Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Photo Migration Again?!

So, I’m getting sick of my free online album once again. Honestly, it has been not bad n quite flexible indeed but my problem with it is the image quality after compression. The quality is actually not too bad but compared to the quality of the images that reside in my computer, the image on the web album is way too grainy n I don’t like it at all.

If I increase the image quality of the files that I upload, then the free storage will get used up way too quickly and I’ll have to start paying money for it which is what I’m trying to avoid all along.

Over the Christmas break, it suddenly occurred to me that how come I don’t take advantage of 詹占’s web site? He has recently migrated from his old host to a new one and the new host has unlimited bandwidth, and storage for a fixed fee. Pretty much the same thing I had for my church website, just with a different webhost company. Since he’s paying anyway, I really should make use of it to _help_ him get his money worth. (I know. I’m so nice. I totally get out of my way to help him make gd use of his service.)

So now, I’m in the process of setting up this new album. It won’t be available for a while cos I have to upload all the old stuff there and somehow hopefully be able to import the captions also. The problem is, the captions are all in picasa but the image I want to upload is on my computer. Two different sources… And I would like to keep the comments that ppl had left me on picasa also. Have to somehow import those, too. I might end up doing it the old fashion brute force stupid way or maybe I will write some gd script to do it for me. I’m not sure how though.

I’m hoping that this move is the final move of my online album host. I don’t see why I would need to move again now that I have unlimited storage basically for free! Well… unless the webhost 執笠 la.

In terms of blog… I think I’ll keep it here for now. I like it here. But then, I can’t blog at work anymore since IT is blocking it. If I also move my blog to詹占’s web site, then I should be able to work around that problem… um… sounds like a gd idea. Oh well… one step at a time, I’ll do the album first. Maybe I’ll wait till one day 詹占心情靚再同佢要埋個 blog. Hahaha… well.. maybe I’ll start sharing the cost at that point but cheap ass like me really want to just use it for free! Hahaha… I’ll see.

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