Monday, December 8, 2008

Albums Update


More to come...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh I forgot to leave my name in my last comment tim... oh well..
I don't like picasa's commenting system... do I really have to sign up for a new account just to leave comments??

The paper really made out of sheep poo?? The fonts too small, my eyesight is not that great, can't really read w/o sticking my nose to the LCD. Do they smell still?

Sally Lynn.. I think I might have been there... I only went for lunch though.. I thought the buns were OK.. tho I don't remember how they tasted like any more... but I thought they were OK ka. At least my friend and I went there cuz her friend said it's good and famous la.

OH.. and I think my friend might have tasted the water from Bath hahahaa even tho they said not good for health... or she might have just touched it... hahhahaa forgot... But yeah, you can still see bubbles in the picture where you said they just focus on the main bath in the pamphlets... I remember that place... hohoho.