Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Life is definitely very busy now that I'm back to work.
Between work, family and church, I hardly have any time for me self.
And there are so many things that I would like to do - gym, swimming, guitar, drumming, video games, books, baking etc... Too many interests, too little time.
I basically only have about 2 hrs for myself after 小J goes to sleep. And within these two hours, I have to wash dishes, do laundry, tidy the house, shower, work on church stuff. The remaining time (if there's any) isn't even enough to do one of the things that I want to do, so I usually ended up 掛網, 覆吓 email 咁,很多時候,掛了一會兒,就什麼都做不了夠鐘瞓覺。
At least twice a week, I go straight to church after work and won't be home until way past bed time. On those days, I 連掛網的時間也沒有。
I need more hours per day...


vics said...

Well... Church stuff is ur hobby right?? So that is ur "me" time no?? It is not like u get paid for doing the stuff that u do no?? If u dun think it's ur hobby... Then can u just cut back down on the stuff that U have to do for church?? Life is about trade offs no??

Just go back to those stuff when J.Jr grows up a little more lor...

oily oli said...

well... I wouldn't call that my hobby... it's more like my duty... altho sometimes certain things are fun to do as well.
But I don't count those as 'me' time, altho a lot of the prep work were done when I am alone... but then again, when it's a duty, it doesn't count as a hobby anymore.
And cutting back isn't that easy. I can't just throw up my hands and say 'I quit'. Not exactly responsible that way, you know. I did have a bit of down time while J.Jr was super young and certain things fell apart kinda because of that. Not saying that I am so important that they won't survive without me working on it but man-power is pretty limited in a small church...