Friday, February 21, 2014

Winter Olympics

Due to the fact that I sneaked away to jog on the track mill around lunch hour twice a week recently, I actually ended up watching more winter Olympics this year than I normally would.

As a HK-born person, I have always rooted for China during Olympics time (because there’s not many HK athletes to root for). But now I am also a Canadian, so I have another country that deserves my loyalty.

Luckily this is Winter Olympics, I haven’t watched anything that has a Chinese and Canadian athlete against each other. Sure, there are events that there’re both Chinese and Canadian competitors but they were not in the same heat, at least they weren’t for the the races that I’ve watched. So I could cheer for both.

It’s nice that the Chinese are stronger for summer events while the Canadians are stronger for winter events. I am not sure which country I would go for if they are directly competing against each other.

A dilemma of duel-citizenship.

Another note on the Olympics. I am never really a huge fan of figure skating. I mean, I do admire how the skaters can move with such ease on ice, going backwards and forwards and all the spinning and jumping. And I will never understand how come they don’t get dizzy from all those spinning. But still, not a big fan. But I happened to catch the men’s freestyle figure skate award ceremony (or what was it called? Flower ceremony cos they were only presented with the bouquet right after the competition). Anyway, what I wanted to say is that have you seen the Japanese guy?!?!?

He looks like straight from those manga comic books! I seriously wonder if he has undergone plastic surgery!!Eye rolling smile

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