Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Late Night Entertainment

A free wild life live show last night – Raccoon fighting.

This time, we were simply the audience.

We heard the calling sound of a baby/young raccoon at around midnight. At first, we didn’t pay much attention to it cos it sounded kinda far away. But after a little while, we heard the moving sound of a normal-sized raccoon and it sounded pretty closed by.

So we opened our blinds, found the little pocket flashlights that’s handy and tried to figure out where the heck these raccoons are.  Didn’t see much at first cos our flashlights were pretty sucky (well.. actually they are pretty good for pocket size but it’s not strong enough to see too far).  Then we started to heard more fighting/angry noises.

And then we saw eye… one eye… two eyes… reflecting off our flashlights. It was on our neighbour’s shed, two doors down).


It wasn’t moving towards us, which was good.  But it was definitely looking right into our light, probably wondering who/what the heck is shining at it.

Then… we saw another pair of eyes… More creepiness…

They moved from two doors down to one door. Our neighbour had a tree where there apparently was another raccoon’s territory. The young calling sound resumed and some more hissing sound.

Suddenly, some fighting sound and the two pairs of eyes crashed down the shed to the ground, taking a bird feeder with them on the way down. They scurried a bit and did two laps around my neighbour’s backyard, crashed into something that we were unable to see in the dark and eventually left the property.

Guess the guy in the tree won.

Then we saw another pair of eyes showed up and slowly went towards the neighbour’s table and chairs in the backyard and out of shining range of our little flashlights.

The show was over.

We watched for a good half an hour.

Thanks for the entertainment, raccoons, altho I still wish that I could shot you guys.Devil

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