Thursday, July 4, 2013

Children Mischiefs

I am surprised how the first reaction of parents these day when finding their children doing something weird bad things is to take a photo to post on fb later.

Aren’t they supposed to be stopping their children right the way???Disappointed smile

當然,這些相很多時也真的很好笑,只是有時卻會想想,你影完相之後又駡,會不會 send a mix msg to your kids, 孩子會不會覺得很 confused 呢?


vics said...




oily oli said...


所以咪就係話 sending mix msg to the kids 囉.

And the kids are smart ga, they know they are being pictured/filmed.

But ya, maybe you are right. Maybe parents in the old days do it too but without the mean to share it to the world. I'm sure that it's much less tho cos it's definitely not as easy as pulling out your phone and snap. Unless you have the camera in your pocket at all times, otherwise, you would need to go retrieve the camera and then come back to take the picture.