Saturday, November 5, 2011


As of Tue, I'm officially a 艱難大人!
The ceremony was pretty relax cos I was just one of the many who were there.
N I realized that it was the first time I sang the whole 'O 艱難大'.
Thx for 詹占,小J, 海倫媽媽同詹妹出席呢個ceremony.
海倫媽媽 was more excited than I was. :)


vics said...

congrats. Jpr was a canadian before you hohoho... nice new pics btw. But why was his tummy so big... R said J looked like budha....

oily oli said...

I was supposed to b Canadian b4 him but the day of my original ceremony was right when I was still in hospital so beat me to it.
His belly wasn't _that_ big but the moment we took the picture, he pushed it right out. That pic makes Mr laugh cos he looked so serious as well. Heh