Wednesday, February 20, 2013


It’s weird that the other day two of my friends who are slightly older than me talked about botox. One of them tried and really liked it and she was telling us all about her experience and the other told us about her friend’s experience on botox and such.

I found it weird in two ways.

1st, I always thought that botox is something that you do in secret and not letting anybody knows. Even if someone suspects you, you deny it. It’s like you would never admit that you have had plastic surgery. So I found it kinda weird that these two ladies so openly discussed it and in such a positive way. And the discussing was in public as well, there were other people around who could hear us (my one friend is kinda loud).

2nd, this is my first time to have friends who actually do botox (as far as I know, some of them maybe doing it secretly. heh). It must mean that I’m getting old that me and my friends need to start thinking about botox. Orz…

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