Thursday, March 27, 2014


做咗好幾年,第一次有得出 conferenceOpen-mouthed smile. 上一次類似既經驗係剛轉黎呢間公司無耐,俾我去咗一次 software training course.

不過真係唔係講笑,要去 conference 真係要通過重重難關先可以去,第一,要經理批。不過呢個唔難,經理係好人,加上個 conference 真係同做既嘢有關,經理看了看就批了。

難的一關是要 business line leader 批,除了真正的動機(去學嘢)之外,要堆砌一D對公司有經濟效益的原因,雖然唔係全然老作,嗰D嘢例如 networking with potential client 諸如類此的厄鬼原因,雖然真係會有機會發生,但以我咁自我封閉既性格,係唔會發生囉。

好慘架,要 fill 埋張不知所謂既 form to calculate how much the company loses in monetary terms due to the fact that I’m losing two days of work + the cost of the conference. Since the amount is over $1000 (which really doesn’t take much to exceed, 個 conference +tax 都超過$500),張 approval form 寫明如果我一年之內自願離職,咁我要賠番哂D錢俾公司囉。超 cheap, 佢計我每日既人工唔係用我真正既薪水去計,係用佢哋 charge client 個 rate 去計。我明白點解,因為咁先係計到公司既 '損失', 但咁計就死啦,點可能唔超過 $1000. 所以除非我想賠$$,otherwise, 我呢一年內都唔會轉工。(actually I’m no longer looking recently, getting tired of it… mainly waiting for them to lay me off)公司真是超 cheap, mult-billion, international 個屁,區區千多元都要同我少少員工計。Annoyed好彩個 cost  唔過千五咋(因為好好經理俾我 charge 其中一日落佢個 project 度),otherwise, 仲要一個再大粒的簽 approval.Confused smile

Anyway, after a few other conditions, with the help of my current manager’s (which is going to expire in two weeks since my proper, but interim manager is coming back from sick leave soon) help, I got the approval.

Nice to get out there. 聽聽書,學下少少嘢。話學到好多嘢又唔係,d seminar 講嗰D嘢都係好 high level 既 concept, 唔到肉,不過如果講得太深我又唔明既啫。

有Dseminar 很不錯,有D就很 disappointing. 有幾個我勁恰眼訓Sleepy smile,尤其是 lunch 後的一個,真係釣哂魚。

不過去 conference 好攰,雖然全日只係坐喺度,但返到屋企都超攰。可能因為我平時返工唔會成日都咁集中精神,反而 conference 嗰時會。

最不幸的時在 lunch time 時俾一個舊同事發現咗我,一齊坐,我基本上只想做隠形人,minding my own business, eat in silence, eat in peace. 但 end up 要同佢 small talk, 佢去 conference 既目的就真係 networking, 於是又自我 introduce 俾全枱其他既 strangers, 咁我又迫住要 introduce myself and talked to these strangers. 我好攰,根本就無出過我既綿力去製造話題,佢哋有人直接問我嘢我咪答吓囉,otherwise, 自然會有其他人講嘢。I really don’t care. 所以話呢,我唔係 manager 既人才,我唔鐘意 social, 我亦都唔恨做 manager, 因為做 manager 要出去搵生意,我唔鐘意。I am happy where I am. (This kinda related to a frd who seems to b having a bit of career crisis right now but that will wait till another post.)

出 conference 仲有一個好處,就係我今個星期公司無乜嘢做,我出咗兩日,今日返黎,半日已經做好哂手頭上有既嘢,聽日都唔知點算,如果冇出到去,今個星期真的會死得很慘。

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