Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I can finally call myself an engineer!

That's right. I hv successfully obtained my PEO license.

Got the letter in Monday. Now I'm just working out little details abt wat name to use on my certificate n my stamp, pay the membership fee and wait for a date for the certificate presentation ceremony.

I was a little worried b4 that they may not accept my experience since wat I do hv absolutely nothing to do with wat I studied. But everything's fine. Praise the Lord. :)

I am hoping that I will still b able to get my company to pay my membership fee. It's not cheap. Over 500 bucks!!! I'm not sure if the company will pay for it tho cos I'm on leave right now. But precisely  bcos I'm on leave, it would really b nice if I can recover that amount cos I'm pretty poor right now.

But in any case, it's done n I'm happy. I'm sure my boss will b happy to know it as well bcos he has been bugging me to get licensed since I joiner the company.

Congratulations to myself! Ha!


vics said...

Congrats. Now you are officially qualified to certify people's pictures for their passport applications hahhaa...

BTW, 我要同你備案.費事一陣有風吹到你度你以為我講人是非就唔好啦...

Me: Have you talked with XXX lately?
SS: No, not really.
Me: Do you know that her tummy is gone already? (其實我就唔想直接講係生男定女,所以想婉轉地話"人地個肚都收埋."...點知自己英文唔好..用咗D有機會令人理解錯嘅字眼..)
SS: NO really?? Shxt...(其實佢有咁嘅反應我先意識到有人可能會理解錯...)
Me: 人地個BB都兩個月大喇..
And then he said he's out of the loop... (yeah... u bet...) Anyway I told him to call and go visit u and call KK when he does la.. cuz I have a feeling he hasn't met KK's bb either...but he might be busy la... (well I went back and sms him twice and he never did show up.. so he must be really busy..) he might be in the final stretch to his defence... saying that he might be defending Jan or Feb.. so he might be busy these days...

Anyway... talking about BBs...
The other day... I was chatting with 章魚珍..(quite some time ago actually just remember now.. ;P).told her about your news la...she asked me about pictures about Jasper and I said it's on your blog.. didn't know she didn't know about your blog before.. and then she asked me for it... was gonna ask you... but keep forgetting... so at the end.. I sent her the jasper photo link 打發咗佢..(我諗住ALBUM LINK會好過你個BLOG LINK...BLOG LINK都係問咗你先好D...)佢之後無再覆我....不過好奇佢後來有無自己直接問你...


oily oli said...

WA... ur comments is longer than my entry.
Ya, hvn't talked to either of them lately. I thought that squid knows abt my blog. I remember her left s comment n yrs ago. Well... I guess it's OK to send her the link. Speaking of which, her BBC should b coming out soon. I can't rmb if it's m or f or if she had even told us at gpa's wedding. Probably not cos she was only 3mos at that point.
N ss, I haven't seen/talked to him since gpa's wedding even tho groin town.

U seen to hv lots of time to reconnect with ppl wor. ;)