Monday, June 29, 2009


Y I'm thinking about this? I'm in the process of suffering through some leftover food that is super spicy. 係辣到痴肺嗰隻。But I don't want to waste it, that's y I'm eating it. 尤其是家吓係超貧窮期,真係食得唔好洒,慳得就要慳。(至於點解咁窮,有機會再話過你知)

Anyway, what I really wanted to say is that 我一直都覺得食得辣既人係因為佢哋勁,但我一路食一路諗,會唔會其實係佢哋辣味既味蕾其實係 handicap,根本就唔係好食得出d辣味,所以先食得咁辣?勁嗰個原來唔係佢哋,而係我既味蕾?

1 comment:

Dor said...

ooooooooo Oli, I can't agree more!! I just bited (not ate) a green chili and I coughed till tears come out...but my family finished the whole dish in a relax way >.<