Thursday, December 10, 2009


Finally! Finally finished reading Psalms. Psalms is probably one of the Bible books that I dislike the most. I found it very difficult to read.

Why did I read it then? 事原係there was this Bible reading campaign in my church last year to encourage us to finish reading the Bible all the way thru in 1 yr. 起初我都跟得上, 什至一度比 recommend reading 仲要快, 漸漸地我就開始落後,但仍努力地希望能趕上,但好境不常, once I hit Psalms, 完全係停滯不前, well… 係有前既,不過係超慢囉.

But I didn’t give up. Even though it has been another yr after the campaign (and obviously, I failed in that campaign), I am still hanging on. 以比蝸牛更慢的速度去讀, and finally I am finished!!! Well… one of the reasons that it took me so long was bcos I went to read Acts instead for a little while (and actually finished it). Hrm… another reason was that I was big lazy bum law… didn’t read everyday…

I know that I don’t like Psalms even before the campaign. Well… my impression about it has improved somewhat but still, can’t say that I like it. So repetitive. Yea… I know I know… it’s supposed to be songs and stuff and in that case, it’s really not so repetitive compared to some of the Hip Hops and Raps these days. And I do found a few of them less repulsive but again… I wouldn’t say that I like to read Psalms…

In any case, 我既努力都算無白費,終於都睇哂. And I had just started Proverbs. Hopefully, it’s an easier read. Another book that I don’t really look forward to is Isaiah. I have this feeling that it’s a very boring book. I’ll see. It will be a while before I hit that book anyway.

Once again, yay for finishing Psalms!! I wonder if I’ll ever have the urge to read the whole Psalms again in my life. :P

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