Sunday, August 11, 2013

Expanded Vocab + Cute Moments

小J can say so much now. Some of the new fav are:

do self – means 自己做
Jap-bor – Jasper
hi-din – hidding
sssssss蛇 – I used to exaggerate the ‘s’ in front of the word to help him to learn how to pronounce, but somehow he thinks that’s the way to say it now. Orz… backfired.
Donald – McDonalds
not like – 唔like-y. I was home before he was yesterday and he wants to stay outdoor when he got home. 詹占 told him to go find mommy in the house and he said, ‘not like mommy. not like.’ =.= Heart broken, haha…
Yummy juice – he definitely hears what he wants to hear. We seldom gives him juice. A couple of times, 詹占 said the word instead of milk by accident.
Zucchini-ni – Zucchini
no急 -
唔好急 (a lot of the times, he substitute the Chinese word 唔 with english 'no’. So

With the whole ‘do self’ attitude tho, it comes with some very frustrating moments. He would insist to do thing himself, even for those things that he is unable to do and he refuses to let you help him. If you help him, he would throw a fit. But if you don’t help him, sometimes he still throw a fit cos he can’t do it after a few trys. And some of the thing, like buckling up in the car, we are usually in a hurry to leave and he insists to buckle himself up. It can easily end up in a 5-10min delay.

It’s nice that he wants to do things himself, but sometimes… it’s more like “let me do it and get it over with already and move along” in my head. A way God’s making me to learn patience for sure.

Anyway, the really cute moment was when we tried to help him to put his hands together to say grace before dinner. He told us that he wanted to ‘do self’. We thought that was very very cute.

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