Thursday, April 24, 2014

Pregnancy Pictures

A few years ago, I rant about how ridiculous all those wedding pictures has become.

And now, since I’m getting older, there' are less of those wedding pictures to irritate me. However, as you might has guessed, there are now pregnancy pictures that are just annoying.

Don’t know if it’s a relatively new thing to do all these pregnancy pictures or is it just because I’m getting to that age that everyone around me are having babies. To me, it seems like it used to be a celebrity thing but now I guess everyone thinks that they are celebrity that others ‘follow’ them.

It’s not as bad as wedding pictures I have to agree. First, less proportion of ppl are doing it; second, there are usually less than 10-20 pregnancy pictures while wedding pictures could be hundreds.

But then, there are a lot less variation of those pregnancy pictures. I have friends from both HK and TO that has pretty much the exact outfit and exact pose and exact background in their pictures. Not every picture, but a portion of them.

The first time looking at them, the pictures seem pretty good, it’s sorta a ‘new’ thing to me. But now that so many ppl are doing them, it starts to get annoying.


我個人真係唔覺得D橙皮紋好好睇囉。個肚鬼死咁大,so unnatural, 好似會有異型Alien會爆肚而出囉。其實我覺得有D恐怖... Disappointed smile


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