Monday, November 21, 2011


A few of my married 'frd' on fb ar so proud of their 師奶 status n their cooking ability that they hv to create photo albums, n call them X師奶 cooking record or similar n post pictures of all the food that they hv made.

Number 1: I don't understand y they r so proud to b a 師奶. To me, 師奶 is a 貶義詞。
Number 2: some of the food r just 家常便食送,not that i can make them myself, 但佢地又唔係請我食,post 出來幹嗎?


Dor said...

haaaa, Small Ghost is on fire...I hv hesitation to post my cookery photos from now on XD

Vics said...




oily oli said...

Agree law. As long as they don't post more than twice a week gum I can still accept it. If some ppl really seldom cook n one day they make fried eggs n is proud of himself /herself, then it's OK to post law.

I'm glad that I don't know of anyone who post their husband's. That would probably drive me insane.

So, big sis, as long as u don't post too often, I won't go crazy. ;P