一齊填個問卷,然後 discuss 一下未來一年既計劃,depending on 下屬既目標係乜,上司就會幫助你一步一步向目標進發.個 progrom 係 mandatory 既,咁我 super 做咗d乜呢?咪就係同我填個問卷,disucss 咗一下,然後不了了之,一d follow up都無.咁佢突然間咁積極,就一定係大粒同佢講過嘢.

我同大粒既對話大約係兩個星期前既事,當時真係一句大話都無講過.但如果佢今日再問我,我既答案就會唔同咗,因為我今個星期去咗 in.之前話公司 B 又無咗回音,以為佢 bye bye 我啦,但佢上個星期又搵我,終於今個星期見咗.佢哋好似好有誠意咁,anyway,誠意呢家嘢可以係扮架啫,加上我真係唔覺得我係佢哋想搵嗰類人,佢哋都未必要我.But as I was mentioning to 小笨,如果佢哋真係要我,我都唔知究竟去唔去好,我而家喺現在既公司都 ok 喎,我 super 係衰d,但其他既都好好喎.我又 kinda of 去緊我想去既方向(當場完全係我自己爭取既成果,如果等我 super 幫我可以去死),如果我去到果邊,做既野可以話係完全唔同,即係要由頭 train 過,又要挨一輪先可以上番而家咁 independent 既位置.

But again, 可能人家不要我啦,還是不要太早發夢才好.

挖腳行動 take 2報導暫時告一段落,有新消息再算.

Album Update

2010 Oshawa Highland Game

Saturday, July 10, 2010



然後有人話(唔記得邊個),係個頭瘦咗,urm…即係想點,淨係個頭瘦,個身就一樣咁大舊,好樣衰啫!一係就係以前個頭大過個身,唔 proportional;一係就係而家個身大過個頭,一樣既唔 proportional…

跟住有人(又唔記得邊個)話係條頸瘦咗,仲奇!因為第一,剛剛既 weekend 小妹先話我條頸好似瘦咗;第二,阿哥,我真係唔知原來你咁留意我條頸架噃,咁得意既你!


Sunday, July 4, 2010

Albums Update

2010 Bread Diary
2010-06-05 Backyard