Wednesday, April 29, 2009


睇我 update 得咁密就知我幾得閒.

今個星期會得閒番少少,你睇我能夠喺公司打 blog 就知.時間都係偷番黎既,因為呢兩日做 circuit 既原故,test 緊個 circuit 要等,所以偷到時間.


ESL 班開始上軌道,今期係我第一次坐正,上期只係做幫手,每個星期日夜晚就整整整整整第二日既課程,上左四堂,開始知知地今期既學生想要既係乜.但當然,ESL 只係 "引誘" 街外人入 church 既門口既一個渠道,真正想做既係想帶福音俾佢哋聽.上左四堂,福音未講到,但我最怕就係佢哋學唔到佢地想學既野,唔繼續上堂,咁就真係乜都唔洗講.但而家d入場人數開始穏定,就應該開始諗吓點樣進一步 "引誘"佢哋.

尋日放工去左買相機袋,本身買相機的時候已經買左個背囊的了,但好快就發現個背囊既設計其實超唔好用,無奈個袋係喺香港買既,而香港係無 refund policy, 唯有硬哽.但為左快要出發既 Peru 之旅,就一定要買過個袋.
Peru 之旅既 highlight, 就係一連四日既 hiking + camping trip, 行 Inca Trail, 一直到達出名的 Machu Picchu. 本身就要咩個大背囊,拎住所有既衫同睡袋 etc, 咁即係唔可以再咩住個相機背囊啦,well... technically, I can wear it in front... but the thing is, 個背囊既設計,你唔放低然後放平佢都唔可以攞到個相機出黎,超唔方便,因為個 hike 係 guided (無得唔係 guided cos that the rule of the government), 唔係話你想幾時停就停,要全世界等你放低再放平個袋再拎野出黎,所以今次就有個好好既 excuse 買過個新袋.
舊既唔係話唔用得,其實去 short hike 個背囊都幾實用,因為上面可以用黎放其他野,下面用黎放相機鏡頭,但要攞相機鏡頭出黎真係好麻煩囉,背囊係有佢既好處,只係我買錯咗個設計.
Anyway, 個背囊我都忍左佢兩年,而家先買過個新既,都唔算好過份啫.

Peru trip is coming up. I'm so excited. My coworkers said that I seems to be on holiday all the time cos I just went to Wales not that long ago. True but at the same time, I really feel like going I _need_ to go on vacation and have a break asap. I'm going crazy otherwise.


Janet said...

wait for ur beautiful photos:)

yea, i always feel like i NEED to go on a vaccation n need a break no matter when i went for one last time....haha

btw, remember to bring some masks w/ u two:P

vics said...

I want to go to Machu Picchu too....