Wednesday, December 28, 2011


屋企的地板舊到死咗,d釘成日都突出黎勾腳跟,都不知幾多對襪就係咁死咗。一直都想換,但就一直因為無錢既原因一直拖,但依家唔可以再拖,因為一旦小J變得 mobile, d釘就會由 annoying 變成危險。

但換地板,牽涉到好多嘢,其中一樣就係屋門口既走廊都廳中間嗰幅牆,we had to hire someone to get rid of it. We couldn't do it ourselves cos we don't know if it's a supporting wall or not. Since we were hiring contractor, we got him to get rid of the mantle piece for us as well. The fireplace is non-functional and it's taking up precious space of our living room.

又一破財事件。都仲未計買地板既 cost, 遲d仲窮。

Altho this is costing us too much at the moment, we are very pleased with the result. Now that our living room felt a lot bigger (I know, it's still very small compare to the new houses but we are happy with it). There's finally enough space to set up a little play area for 小J downstairs (we have been using the 'office' room as play area before).

The problem is: 塵土飛揚,everywhere. 成屋 all the surfaces were covered in dust. We have been trying to clean up for almost a week already and still, dusty dusty dusty. Not so good to have 小J breathing in all these dust.

Here're the pictures.

 After (Sorry all the crap has been in place b4 I remembered to take a picture)

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