Friday, March 22, 2013


I know 我很 out, 而家先講 Skyfall.


Skyfall 已經成為我我最喜愛的 bond movie 喇!

一直對 bond movie 都沒特別喜愛,雖然也沒特別討厭,就是覺得一看無妨,不看也沒錯過什麼的感覺喇。Pierce Brosnan is _the_ Bond that I know of since I know that Bond is. He’s ok, but I don’t really care much about it. I would watch it if it’s shown on TV and if there’s nothing else to do but I don’t have any particular desire to watch those movies.

To me, Bond is more of an ideal in my brain without any particular images attached to it. To me, Bond is cool, with cool gadgets. And good looking. And chill. Doesn’t really do much fighting.

That’s why when I first saw Casino Royale (my 1st Bond movie in the theatre), I didn’t really like it much cos it’s not what I was expecting. No gadgets, too much hands-on fighting. And I really don’t see why all the people raved about Daniel Craig emerging out of the water, topless.

Also saw Quantum in theatre. It’s ok but again, doesn’t excite me much. Only went bcos someone else wanted to go.

Actually made the extra effort to go see Skyfall. When I finally managed to go, it’s almost 落畫, only a few theatres in my area were still showing it. Heard good things about it. Went in with quite an expectation and to my surprise, it didn’t disappoint me.

Loved the way how they mixed the new and the old stuff – tech and old school gadgets. And the subtle but not too subtle humor. Also liked the plot that there’s no saving the world and nuclear bomb kind of bad guy. Just an insane psycho seeking personal revenge (frankly, I’m quite tired of all these saving-the-world-from-nuclear/bio-weapon and zombie-taking-over-the-world plots).

And I could finally put a face to the vague, imagined Bond in my head. I thought Daniel Craig did a very good job this time. Admittedly, there were a few scenes that the way he stands were too pretentious, almost like Andy Lau standing on the roof in 無間道, for the sake of looking all cool and stuff. But surprisingly, this time, 我好buy喎. Maybe I’m just a sucker of pretentious guy. haha…

Anyway, I’m loving Daniel Craig recently because of Skyfall. Altho I’m still not a big fan of his topless scene in Casino Royale. Maybe I have to watch it again. Maybe I will change my opinion this time.

Liked the theme song a lot as well. Thought it fits the mood and the theme of the movie very well. But whether it deserves an Oscar, compared to the other competitors, 我有少少保留.


看到有人在fb轉載的說,要多人 like 你的轉貼,只要寫一D懶有道理,但又似是而非的話,附上一張名人的照片,名人越出名越多 like,最好是奧班馬,愛因施坦之類的,然後說那堆'名句' 是出自該位名人便可。

很讚同,每天 fb 見到的都是數之不盡的轉貼,不是一些我毫不關心的歌曲就是那些所謂很有道理,發人深省的名句,再唔係就係一D貓貓狗狗的短片。


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Swimming Pools & Me

In short, they don’t like me.

Due to the very limited lane-swim opening hours, it’s been very difficult for me to go swimming. If I want to go, I really have to make a special effort. I find it a lot hard to summon up enough motivation to go to the pool, compared to going to the gym.

And there’s always times when the pool was closed unexpectedly due to ‘foul’ contaminations. Much to my annoyance, cos I normally only finds out after I arrived. I make the effort to go there, only to head back home, time wasting indeed.

Here’re my two latest swimming attempts.

A few month ago, I went to the pool since 詹占 n 小J are going out so they could drop me off the pool. The arena next to the pool is undergoing some sort of extension construction but the pool continues to operate as usual, supposedly.

But due to the construction, 詹占 thought that it would be prudent for them to wait for me in the car for a few minutes, making sure that I could get into the pool before they headed out. Thank goodness for that cos lo and behold, I re-emerged two minutes later, telling them that the pool was closed due to a ‘collapsed’ roof (looks totally fine on the outside).

That’s number one.

A couple of weeks ago, I thought this time I was going to go to the other pool in my neighbourhood. This time, the pool was closed due to a ‘chemical issue’.


I should have called before heading out. In fact, I have done it before a few times. Just trying to make sure that the pool is open. But the times that I did call, the pool was, of course, open as usual. And the person on the other side of the phone made it sounds like I’m an idiot, asking stupid questions like that while the opening hours of the pool is posted online. That’s y I don’t like calling.

But I really should have, really…

Friday, March 15, 2013

Blue Man Group

As my xmas present to 詹占,I bought tickets for us to go to see the Blue Man Group cos 佢一兩年前提過吓話呢個 group 幾得意。

不過就遠咗D,要去到 Kitchener, 仲要只係 week night 有場,好彩細佬住喺 Guelph, not too far. 我哋嗰日提早放工dropped 小J去細佬屋企,喺佢度食個簡單既晚餐,就衝去睇 show。

有驚喜喎,我其實唔好太清楚 Blue Man Group 做乜,只係嗰次詹占提過吓,我以為係 80%  percussion performance. 但原來唔係,percussion 都好重要,但仲有其他的,佢哋好搞笑,有小小好似睇喜劇咁。

我喺個 theatre 度買Dbalcony 位,平少少但又夠近睇得清楚,只不過係斜少少啫,返正都係打吓鼓咁就諗住無所謂啦,但原來同觀眾有不少既互動,我哋坐 balcony 就無咗嗰個刺激性喇,所以如果你要去,我會勸你花多少少坐下面。

可惜的是個 percussion 既 ratio 比想像中少,有少少失望。但只係因為我有 prejudice 咁入場,其實個 show 都真係好 entertaining, we both enjoyed it.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Rum Diary

Watched it simply bcos Johnny Depp’s in it.

The movie was … um… uneventful.

If you are looking for good guy fighting bad guy, big time romance or any sort of things like that, you are not going to find it in this movie. True, there’re elements of good and bad, and some romance. But if you are the kind of person who wants to see to the end of these, again, not this movie.

As some of the reviews I’ve read before watching the movie, the plot doesn’t seem to go anywhere. Most of the review I’ve read were negative, so I didn’t really expect anything but watching Johnny Depp.

The ending was quite sudden tho. I was watching the moive in bits and pieces here and there. So I didn’t realized that I was almost finished. And then all of a sudden, THE END. I was like “huh??? What happened???”

But then after a few minutes, I actually kinda like the ending. I like the feel of it. Kinda sad but there’s also hope and possibility. I don’t know how to describe it. It’s the ‘feeling’ of it that I like. A bit 滄桑但又有點瀟洒. I wouldn’t say that I like this movie but I certainly don’t hate it like some of the reviewers. Sometimes, movies like that is more “real”. There’s no big explosion, no big conspiracy, no big drama, just the life of a dude with his friend/acquaintance. And life goes on after the little short adventure that they shared together.