Tuesday, September 22, 2015


是很久很久沒 update 了。


現在回歸職場喇,是有多點點的時間掛網的。但新回來不久,老細轉了人,team 都轉了,成 team 人95%我都是不認識的,感覺是新工上任一樣,當然不可以太放肆。


而且,開始始 reevaluate this online journal. 說實在的,近年真是少了東西寫,生活大都環繞著大少二少,但有時很多的細節不想在這細說。加上我的 online gallery is based on Gallery2, which has long been discontinued. I have been thinking about moving to a different engine but the web domain belongs to 詹占,要轉我要佢 log in 幫我轉,太煩了,同埋很久前佢已經投訴過說我 uploaded a large number of files。

Anyway, 長話短說. What I have decided to do is to switch to Shutterfly. The main audience of my online gallery is my family, plus 笨。As far as my journal’s concerned, I think 笨 is probably the only one reading. Not even sure about it now that I haven’t updated for so long. Occassionally, my sis also came along.

With Shutterfly, my family can see the pictures, and journal (if they are interested) in one place.  Slightly more user friendly so my 爹娘不用 click 來 click 去。It’s gonna be a closed site, so whoever interested will have to become a member. It’s a bit more cumbersome but then I can control the readership and therefore I can post more freely, especially cos it’s mostly abt the kiddies. 我是有想過,shutterfly for kiddies, and here for me, but then I highly doubt that I have the time to maintain both.

所以嘛,由現在起這麼是 abandon 了喇。新址嘛,要的話直接找我拿吧!


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