Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Final Destination

Mentioned a while ago that my online album was migrating to a new place. I was kinda lazy and have been putting it off for a bit. Finally, I mustered up enough determination to get it going and the process wasn’t as dreadful as I imagined. It’s mostly done now and I’m very pleased about it.

Other than the fact that there weren’t too many themes to choose from, I have a lot of control over what kind of things I would like to show up on the pages. That’s great. The biggest advantage of all is that there is no image compression during upload so the picture quality is a lot better and hence the pictures look a lot better than using Picasa.

So, after years of changing my mind and after trying out quite a few different hosts, looks like this is going to be the final home of my web album.

Link to the new, and hopefully final, online album is added to the right. I haven't figured out how to get the slideshow from there to this blog yet. One of these days I'll figure it out. One of these days...

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