Saturday, June 12, 2010


星期五係某女子的 last day。

我哋公司分為好幾個 business units, 我個 units 入面又分為幾條 line, 我條 line 入面又分為三個 departments, 我係屬於細 department。而呢個學生係屬於大department,我同佢根本上就係從來都無講過野。

而家佢要走嘞,honestly, I couldn't care less (tell u y below). 但係佢個department買咗張 gift card 俾佢,仲周圍叫人夾$$ chip in, 我無可能話我唔想夾,根本上就係俾佢屈$$。十蚊,我唔係俾唔起,但我唔係發咗達大把要周圍派,無情情要俾十蚊佢,我真係唔想喎。

仲有,佢星期五因為係 last day, 買咗d東甩曲奇咁孝敬吓d同事,但係淨係請佢個 department 食架咋喎,其他人無架喎。不過咁都算嘞,佢都唔知人哋買咗 gift card 俾佢既。但係佢個 department 一眾去食 lunch同佢餞行,無邀請我架喎,咁算點呀?Not that I really want to go spend any more $$, 但令我覺得好不快喎,佢個 department 跟本無當過我係 part of the gang, 出去食飯 social 唔預我,夾錢就計埋我嗰份,當我咩呀?水魚牙?唔係我 cheap, 但俾著係你,你都會覺得俾人搵笨啦,係咪?

另一個原因係令我最不甘心既原因,就係我哋無乜交流都唔緊要,因為如果嗰個department既其他人要走,我都會半樂意夾錢,問題係呢個人本身對我一直都唔友善,平日見到我同佢打招呼佢完全係口黑面黑唔蘇我架囉。星期五我喺公司門口見到佢同另一個女同事一齊行,嗰位女同事轉頭見到我,我同佢揮手,佢又同我揮手,咁呢個離職女轉頭睇吓,我當然又同佢揮手啦,但係佢望咗我一眼,又係口黑面黑咁,跟住拎番轉頭同女同事繼續行,完全無 acknowledge 我既存在。我真係好唔明囉,我幾時踩親佢條尾呀?我個樣係咪真係咁乞佢憎呀?唔係因為我同佢唔係同一個 department 架噃,因為同佢一齊行嗰個直情完全唔係我哋條 business line佢都同人有講有笑,就掙係對我咁衰架啫。我唔覺得我有問題丫,公事其他 business line 既人對我都好友善吓架喎,就遺獨係佢咁討厭我,真係好唔明。基本上,我同佢既關係,比陌生人更差,似我係佢仇人多d。

That's y I said that I couldn't care less if she's gone.


I really wanted to be total ruthless and said that I didn't want to be part of it and that I didn't care if she knew that I wasn't part of it. That's the problem of trying to be civilized.


vics said...

Why can't you just say you don't want to be part of it in a polite way?

Just say you don't really know her that well.

Though I could totally understand how you feel...

There's this guy who left the company. Pretty nice guy, pretty much the only one who initiated talks with me...

Anyway, so my other young colleagues decided to buy him a picture frame with a picture of the ppl in the lab and a bottle of wine. I don't know when they took the picture... so I wasn't in the picture.. there were other ppl who didn't show up for the picture shoot and yet still get their mug shot photoshopped into the picture.. but I wasn't in...

Afterwards.. they asked everyone... in or not in the picture for 2.50e for the wine and the picture frame..

Some bold young guys went, "why the hell do I have to pay for it if I wasn't even in the picture?"

The person who organized it all said, "Well, treat it as paying for the baby of this coworker who's also in the picture..."

Really.. I didn't want to pay.. but then it's just 2.50e....... and the guy was nice to me.. so at the end I choked it down and just pay the 2.50e.

But seriously.... since the girl wasn't that nice to you.. just tell whomever is collecting the money that either you don't really know her or you don't want to be part of it due to your financial situation. Just say you'll go there to give her a bear hug instead. Or you have already sent her your farewell vibe....

oily oli said...

講就容易。好令人覺得你唔係因為 cheap 要好有技巧囉 ,尤其是我唔可以話因為佢對我d態度唔好所以我唔想夾錢,呢個係我同兩個人次間既問題,好難解釋俾第三者聽架嘛。人哋第三者點會信我丫,佢對其他人唔係咁衰架嘛... sigh... 無辦法啦,唉,錢都俾咗,我都係 complain 吓啫...

Janet said...

ha~we always joke abt similar situation in my old day, when it's your turn to leave office, u'll get your $$ back, haha XXXD

oily oli said...

I highly doubt that I would get ANYTHING back if I leave. My direct supervisor is not a generous person at all. I doubt that I would even get a farewell lunch IF I'm leaving. But then if I'm leaving, I probably would be happy enough that I don't care if I'm getting any farewell freebies!