Monday, December 22, 2008


大籮人本來已經唔係 my favorite person in the world, 而佢個出黎既野總係令我更加唔鐘意佢.

佢做嗰個 project 未做完但佢由今個星期開始放假放兩個星期,個 report 今個星期三要搞掂,咁佢未做完既野就當然又係由我做啦,(個個做唔完嗰d嘢次次都係塞哂俾我,好討厭),不過都算,d嘢都唔算係太難跟.

星期五下午,佢就開始 transferd嘢俾我,本來都冇乜嘢既,點知佢最後同我講話,"你唔好做得咁快呀,你做得太快大粒只會俾更多嘢你做.最好你就拖到 last minute 先做完呢,咁大粒就唔可以將d嘢改黎改去." 有冇搞錯呀你!你真係好嘢囉你!你條死八公,唔怪得之你做唔切啦,原來喺度拖,就正正因為你條死粉腸d咁既PK工作態度,依家我要執你手尾.聽到佢講呢句嘢既一刻,真係有破口大罵既衝動.

仲要呢話,"Trust me, he's gonna change things." Trust 你就瞓直啦.我駛鬼你講我知大粒鐘意d嘢改完又改牙,我喺度做唔耐得過你?大粒既脾性我會唔知?One of the many things that I dislike him is that 佢成日以為自己好醒,trust you, trust 你個頭!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought your big boss change stuff regardless of when you hand it in ka la. If you give it to him earlier, he would wait until the last minute to change. Even if you give it to him the last minute, he would still change it then.... no? What kind of logic does your coworker have then?