Saturday, February 4, 2012

Conference Call

I remember 笨 had this post a little while ago ahout how ppl are not concentrating in their conference call.

Now, I'm one of them.

In fact, I'm at a conference call right now.

你唔怪得我架唔尊重佢哋架,個 conference call lasts two days, 尋晚本來話係八點半開始,我等等等,等到十點幾,我一直又email又 txt msg 都無回應,最後成十一點我都熄咗電腦佢哋先 txt 我話原佢哋唔記得咗我,真係 bear 一聲。仲要好意思同我講話佢哋而家完咗,不過食緊消夜,問我仲想唔想同佢哋 conference call, 痴筋架,我老實唔客氣咁同佢哋講話,I'm not gonna watch you guys eat. I've already turned off my computer and I'm going to bed now.

And then this morning, it's supposed to start at 9am. 我已經諗住 skip 開頭嗰 part, 第二 part supposedly 9:30 開始,咁我九點廿幾分上咗,但佢哋可以成十點先開始到。What a waste of my time.

既然佢哋都咁唔睇重個 conference call, 我都無謂咁認真,你話係唔係?

加上d material 我一早就睇過哂,開會班人六個有四個之前都無睇過,又係喺度洒時間 explain 俾d無 prep 到既人聽,in fact, I suspect that I have a better understanding of the material than the presenter.  I really only need to participate in the discussion part, once everybody understands the results (which I hope they will within the next hour or so... orz...)

So, I'm really just sitting in front of my computer, with my "listening" face to pretend that I'm paying attention, while my hands are secretly typing like crazy. haha...


vics said...

Our conference calls are usually just voice calls so no need to even pretend to look interested...
Even if there's video...u really only need to give reaction every now and then...
Some people do the same during face to face meetings i have het to learn that skill...

I dun like it when ppl are not prepared for meetings when they were supposed to....but then that tends to be the usually ppl have meetings to prep for meetings...and then ppl complain about how many meetings they have...but really most of the meeings aren't even necessary....

oily oli said...

Really don't like ppl who doesn't prepare for meeting. Waste so much time to have to brief them about things that I already know. And then the meeting either becomes extra long or unproductive due to the lack of time. 總之就係好白痴