Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Lost in Translation

接咗個 volunteer work, 幫我喺香港既朋友做 translation.

朋友寫緊博士論文,interview 咗一個人,錄咗音,做我 translate 篇嘢做英文。個 interview 成兩粒鐘,translate 喺上黎都幾金,但係幫朋友,無計啦。

其實篇嘢頭三十分鐘已經有人 translate 咗,但我個 friend 叫我佢執一執番篇嘢(話哂我都係放羊之人,不論個 expectation 係 va 唔 valid 都係,人家都 expect 我的英語會好一點)。

問題是,朋友希望我返娘家之前搞掂,orz... 唔係話唔得,但我一係唔做,但既然應承咗人家,當然唔會求其交貨,所以其實都幾 time consuming.

不過,個 interview 既內容都蠻 interesting,加上我從來都未做過呢d咁既 translation 既工作,所以都幾有趣。 ^_^


vics said...

One time I remember I haf to for some reason translate this Tai Chi thing for my aunt...trust me...it wasn't fun at all.... in fact i dun remember if i ever finished it....

oily oli said...

It hasn't been too bad so far. I think ur job must be more difficult. There'll be so many phase/concept that re Tai Chi related that doesn't exist in the English world and therefore no word for it, like 'hot air'.