Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Time for vacation.

My last vacation was over a year ago in last May. It's time now. Part of the reason to go is for a wedding, a gd motivation to force me take a vacation.

Mexico this time. But no, not all inclusive Cancun, but in the middle of nowhere little city in central Mexico. It's gonna be HOT. If it wasn't for the wedding, I don't think that I would go to Mexico again, at least not so soon since the last time. Last time I went to Mexico during Christmas time to Yucatan, I nearly had a heat stroke. I can't imagine what is going to happen this time. Well.. if I never ever update this blog again, you know that I had died in Mexico...

This is also the most unorganized vacation I've had. Other than having the plane tickets and hotels booked, we have hardly plan what we are going to do there. We haven't even got the local currency yet. I tried to go to the bank to get some Mexican Peso but guess what? I tried two banks and called another one and none of them carry Peso in their branch. I was supposed to order it a week in advance. Argh... I guess I can only get them at the airport, even though the rate is going to be worse. But I don't have any choice. That's the price I have to pay for being unorganized. >_< We are going to be there for about 10 days in this little city. We might end up being super bored. Well... hopefully not...

Even though it's all unorganized and all that, I'm still very looking forward to the trip. I'm really really looking forward to have a break from real life and relax both my body and my mind.

As I was telling 小笨,work and church are both trying to fill my schedule to the fullest possible and to make sure that I will have everythng done before I leave. I still haven't started packing yet and I'm betting on packing all night on Wed cos I'm leaving on Thur early morning. This probably means that I'll forget this and that and this and that in my luggage. Just hope that $$ can solve my problems, whatever problem I'm going to have. Hopefully, I won't forget anything. Fingers cross.

Have a nice trip! (to myself. ha!)

1 comment:

vics said...

Yeah have a nice trip.

I usually just exchange at the currency exchange places you find in malls... Like Markville... Scarborough Town... I went to the bank once.. and they told me that they order their currency directly from those places anyway... so instead of having them charge me on services, they told me that I should go directly to those stores...

I called those stores on various occasions to reserve euros.... but they told me I didn't need to reserve becuz they have tonnes...perhaps pesos are different.... and they won't have so much in stock.. but perhaps you can give that a try and call and see if they have any in stock.

But yeah.... if not just change at the airport.

Have a nice trip :D