Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Pregnant Bunny and the Cruise's Family

Two night ago, I dreamt that I owed a bunny. One day the bunny told me in the form of written message on a paper that Johnny Depp's ship (named something something "sud" but I forgot the rest of the name) was going to pick her up and she's going to board the ship and leave me. But she also told me that she gave birth to a male bunny, which would act on her behalf as my pet.

In my dream, it felt totally normal that my bunny told me all these. Told 詹占 about it, he laughed and said that a bunny that talks was not normal. In my defence, I corrected him that the bunny didn't actually talk but she wrote everything down on a piece of paper and 詹占 laughed even harder...

Last night, I dreamt of Tom Cruise's family. Tom Cruise was a very nice person in my dream. Invited me to his house and all that. They were supposed to be in town for like 10 days and so they bought a house down the street from where I live. Suri was a bit of a retard in my dream. Being 2 years old and still couldn't walk and talk. Katie Holmes totally freaked out when she saw me walking on the street (on my way home) and she kept screaming, "How come you are living on the street?" And she went to tell Tom Cruise that it's so awful that I was living on the street. I had to seriously explain to Tom Cruise that I was NOT living on the street. I was walking back home, which was just down the street. And no, I did not own the place. I rent the basement apartment in that house. He seemed very amazed that ppl are still renting in these days.

Random. Wonder y my mind is so random.


Anonymous said...

Man, you watched too much movies. Or you have been following the Hollywood gossips too much.

Did Mr. Cruise invite your family over for dinner and try to lure you into Scientology? Well... from your description, it sounds like Suri's mom was more of a retard than the kid in your dream.

Anonymous said...

haha, dreams r always wired ga la:P