Sunday, October 4, 2009


There're lots of housework that I don't mind doing. Not that I like them but I don't mind doing it if it needs to be done. But one of the things that I really don't like doing is ironing. 奈何e家返工要著 business causal, 咁就要熨衫熨褲,in my opinion, it's a total waste of time. 每次洗完都會熨,好煩。

喺轉 office 之前,對上一次需要熨衫既時候,我都係側側膊,叫詹占幫我熨;e家個個星期都熨,就唔可以當人家係工人咁洗,加上我欠缺練習,熨得超慢,真係覺得我自已喺度浪費光陰,all of a sudden, those steam things in infomercial (that I always laughed at) that can iron clothes while having them hanging from the hangers seems very very appealing to me. I can think of a few gd reasons to purchase them. 1. it's fast. 2. it saves you space cos u no longer needs an ironing board. 3. it won't wreck ur clothes cos chances of burning ur clothes with it is pretty low. Those machines just seems so good to me now.


其實我都唔介意著皺衫,平時d t-shirt 皺過90歲阿伯d皮我都係咁著出街架啦,我阿媽都成日話我d衫咁皺都著出街影衰佢,我唔覺得有乜問題。唉,但返工唔可以係咁,雖然我唔駛見客,但我諗老細都唔想有客上黎公司既時候見到我影衰老細既。加上公司全部人都係咁著,如果我成個流浪漢咁都唔係幾好,我個人好低調,唔想咁突出。

懷念舊 office 自由自在的日子。

1 comment:

vics said...



又或者唔熨都oko既衫...即係o個d本身已經皺皺地o個d texture....
