Wednesday, June 5, 2013


My right eye has been twitching since last week.

It seems to only happen at work when I look at the computer for a long time.

And starting monday, my right arm triceps started to twitch as well. 

Super annoying!

The eye twitch is probably linked to the lack of sleep. Normally I don’t mind any muscle twitches cos it usually doesn’t last for long. I even find it fun from time to time. But NOT THIS TIME! Steaming madIt has been quite annoying. My eye twitch makes my eyes feel even tireder and makes me want to close my eyes at work, which, isn’t practical.

The arm twitch is just non-stop, even after I get off work and is no longer using the computer. It happens whenever my arm is in a relaxed position. But then, the twitching is stopping my arm from relaxing, no?

I wish they will stop soon. Time to load myself up with bananas!

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